Ellen Gordon, OT
Archived Q&A and Reviews
Experiences with Ellen Gordon, OT
May 2009
Hi - we're considering Ellen Gordon for OT for mild motor planning delay. Would love feedback about her or other OT specialist in the Oakland area. Thank You
Ellen worked her magic on my daughter when she was little. Her heart is H U G E and she is avery gentle and talented OT. I absolutely recommend her. V.
I highly recommend Ellen Gordon for Occupational Therapy. My preschool son has been seeing her for a year and is getting ready to graduate. Her loving attention and therapy has helped him learn how to process stimulus calmly. She has supported him and me through some difficult school behaviors and helped him greatly to gain control of his responses. She worked with both the school and I to learn how to understand and work with him to help everyone feel more positive. She established a strong and caring relationship with him and has been like a life coach as well as an OT. She works from her home and my son feels like it is a second home. Her style is warm and caring rather than high-tech or clinical. Happy with our OT
July 2003
Re: Gail Gordan O/T
My son was referred to both Gail Gordon and another private OT Ellen Gordon (not related). The neuro psychologist from oakland Children's Hosp who tested our son gave us both names, but prefered Ellen. We chose Ellen because i had a better feeling about her on the phone. And she's in Oakland which is closer to home. For a second opinion, you might consider Ellen. She's very casual, works out of her home in oakland. But she is very sincere and knowledgable. Did my son get a lot out of OT? It's really hard to say. He still struggles (11 yrs old) with sensory integration issues (hand writing, anything with a ball) and has been diagnosed with a ''non-verbal learning disability''. My son went to Ellen for a year from 7 to 8 yrs old. There is no magic cure for any of this stuff, you just have to try different things, get good references and don't stay too long if it doesn't feel right or produce identifiable results within 3-6 months. That's my 2 cents! Good luck. Her # is 510-530-6586 Good luck. Stay calm. another mom
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