Advice about Exhaustion & Fatigue

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  • I’m in my early 40s with two young kids, and though I have always felt “deeply exhausted,” more recently I have felt such deep deep levels of exhaustion that it has caught me a bit off guard.  No amount of sleep makes me feel better, and I’m beginning to feel pain in my body.  

    I don’t eat well nor do I exercise - I’m just trying to juggle life is an active mother, lawyer, cook, cleaner, etc. 

    What I’m looking for is a functional medicine doctor that can help me through what I’m hoping to be a journey to good health.  Maybe even a message therapist too? I want to fix this, but I don’t know where to start really.  

    Strong believer in functional medicine. It helped me get my life back a few years ago. I really liked Dr. Teresa Tsingus. She's super knowledgeable, empathetic, and practical. You can find her here:

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with this!

    My advice would be to start with a health coach that can help you safely and gently make susutainable changes around nutrition and exercise. Functional medicine should hopefully emphasize those things as well but may also recommend expensive supplements or tests that won't help if nutrition and exercise aren't part of your routine. It might also be worth putting that money towards more support for cleaning, cooking, etc. I would also recommend a mental health therapist if possible - even if this isn't depression they can also help you with the mental component of exhaustion! (from another overworked tired mom of 2)

    Been there! Check out InWella ( - they helped me tremendously with my exhaustion related to perimenopause, amongst issues with my weight, stress, brain fog, and general inflammation. They're amazing, and work virtually. They run all of the right tests and provide a clear, easy to follow plan with tons of support. :) Good luck! 

    This could be a simple issue to solve, such as a b12 deficiency, so you could start with bloowork with your regular doctor while you wait to get in to a new one!

    Might also be a good idea to get your thyroid levels checked, especially if there is a history of hypothyroidism in your family. 

    I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling with the deep exhaustion. I’ve been in a similar situation, though I of course can’t say if my root causes are the same as yours. Mine were sleep apnea, adrenal fatigue, and being in “fight or flight” mode for way too long as a result of untreated anxiety. 
    Definitely check w your Western Dr for bloodwork (I second the suggestion to ask for a complete thyroid panel!) and also check out Christine Dao LAc (licensed acupuncturist) and Dr Todd Maderis. I worked with both of them for years for my health when no Western Dr could find out what was wrong with me and essentially sent me the silent messages of “it’s all in my head”. Needless to say, that wasn’t helpful. But Christine and Todd WERE helpful. Wishing you answers and better health. 

    My local Naturopath, Dr. Katherine Monahan, specializes in women beyond 25 and helping them feel better. She has helped me on numerous occasions over the past four years related to many issues. When i was at my wit's end, she was able to sort out options and solutions. She is kind, empathetic, caring and a very good, clear-headed problem solver. I highly encourage you to reach out to her.

    Katherine Monahan (she/her)

    Naturopathic Doctor

    Remedy Natural Medicine

    katherine [at] (katherine[at]remedynaturalmedicine[dot]com)


    Hi there - I’ve been working with Dr. Amy Nett since April and she’s been hugely helpful in making manageable adjustments to lifestyle that have led to significant improvements in my energy levels (also an exhausted lawyer Mom of 3 and 1). One simple thing she’s recommended has been incorporating a protein rich breakfast (overnight oats or chia pudding with both a scoop of protein and a scoop of collagen( and eating to be more mindful of blood sugar balance (eg 3 solid meals with protein and fiber, rather than the quick snacks that don’t sustain me). 

    We’re still refining my plan but I already feel much better.

    Good luck!

  • My 15 year old daughter has had many of the symptoms of CFS for about a year. Joint pain, always exhausted, brain fog, daily dizziness, and night sweats. Kaiser has done many tests and everything is normal. I know CFS (or Lyme) is hard to diagnose or treat. Ugh. Any recommendations for what we should do?

    So sorry to hear about your daughter! We have been struggling with the same thing. It started with dizziness/POTS and brain fog for my 15-year-old daughter; then she got the flu and since then she has had daily headache/migraine and chronic fatigue and brain fog. It's been over 18 months now. She has a diagnosis of post-viral syndrome because she had mono before this all started. You have to see specialists because primary care wants to simplify it to only anxiety/depression. We have been waiting for a year to get into the Center for Complex Diseases in Palo Alto which focuses on CFS. If you think its Lyme, I suggest Dr. Sunja Schweig. Is your daughter able to go to school? My daughter had to pull out of high school for a semester which was very difficult because she is ambitious. She's back in again this year, but has just had a CFS "crash" and has missed 1 week of school and this week isn't looking good either. I'd love to connect with anyone else going through this to share info/ideas.

    I had low-level chronic fatigue for several years for what turned out to be a low-level infection caused by a cracked tooth. My dentist mentioned fixing it, but since it wasn't causing pain, I let it go. As it turned out, the crack was allowing bacteria to enter my system, causing the infection and fatigue. Once the tooth was fixed and I had a round of antibiotics, my energy was back. Thus, my advice is also check with the dentist for any possible sources of bacteria/infection.

    Sorry you and your daughter are going through this. There is always an underlying reason for CFS.  Allopathic medicine is not great at finding the underlying cause.  Naturopathic/Integrative medicine focuses on identifying root causes.
    I’m not a doctor, but the symptoms that you mention could be the result of hormonal imbalances and hormonal imbalance could be caused by many things, Lyme as you mentioned, but also toxic exposure like mold, mycotoxins, heavy metals.  The DUTCH test is s dried urine test that tests hormone levels and adrenal function. Tests can also be run to look at heavy metal and mycotoxin burden. A naturopathic doctor is out of pocket and can get expensive, but they have a tool kit that can address the issues you mention. Think about what happened before her symptoms started.  Did she have Covid, Mono or another virus?   Did she start or stop any medications? Did you make any changes to your house such as new furniture, mattress or construction? Review what personal care products are used and changes to diet. A doctor looking for the root cause will ask these types of questions. I do not have personal experience with the following doctors, but I know they work on complex chronic illness, Dr. Elizabeth Korza in Piedmont and Gordon Medical Associates in San Rafael. Good Luck and hang in there!

    I'm so sorry that your daughter is suffering. Kaiser is not at all good at handling CFS. I suggest asking them to test her for Postural Orthostatic Intolerance (POTS). There are treatments that Kaiser should be able to offer if she does have POTS that will help with the dizziness, temperature regulation issues, and sometimes brain fog. Also check out the organization Solve ME/CFS Initiative. They have a fact sheet on CFS in adolescents that might be helpful to you and your daughter's Kaiser doc. The website has some helpful tips about how your daughter can manage her limited energy.

    I also recommend trying to get in to the Center for Complex Diseases in Mountain View. I have heard there is a very long waitlist, but the doctors there are very familiar with these symptoms, they know what to look for and test for, and, most importantly, they can offer some treatments that can make a huge difference. They don't take any insurance, so it is all out of pocket and very expensive, and it can be hard to talk Kaiser into covering the medications, but if you can swing it, please do try. They have made a world of difference for me in my long CFS journey. Good luck, and I am wishing your daughter the best. 

    I'm so sorry that your daughter--and your family--are going through this. Dr. Todd Maderis, at Marin Natural Medicine (in Larkspur, but phone and video appointments are regularly used), could be the right person to help. He treats patients holistically and has deep knowledge of and access to tests that a Kaiser physician, for example, wouldn't. He definitely provides individualized medicine. I've worked with him for years for a variety of complicated health challenges that traditional/western doctors either dismissed (with the "bubble" over their head silently telling me I was crazy as the traditional blood tests found nothing wrong) or wanted to treat me with antidepressants. Dr. Maderis also successfully treated a very dear friend and both her daughter and step-daughter (as teenagers) for very bad cases of Lyme and other complicated illnesses. I recommend him without reservation. Best of luck and may your daughter be on the road to feeling healthier very soon. 

    I'm so sorry for your daughter.... it's really challenging to be dealing with something like this at her age. My teenage daughter had similar symptoms and after a lot of tests and doctor visits, she was finally diagnosed with POTS. She was definitely dismissed by a few doctors, but it was clear to us that something was wrong. If you suspect it could be POTS, you could Google "poor man's tilt table test" and follow instructions to see how positional changes affect her hear rate. If it's concerning, I would ask Kaiser to perform a tilt table test and/or refer her to Stanford's Autonomic Disorders program. 

    So sorry to hear your daughter is struggling with these issues. Has she been checked for Multiple Sclerosis? If not, I would push for an MRI to see since the symptoms have been going on for so long. MS is not something that can be done through a blood test). It is not common for people under 20 to get MS but it does happen (I know a couple of people). (I'm 54 and have had it for 21 years). All but night sweats are some of the most common symptoms of MS. Please feel free to get my info from the moderator if you want to get in touch. Good luck.

    This is how I felt when I had severe iron-deficiency anemia. It went undiagnosed for years! I had celiac disease, and they checked me for everything else and amended all of my other deficiencies, but they relied on my hemoglobin score to check for iron-deficiency, which is only 25% sensitive for iron-deficiency, instead of a ferritin test. I'm still so mad thinking about it. So, make sure that you do a ferritin test for anemia. I will say that celiac disease can make you feel like this too. I didn't have any gastrointestinal symptoms so nobody ever thought I had celiac disease, so don't dismiss that as a potential diagnosis either.

    Dear Mom,

    Your daughter is so fortunate to have you as her parent. (As a parent, I know it's tough for us both when our kid --even if full grown -- has a health challenge that no one can get to the bottom of).   I wasted a lot of $ trying to find out about the various aspects of my autoimmunity challenges --Chronic Fatigue being one of them--Note: My mom was from a very different world/generation & she did all she could but didn't know how to search for answers.  I work with Dr. Akil Palanisamy, graduate of Harvard Medical School, who is now located in Sacramento and currently NOT accepting new patients.  (He/the Sutter system-- takes my Blue Cross/Blue Shield ..& most other insurances, including Medicare...but probably not Kaiser) Why not call his office and ask if he knows of someone here in bay area.  (916) 887-4660  He practiced in Marin local for a long time before moving to Sacramento.   Also, you might find -- I got a gluten-intolerance test because of Eileen Laird and it showed I was celiac. Eliminating gluten certainly helps me.   --- All the best.

  • A person who I am in part responsible in caring for (mid 20's) has suddenly developed incapacitating daily, horrible, electric headaches, gets out of breath walking even a block (before this he regularly ran ten or more miles no problem), has trouble concentrating, can barely read a few pages without getting wiped out (as a humanities grad student he normally reads several books a day).  He went to the ER where they said he needs to get head MRI and a neurologist--can anyone recommend any particular neurologists (not Kaiser), and if there are other specialists that might be appropriate?

    Thank you very much.

    I highly recommend the neurology practice at UCSF, if his insurance covers them and he can go to their office on Parnassus in SF. They can also do remote appointments (but will probably only do that for follow up, first appointment probably needs to be in person). 


    They should consider getting a primary care provider who can help them with these referrals, do initial blood work, and monitor over time. I recommend One Medical or Carbon Health or Berkeley Outpatient Center as some options for this. Is it possible they had COVID or mono? Any psychological stressors that might always warrant therapy? Start with the PCP and then go from there! 

    While you're on this journey, you might want to look for a lyme literate doctor just to consider tick borne / vector borne disease in the mix. What you are describing sounds like lyme and co-infections. You can check out the Bay Area Lyme Foundation or ILADS for provider recommendations (Kaiser is a non-starter with lyme disease). Good luck.

    Honestly, I would suggest going back to the ER immediately, have him fall on the floor if he needs to. They should have done the MRI while he was there and at least some blood work! That is just crazy and I hope you are able to get him seen ASAP to rule out anything crazy. Those symptoms are not typical, get to ER ASAP. 

    This sounds like me before I got my celiac disease diagnosis. I was very malnourished---deficient in B12, C, riboflavin, iron, etc., and that caused all of those symptoms you are describing. It's taken time to rebuild the villi my small intestine and rebuild my nutrient levels, but the celiac disease was why I got headaches, had exercise intolerance, fuzzy brain, rapid heartbeat, debilitating exhaustion, etc. The first step is a blood test, so I'd do that first before getting an MRI or anything like that. They can do a celiac panel, but they can also check for vitamin and nutrient deficiencies (e.g., ferritin for his iron levels). I did NOT have any gastrointestinal symptoms that would have pointed towards a celiac disease diagnosis, and this is not unusual in celiac patients. Good luck!

  • I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalitis (CFS/ME) and a host of other related health issues. I am getting great care from a medical doctor who specializes in these disorders, but I need a new PCP for regular health care unrelated to CFS/ME. I’m looking for someone who I can see for preventive care, mammograms, injuries, etc., who will not be dismissive of me because of the CFS/ME diagnosis. I need someone who understands that CFS/ME is a real disease and is willing to be educated about it if not already aware of recent research developments, who will not tell me that everyone is tired, it is stress-related, it is in my head, or try to refer me for mental health care, and who is comfortable with me getting unconventional (but helpful) treatment from my specialist. Anyone in a similar position who loves their PCP? Anyone who just plain loves their PCP and thinks that they’d be open to working with me? Thank you!

    I don’t have any recommendations, but am in the same boat as you are! Right now I’m in a remission period, but have relapsed several times in my life. Nobody seems to understand what it is or how it affects my care.

    I've had the same problem finding a primary care doctor knowledgeable in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS). Because Stanford has an ME/CFS clinic, there may be some primary docs there who are more knowledgeable (and Stanford has an outpost in Emeryville). Also, Marcey Shapiro in Albany is an integrative MD who understands ME/CFS and does some primary care such as well woman exams, preventative care, etc., but she's out of network for all plans

  • I am sort of at a loss. I'm almost 44, no idea when my mom went through menopause or what her symptoms were. I have never been a morning person, and always found it hard to get out of bed in the morning or function for the first hour or so. But lately it's gotten WAY worse. It doesn't matter how much sleep I get. how good the sleep is, how much exercise I get, how much sugar I eat... I CANNOT get out of bed in the morning. Even if I've gotten 10 hours of sleep!

    Is this peri-menopause? Something else? Any ideas? I take vitamins, I eat healthy, I don't have much caffeine, and I've had my iron tested and I'm fine. 

    My doctor doesn't know what to do. Has anyone else experienced this??

    Have you had your thyroid checked? Hypothyroidism is pretty common and fatigue, among other things, is a side effect.  Ask your doctor to order you at least TSH and free T3, if you haven’t had those labs run. 

    I am in early menopause at age 42 and fatigue was definitely a symptom. I went on hormone replacement therapy and it has helped so much. Are you working with an OB/gyn? That would be the doctor to ask about whether the fatigue is related to perimenopause. The OB/gyn can test your hormone levels to see if you’re entering perimenopause.

    The other thing you should have checked is your thyroid hormones. Hypothyroid is a common cause of fatigue in middle aged women. I’m surprised your doctor didn’t think to check it. Treatment is very simple for most people (daily thyroid hormone pill).

    I'm 50 and have been in perimenopause for some years. I've also always been a night owl, and I definitely have even more trouble getting going in the morning than I used to. But what you're experiencing sounds more extreme.  If there haven't been any changes in your daily routines (diet, exercise, sun exposure) my first guess would be a thyroid problem.  I have a number of friends whose first symptoms of an ill-functioning thyroid arose during pregnancy, but any hormonal change, presumably including perimenopause, could be a trigger!

    That's exactly how I felt when I had undiagnosed thyroid disease. Have you had your thyroid checked? (And not just the TSH, but also Free T3 & T4 and anti-thyroid antibodies?) You might try asking your doctor to refer you to an endocrinologist. 

    I have *exactly* the same issues, same age, same experience with getting blood work done. I'm at a loss. I'm looking into the DUTCH test. 

    I felt similar for last couple years starting at 44 too.  I tried B12 and antidepressants, ect ect .. The worst was the brain fog that accompanied it. On a whim I asked for sleep study. Diagnosed w sleep apnea. First night using cpap machine was drastic improvement. I am shocked how this helped.  

    Hi, have you had your thyroid levels checked? (TSH, T3, T4 & antibodies) Fatigue is a pretty classic symptom of hypothyroidism.

    I would suggest seeking out a yoga therapist or another type of holistic wee-care provider.You can visit the International Association of Yoga Therapist to find one near you.

  • If you had this problem and recognize yourself in my description please comment from your own experience. 

    I am so tired, do not know what to do. I had always been very sensitive, reacting to everything but over the last few years when I approached mid40s and all hormonal premenopausal changes after a very stressful life it became very bad. It is like constant PMS. Every tiny little negative thing hurts me a lot, way out of proportion to a stressor. It is like if I had no skin emotionally. Every rude word, every even little stress, every sad news I heard on TV, even listening to a sad song can make me cry. 

    My ability to handle stress has disappeared now. It is one of symptoms of adrenal fatigue syndrome-have all the other symptoms too and cortisol test confirmed. I am exhausted, anxious and depressed all the time. 

    It is so hard to function like that. I am overreacting all the time. Little things which most people would easily ignore, make me sad for days or weeks. I do my best to avoid negative people and do not listen to sad news on TV if I can. 

    I work in medical field so it is very stressful and patients LOVE me because of that extra compassion and empathy that I feel their pain and do my best to relieve it. But downside is that I suffer from this, getting sad all the time and those overwhelming emotions interfere with my ability to function. 

    I am a single mom of a teenager. Have a dog. Tried so far without success: therapy for 6 months each with 2 therapists (CBT and EMDR), meditation, light exercise, healthy food, vitamins, limiting negativity (from TV, newspapers and staying away from negative angry people), herbal calming teas. Helped a little only increasing sleep time and doing less work/going on vacation but finances do not allow to decrease work anymore. 

    Please how to get this "thick skin"? How to became calm and happy and a little numb to pain? How to care less? Was anyone able to achieve it? I do not want to become heartless or indifferent but I want to stop suffering from every little thing. Were you able to overcome it and to become calm? 

    Please do not suggest meds, or going to the doctor or taking hormones. Would like to find natural, not chemical solution. 

    I used to feel the same. In my case it was depression manifesting itself as overly sensitive. Once I started taking steps to compat depression such as creating a social network, making exercise a priority, I am starting to feel better. I also found I need to eat low to no carbs in the morning (makes me more energetic during the day) and have carbs only for dinner to help the adrenal fatigue.

    You mention light exercise but I would try heavy exercise - HIIT, spinning anything that keeps your working really hard, ramp up slowly.

    I know you didn't want meds, but FWIW a low 30mg dose of cymbalta really works me,

    I hear you. I'm there too, about to turn 45 and feeling sad, and pissed off, all the time.  Thinking about when I feel good: when I'm hiking, and when I'm with my women friends.  My advice (to you and myself) is consciously schedule and protect time with other women.  Schedule dates together, hikes, dinners, breakfast, whatever you can get on the calendar. Get it on there and don't make it the first that gets dropped when something "more urgent" comes up. good luck and hugs to you. we can get through this!  

    Dear Friend; here is my experience: After going into peri-menopause, I found myself having anxiety attacks, and way over-reacting to even the slightest thing. I immediately started looking at my emotional life and wondering why I was feeling the way I did. Meanwhile, my blood pressure was going way up, and I was also diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Argh! Thank heavens, I chanced into a solution, and the understanding which came with it; here's how: Looking at my blood pressure and blood sugar, my doctor suggested I go on a diet, assuming that the root cause was weight gain. It turned out she was wrong, but I decided to go on yet another diet. I can't really tell you why I chose the Atkins diet, but I did, and as soon as I started to read about the effect of carbohydrates on blood pressure, I knew I had hit pay dirt. Although I am unable to find any research on it, it is clear to me that estrogen helps us metabolize carbohydrates, and the dropping estrogen levels of menopause leave us suddenly unable to handle what had been normal loads. Too much blood sugar yields too much cortisol, excess weight, stress on the system, and the rest. After radically decreasing carbohydrates in my diet, and increasing exercise to at least 1/2 hour per day x6 days per week, my anxiety attacks went away, and my blood pressure and blood sugar stabilized. (I also take lots of supplements: co-enzyme Q-10, taurine, arginine and magnesium.) Best to you!

    Sounds like your level of empathy is quite high, which can be great for others but really hard on you. I feel burdened to take on the emotions of others as well and found a lot of practical and spiritual advice from a book called Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend- I think that's how you spell their names. It teaches about placing proper Boundaries of responsibility around your life which is especially important for empaths. I'm sorry you re feeling so much weight on your shoulders.

    Hi There. I can totally relate. I'm 45 and the last 5 years have been brutal. Here are a few things that have helped me. 

    * Cut back on caffeine, white carbs, dairy and refined sugar. Mostly I eat paleo, though do have some carbs after a hard workout.

    * Hard workouts with weight training. I like circuit style HIIT classes, but there are tons of great boot camps, cross fit gyms etc. The heavy weight lifting and intense cardio is key... though I'm not sure why.

    * Allow myself to not be so nice and maybe even embrace it a bit. (Why do I have to be so damn nice all the time?)  Maybe even saying to people "I'm kind of cranky right now so bear with me." or "Crap, I'm stressed out. I know this shouldn't be freaking me out, but yeah.. it is. Can you help?"

    * Opting out of any social situations that drain me. This was a hard one for me to figure out because by my nature I'm social, but realized that many friendships and social groups were exhausting me.

    * Figuring out something I love to do right now for fun and making time each week to do it. (I'm taking an improv class.) Ideally something that is a bit out of your normal exhausting routine. One friend is taking a dance class, another making sure she paints each week. Another friend goes on a hike 2x week... etc.

    * For me, having lunch one on one with a different friend 1 or 2 times a week has been really helpful. I like the one on one connection... and it seems a lot of women in their 40's are struggling. It's nice to have a partner in misery. :)

    * If I can fit it in, a 1-2 hour nap in the middle of the day is useful. 

    Hope that helps!

    Your experience sounds very similar to my own. I often find that when all else fails, it's that I'm lacking community and a sense of support from those around me. It takes a ton of effort these days, but I suggest very actively seeking out friends, meetup groups, classes, and close connections. Nothing reduces stress for me like doing something fun or relaxing with a friend and authentically connecting. Talking about problems doesn't seem to help nearly as much as doing something fun and nourishing together, like cooking, crafting, going on a little adventure outdoors, or something of that nature. We really have to try to stay connected to our communities in the modern world, if we are even lucky enough to have them!

    I hope that is helpful, and if you are in need of a friend I would be happy to meet!

    First off, I really appreciate your writing and sharing this.  It's inspirational to see this level of self-awareness in the middle of what sounds frankly like hell.  

    I haven't experienced the degree of what you describe, but I feel that I've experienced a lighter/lesser form -- maybe early stages of what you describe?  If I'm right, then I hope this helps.  If not then please know I only mean to help:

    When I feel closest to what you describe, the first thing I do is catch up on sleep.  I normally don't feel that I need it that badly, but it always turn out that given the opportunity I will sleep for 10-11 hours straight.  Sometimes it takes a week or more to be able to get the time, and sometimes I find myself lying awake for an hour or more before I can sleep, but given a solid night's sleep, I always feel different the next day.  (A couple extra nights make a difference too, even though that's not normally possible.)

    That usually gives me the ability the next day to do some other self-care: hydrate, get a bit of exercise, even take half a day off work.  It all compounds, and soon I feel able to start thinking bigger about solutions.

    Now, you've tried most of this, it sounds like, without (enough) success, so I guess I would just ask: have you tried getting as much sleep in a night as your body will allow you to get?  When things get bad for me, "a little more" sleep doesn't do it.  It's got to be like a fourteen-hour stretch of winding down, falling asleep, and knowing that I don't have to wake up until I'm done sleeping.

    Then I experience not that I'm a little more numb, but rather that the "gain" on my inputs is no longer pegged at 11. I mean: after a ton of sleep, everything feels normal instead of so unnaturally intense.

    If it's adrenal fatigue:

    • You've gone through a lot of the options, but please note you will have to keep at them for a  long time to see results. Sometimes there's a gradual change and sometimes you need more to get relief.
    • I do recommend you continue with exercise--30 minutes walking your dog each day, especially in daylight, during which time you focus on being in the moment and turn thoughts away from other issues. 
    • You could consult a naturopath or acupuncturist to get  supplements to address adrenal fatigue. 
      This does pose some risks: supplements are not well regulated, are of variable potency, and may be contaminated.  Please use only supplements from a reliable company that has its products tested by a 3rd party, and use no supplements sourced from China or Hong Kong--far too risky.

    Adrenal fatigue may not be the only issue:

    • Sounds like me about 20 years ago, even before menopause: as if I had no skin or emotional resilience, despite 20 (expensive!) years of therapy.

      Here's what I've learned: To stay in balance, our bodies constantly adjust a complex brew of chemicals and hormones.  You are already living with a bad chemical mix that is "unnatural."  Instead of "nature=good, chemical=bad," think in terms of "healthy & effective" versus "unhealthy or ineffective." 

      Respectfully, if "natural" remedies aren't working, re-think your assumptions and expand your options. I was very much opposed to using antidepressants, afraid they would make me someone else.  Instead, they've reduced my hypersensitivity and given me more resilience; they help me function and I've had no side effects.  Also, I needed no hormones, herbs, or medication to endure menopause.  I don't know if they'd work for you.  But just remember, whether it's herb teas, supplements, therapy, or prescriptions, it's all an attempt to rewire your body and alter your chemical mix in one form or another.

    Good luck!

    Sweetie - since you have just started down the long road to menopause, you really need to make sure you have a good support system around you.  6 months of therapy is not really long enough to see results, try it for a longer period of time.  If you are not finding yourself connecting to the therapist, interview a few to find the one that will work for you.  It can take a bit of time to get that connection.  Have you tried Yoga?  When did you have a recent physical?  While I get you really do not want to go on meds,  or go to the doctor, you really need to ask your physician for a more natural way to approach this change in life.  There are several over the counter items out there that could help.   Remember to breathe, especially in those moments when you recognize you are having stress and overreacting.  You say you have a teen at home but do not mention how that relationship is going for you.    As for the thick skin, that comes with time and practice but put yourself first.  Nothing is an overnight success and being kind to yourself is important.  Sometimes you have to walk away from a situation so you do not get overly involved.  Accept the fact that you cry more easily.  Going through the change of life is not easy but you can work through it.  While I don't know you, I venture to bet you are basically a very nice, kind, lovely person.    Find joy and peace in little things to start.  Best to you and good luck.  

    I am an older mom that has worked in the medical field since 1990. I too suffer from exhaustion and being overly sensitive. I’ve done a couple of things that have helped me grow emotionally so I don’t go down that road. Exercise and good food with plenty of protein and veggies helps. The biggest change is using dialectical behavior therapy techniques. I didn’t use a therapist because they are pricey, I just use a work book. It’s possible to stop the negative thoughts and make a happier life. I so wished I had these tools when I was younger. You are welcome to contact directly for more details. 

    Being in the medical firld I am sure you have some exposure to the concept of mind-body connection. Therapy will not fix your issues. Developing coping skills will only take you so far. As a mom of three kids under 10 and being in the premenopausal ( and  older than you) stage, I urge you to reconsider the option of  getting a GOOD holistic or functional medicine doctor to work out a plan of balanicing your hormones through a combination of nutrition, supplements, the right type of exercise and if needed, bioidentical hormones. To deprive yourself of all healthy options available to you is like telling you to do a marathon with one leg. Sure, theoretically, you could hop 26.2 miles, but why would you choose to do that to yourself?  A functional medicine, holistic or osteopathic doctor will not push Big Pharma solutions, but will get to root causes and fix those over a reasonable period of time. You will return to a more balanced,  grounded place within yourself and how you are in the world by nurturing all aspects of your life and taking stock of the comprehensive changes that need to be made. Embrace all healthy options available to you and be kind to yourself. Your spirit resides in your body, and if your hormones are all out of whack, no psychological or cogntive intervention will give you the inner peace, resilience and stability you seek. I’ve been there and continue to work on it. Take care of yourself, but it will have to be on a body, mind and soul level. Best of luck to you!

    I'm also very sensitive to other people's emotional states -- I think it's true of all highly empathetic people -- so I can understand both why your patients adore you and why you find it so exhausting!

    I know you've already tried two therapists, but I do know and have worked with a truly extraordinary therapist in East Bay, Jurgen Braungardt (braungardt [at]  

    The other form of therapy I've always thought might be effective for highly sensitive people (but haven't tried) is solution-focused therapy, which asks patients when they've felt relief even for a brief time (eg, for an alcoholic, when was the last time he or she stayed sober for even a few hours?) and then builds off that positive experience.  Here's a description from Wikipedia:

    I hope one or both of these is helpful!  I really would recommend reaching out to Jurgen -- he's incredibly compassionate and effective.

  • By the time my child was 2.5 I stopped sleeping well--after the first two years of normal wake ups with a baby and for nursing. Now two more years have passed and I still can't get enough sleep. I have been prescribed medications that make me sleep but don't address the underlying cause. Does anyone know of a good Naturopath who can diagnose and treat what I am guessing is adrenal fatigue/HPA Axis dysfunction?

    I don't know of a naturopath (I mistrust them because of their anti-vaccination stances), but let me tell you, I cured my sleep problems with a trip to the dispensary. You just ask for a mostly- or all-indica strain, explain you need to sleep -- I cannot tell you how this has changed my life. Suddenly I get enough sleep, which cascades into an incredible number of benefits. Your regular G.P. should be able to write you a letter for the card. If not, you can go to and get one from them. 

    I went to both Dr Aumatma Shah (Dr Aum) naturopathic doctor and Bina Jinda (Acupunturist) for adrenal fatigue.  Dr Aum also ran detail lab work to identify other nutritional deficiencies that for me also worsened adrenal fatigue like B vitamin deficiency. A combination of their treatment, diet changes, reduce stress level and moderate exercise helped me heal adrenal fatigue.  The condition is generally not recognized by western physicians. Good luck,

    I recommend Myrto Ashe MD, she is a functional medicine specialist, located in San Rafael.  I went to her for adrenal fatigue, and she had me do a step-wise treatment, as well as additional testing, also on a step by step basis, to get to the bottom of what was causing the adrenal fatigue.  Her goal is to optimize health, and eliminate the need for medications.  

  • So after many years of stress in a high-pressure job and then having a baby 3 years ago, I feel totally out of whack.

    It is like I can't function at all from 9am to around 2pm and this state of disfunction gets me so depressed and low and I feel so helpless. Then, all of a sudden at 4pm the fog lifts and I feel myself again, feel the energy coming back.

    And when it is 10pm and time to sleep, Im so wired! I tried melatonin, it doesn't work I feel all jittery in the morning.

    I did some saliva tests which confirmed my symptoms spot on. I have significantly lower than the minimum range corsitol in the mornings and then late afternoon onwards it starts to surge and high cortisol levels just before bedtime.

    How can I get my rythmn back, would love some recommendations for practitioners (MD preferred) who specialize in adrenal fatigue? I am trying to give up coffee which is so hard and also avoid any processed food/white sugar/flour etc

    I see Dr. Amy Day in Berkeley and she is amazing. She's an MD : her site is at

    Good luck! You can do this. :)

    removing coffee helped me a lot. i cut out all processed foods, and was still getting symptoms, until i cut out all caffeine....and alcohol. 

    This is the kind of condition Chinese medicine can help with, going to root causes. It takes some time, because there are layers of organ function to re-balance. I have had very good success with Kirstin Lindquist LaC, the founder of Energy Matters, on upper Piedmont Ave in Oakland.  In addition to using acupuncture, she makes wise and intelligent use of food-based supplements, which have help me (and many others) significantly. Mss tend not to see the whole picture, and these days tend also to br under the thrall of big pharma, which tries to treat symptoms rather than causes. Sometimes helpful. I wish you the best with this.

    Try MT Diablo Integrated MEDICAL & Wellness Center. they have MD's who also practice holistic medicine.

    Good luck to you!  They take insurance too.


    There is a wonderful book written by an MD and herbalist that you might want to look into that has a whole protocol for working with this exact issue. Its called the Adrenal Thyroid Revolution by Aviva Jill Romm. Unfortunately she is located in NY but her book is full of lots of great info and a plan of action.

    If you feel you need someone to guide you in person I would recommend a Naturopath I have friends that have really turned their adrenal fatigue around with the support of Naturopaths.

    Hope you get some relief soon!

    I know its hard to cut out those factors, caffeine, and alcohol if that is involved.  And stress. and speed/high-powered performance.

    In my experience taking it gently in stages and allowing crutches when needed is helpful.  Push the coffee or substitute just a bit later, or a bit less in mg.  allow to actually feel waking up, unaided, courting the body's natural cycles and self-reg; feel the edge of withdrawal, without falling in deep.  make time for self care.  Rest, rest, and do nothing when possible.  Breathe and listen to birds and quietly sit outside, in quiet and beauty. find gentle community where you can be restful wih others, rather than overextending further.  And since you have a relationship with coffee, which is a plant, consider connecting with other plants.  Nettles is a timeless ally in rebuilding your adrenals.  If interested, look into herbal infusions, susun weed makes this info available.  It is pertinent to the longterm nutritional demand of childbearing, though so many of us can benefit from the extra support of unprocessed bioavailable plant nutrition. 

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Feb 2005

I am looking for a primary care physician, preferably female, in or near the Berkeley area. If anyone knows of one who has experience with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, that would be even better! I am on MediCal/Medicare. Thanks!

[no replies received]

Nov 2004

Does anyone know a specialist that deals with Cronic Fatigue Sydrome? If you know someone near La Morinda that would be the best. What type of doctor or specialist would you recommend? sleepy mommy

There is a wonderful endocrinologist in Lafayette named Rachelle Halpern who has an interesting approach to Chronic Fatigue (I believe she looks at mercury toxicity as a possible cause) and I know she's had great success in treating this disorder. I don't have her phone # here but I'll try to post again once I find it.

i can recommend jeffrey mandel in hayward. but if you do an online search for you can get their list of ''good docs''...READ all you can about CFS/M.E.--Paul Cheney (in NC)!; Tetelbaum's book & web site, listing practitioners who have taken his workshops. Read the Nightengale book edited by Brian Hyde, Canada--a magnificent collection of research that really legitimises the disease-- Myalgic Encephalopathy. Read ''Running on Empty.'' Get off caffeine & sugar. Some people get results from the Ultra-Clear detox protocol. Pay close attention to MD's who want to give you antidepressants--read Dr Chaney's words on this, especially long-term use. I'd also be wary of any of the ''speeds'' or meds for narcolepsy until you've tried just about everything. Xyrem works for many, but finding a doc willing to prescribe this is not easy. There is a new antidepressant, IXEL or MILNACIPRAM, not available in this country, but can be obtained--designed especially for people wth FM, particularly for pain-again, beware long-term. I've had CFS/M.E. since 86 & my very best response has been from acupuncturist Jenny Crissman. Alternative medicine & therapies work really well for many with CFS/ME/FM. Amsterdam has a fabulous clinic. Read, be super informed, & don't let anyone convince you this is not real. If an MD or any health care practitioner is not willing to be creative, then find someone else immediately. Kaiser's care for people with CFS is HORRIBLE; I can tell you horror stories of scary, could-have-killed-me-if-i'd-not- known a lot (last KP care 2001.) Dr Goldstein, LA area, is well-known in the field...find a support group; subscribe to the CFS newletter from national cfs care--they are extraordinarily reliable & THE BEST SOURCE OF CARE & INFO!!!! http: // U R newly diagnosed, be sure you are practicing ''aggressive rest therapy.'' it's a complicated, complex, & frustrating process finding help & therapy...many treatments seem to work for a while, then sure you are adequately tested & treated for thyroid.....check out piracetam for cognitive function--it's helped me and many others--you may have to get it aware of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities oonagh