Brickwork & Stonework

Parent Q&A

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  • I’m looking into putting a 5’ flagstone perimeter around our house to help with fire resistance — not required in my part of Berkeley but seems prudent! I’d like to do the work myself. A natural/rustic look is great; I’d actually prefer if it didn’t look super manicured. Any tips/best practices/cautionary tales? All appreciated. Thank you!

    I've laid flagstones myself and I've also had a landscape contractor do it. I recommend handing it off to a pro. It's all about the underpinning - digging down, putting in a layer of gravel and sand for drainage, getting it all level, and maybe using mortar to hold it in place if there will be foot traffic on it. What happens if you don't prepare the ground carefully is the flagstones start to settle, not in a nice level way, in a crooked chaotic way. They go wherever the dirt underneath takes them: gopher holes, tree roots, water flow. Then they can crack and break, and at best they have a shoddy appearance. 

    I do think your idea is good, though. I've been seeing lots of info about the 5' zone all around the house. We're on the edge of the hills fire zone but embers blowing down from the hills is a real concern.

    A cautionary note -- if you have older friends or relatives those flagstones are treacherous to walk on -- so you might want to figure out a safe path to the part of the backyard you want to have guests in.

    If you change your mind about doing it yourself, I can recommend Al Moore, a landscaper who tore out my concrete patio and replaced it with flagstones from Americana Soil and Stone.  His price was reasonable and he is quite an artist with stone.  

    Peg Walker, Berkeley

    Our house now has hardscaping around the whole zone 0, though not always to the full 5 feet. We have a few different styles - a hardscaped patio area made of square/rectangular stones, flagstone paths, and large stones heaped on each other. For the flagstone paths, my contractor put it in - he got the stones from American Soil & Stone ("Arizona Buff"), cut them into shapes, and set them in sand in a polymeric “Gator G2”rated for gaps of 1-6”. He said "it’s real important that the material is installed over a compacted base".

    Feel free to contact me if you'd like to check out the paths or want my contractor information. We love them! They're my favorite zone 0 now.

  • I'm looking for someone to rebuild a brick retaining wall and an adjacent planter. This would include demo, debris removal and hopefully reusing some of the existing bricks. Do you have a recommendation for someone that did a similar job? This is one of many yard projects for us so I'm looking for a reasonable rate. Strong possibility of more work in the future. We received one quote from someone who left their flyer on our door, but I would like to get at least one more quote and hopefully a recommendation from a previous customer.

    I highly recommend Bay Area Drainage at 925-377-9209. They just replaced a small retaining wall and we’re very happy with the work and price. The price was significantly lower than another bid. Call them last. 

    Orla Kristensen has been our mason for many years and many projects.  i cannot recommend him highly enough.  Our brick projects have included retaining walls, chimney, fireplace hearth, exterior decks with planters, lighting and irrigation.  Excavated and incorporated rebar reenforcement.  Good at accomodating changes / updates on the fly.

    Orla Kristensen

    (415) 846-1431

    texting works well

  • We’ve recently had our backyard re-done. The decomposed granite pathways are tracking sand / mud all over the place like crazy. I can’t stand it - despite several matts to wipe feet, it tracks up the new wood steps (likely damaging them) and into the house; it takes almost constant cleanup; and frankly I hate the feel and sound of it crunching under my feet as it tracks for long distances across pavers, patio, etc. Our landscape designer assured us it will ‘settle’ or stabilize after a rainy season and baking in the sun next summer. But given our experience so far, and the info I’ve read online about the material, I am very skeptical. I believe they used ‘natural’ DG without any stabilizers (though I would need to check on that) - I read that stabilizers are bad / toxic to plants. If that’s true I’m assuming we won’t want to add them as a solution. We are considering changing the pathway material somehow, but it’s a chunk of additional $$ so want to make a good decision. So, a couple of questions

    - do you have DG as pathways? Did it initially track a lot and then stop after a summer of ‘baking?’ Have dry-set pavers in DG significantly reduced the amount of tracking sand and mud?

    - do you have pea gravel or other pebbles as pathways? What are the drawbacks? Are they too ‘soft’ under your feet? (Any thoughts on whether / how to add a gravel / pebble materials on top of DG?)

    - do you have an excellent, very knowledgeable landscape/hardscape designer/installer who could both consult with us on the best ‘fix’ and do the installation?

    Thank you!

    Yes! Trust me, it really will settle and stop being a mess. Then you'll LOVE it - way better than gravel. Gravel will continue to get tracked in too and will scratch and damage your floor.

    We've had DG in many areas of our yard (front, back, side, etc.) for almost 2 decades and we swear by it. It's now our preferred pathway in our garden (between the veggie beds) and on our "hell strip" in front.

    One thing I don't like it for is in-between the pavers on our patio. We've been trying (with mixed results) to grow greenery in between the pavers because we like that aesthetic and also the pavers then don't get covered in gritty rock/soil/DG/etc. I like to walk barefoot outside sometimes and I like the feel of it being clean and soft - not dirty/gritty! Also, we have Douglas Fir floors in the area leading out to the yard (kitchen), so... We're in the same boat - wanting to keep things looking and feeling as clean and undamaged as possible. 

    So I suggest you give it some more time.


    Hi there, 

    commercial landscaper here. DG paths are THE WORST! Maintenance folks hate it, designers and architects love it. They are a lot of maintenance and not many landscapers know how to install properly. They are a nice option to reduce runoff but require a lot of maintenance such as refinishing/stabilizing yearly or every couple of years. Path will track some but from what you are describing it sounds like installer didn’t use enough stabilizer. You can purchase natural products and also product mixed in with the stabilizer but from my experience the mix is never enough. We always had to add more. 
    If you would like to try to fix it yourself you can buy 5gallon stabilizer and follow instructions but we used to use close to 1gal for 15sf so it’s $$$. Use rake to scar top of your path, not too much, maybe 1/4-1/2” Then use watering can to spread stabilizer and then you would have to roll it with heavy roller. I think you can rent these at HD, usually hollow and then you fill with water. Or just hire someone to do it. You’ll have to wait for rainy season to be over for longest lasting result. But as you said, it’s basically glue so probably not the best to ‘water’ around your yard. However, this is most likely cheapest solution to salvage your path. 
    My advice is to scrap it. It’ll always be somewhat messy and dusty even when super set. I don’t think you can fix it by adding rocks on top as they’ll likely spill over and be uncomfortable to walk on. You could add rocks if you excavate some of the DG. But having 1” of rocks is not going to look pretty or be comfy to walk on. 
    Pavers will be the best, cleanest and longest lasting solution. However it’s more work and expensive. You would have to remove DG and compact the gravel base- hopefully it’s there from DG path but really depends how deep your path is, 1-2-3”. Also depends what pavers you pick. 
    Second option is pea gravel or any other small rock but you want to have a compact base and use honeycomb product to hold your gravel. Again, not cheap but you will be able to comfortably walk on it and it won’t be soft. I personally love this. You might have to add a bit of gravel every few years but not much, especially if it’s just walking path. 
    Something like this:…

    Whatever path material you pick, you want to start with a good compact base! That will ensure longevity of your path. 
    Hope this helps! And sorry, don’t know any residential landscapers in your area. 
    Feel free to contact me if you have more questions. 

    When I wanted to pave the grassy muddy strip of my "carriage track" I considered decomposed granite and learned of all the issues you mention. I looked into gravel but since my path would be used by bicycles I ruled that out as a hazard. I finally went with brick on sand for the carriage track, and have used it again for a 4 by 4 area for the bins. I intend to use it again for another small patio. But since I do the work myself and look for free used brick the cost is much less. Hope this helps.

    The previous owner of our house put in decomposed granite in the front and backyard. We have lived here now for 7 years. I hate the DG for the exact reasons you mention, and actually go out of my way to avoid those paths. It tracks into the house and scratches the floor, it gets into the car, it feels dirty, and I dislike the look and feel of it. The first year or two were the worst. We use a stiff bristle door mat outside the door and two wide doormats inside the door to help contain the mess. We also take our shoes off when we are on the doormat. Seven years later there is a lot less loose material, it has eroded and compacted. But it looks terrible, and when it rains its like a mud pit. I heard DG needs to be refreshed/redone every 5 years. We are going to remove it all when we change our landscaping. Still deciding what to do. 

  • Flagstone in back garden

    Mar 7, 2022

    We are looking for someone reliable, skilled, and affordable to lay flagstone in our small back garden. Previous recommendations on this site are all over 10 years old.

    I highly recommend Casimiro Landscaping (, Jose and his crew did a beautiful job installing pavers and rock/mulch in our front yard, for a very reasonable price!  They were punctual and did an excellent job cleaning up at the end of every day.  They have pictures of their finished projects on their Yelp page.

    I had a flagstone path laid in my Berkeley front garden several months ago by Douglas Daven and his partner Jim (…). 

    Honestly it just makes me SO happy every time I look at it. So beautifully done, appropriate for the setting, and very reasonably priced. And such a pleasure to work with them! 

    I echo the recommendation for Casimiro Landscaping!

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Landscaper that knows brickwork needed

May 2010

We have a driveway that is on a downslope and in the middle of the driveway is a dirt bed that was intended to grow greenery. However, we have driven over the sprinkler heads enough times to make this impossible and realize that we need to fill in the space (approx. 44' x 3') with brick. I don't know if drainage will be needed, but I do need someone that is quick and experienced. Basically, I want someone that can get the job done well,for a good price, without me having to be around that much. I may have other jobs that involve a bit of stucco work or retaining walls, so those skills could be a plus! Thanks in advance. aaron

I very highly recommend Bill Armijo of Bay Area Stone Gardens ( I recently hired him (on the recommendation of another post to this newsletter) to install a stone pathway in my yard. I was impressed by his vision and creativity as well as his practical approach to dealing with complications like drainage and tree roots. Bill was able to understand the idea in my head and translate it into reality in less than 3 days. He took photos and sent me an email at the end of each day, explaining exactly what he did and what was next. He was on time and on budget - no surprises. I was very pleased with his work, would hire him again, and would recommend him to anyone needing any kind of outdoor landscape/hardscape work. Bridget

Stone Entry at Front Door

Sept 2008

Any recommendations for a stone/brick layer who could do a simple front entry stoop which would require some concrete foundation and drainage? Nothing too artful...pretty straightforward --inexpensively?? Kate

I want to recommend a stonecrafter who can do your entryway. He does beautiful work; everything he does is one-of-a-kind and perfectly crafted; and his prices are very competitive. He did our back patio in stone and we couldn't be happier. I know he does everything from small projects (such as yours) to larger, full-scale backyards. *Aztec Stonecraft *[Estanislao Gonzalez] * *510.689.4224

Give Jose Maravilla 510-381-0399 a call. He has done all the stone work here in my home and he is great. He's also reasonably priced. Best of luck! Aurora

Bill of Bay Area Stone Gardens ( has done several front entry ways with natural stone which is hand-crafted. He is very detailed and has a good eye for design in both the structure and the finished product. Great person to work with. Happy Customer

Cracks in flagstone patio & paths ..what is realistic?

August 2008

Hello, Last year we had a flagstone patio and paths put into our backyard totaling about $20k in work. The flagstone was set into a concrete base that had steel reinforcement and fiber mesh embedded in the concrete. We were happy with the work until recently.

The problem is that cracks have developed in the concrete at the junctions where the paths get thinner. The flagstone path encircles the lawn and meets up with the has recently cracked at each ''corner'' where the path meets up with a wider section.

I called the contractor to complain and he told me that concrete cracks and insists that there is nothing to do about it. Attempting to cover the crack would, according to him, draw more attention to is essentially the nature of the beast. (Our contract says nothing about cracks).

I am considering filing a complaint with the state contractor's license board, but before I do, I want to make sure I have realistic and reasonable expectations.

What is the best way to fix cracks that develop in the concrete under flagstones? Anyone know about realistic/reasonable expectations regarding the performance of flagstone over concrete? Is there an objective 3rd party I can contact for another opinion? Any other advice or suggestions? thanks!

Cracks in concrete? You bet! I've helped my brother put down plenty of concrete walks, and they pretty much always crack.

Those lines in sidewalks are called ''control lines'' ... they're put there to encourage the concrete to crack along the straight line, rather than at a random location. But walk down a sidewalk sometime and you'll see that most of the time, the control lines work and the cracks form in those lines. But there's plenty of times when the cracks zag across the face of the sidewalk.

With embedded flagstones, the flags themselves are the control lines.

Concrete walks without cracks? Unlikely. Rebar and mesh will help. About the only way to guarantee zero cracks is to pre-stress the concrete, and that's a job way beyond your backyard.

Concrete cracks are almost always caused by the top of the concrete being in tension, which is usually caused by settling of the ground underneath (perhaps when it got damp. Or maybe when it dried out - either way, it'll no longer evenly support the slab)

Incidentally, putting rebar under a walkway is overkill unless you expect to drive a car over it. Reinforced concrete in a yard or walkway is very difficult to remove.

I learned to put flagstones into sand, never concrete. They're way easier to change, should we (or some later owner) wish to rearrange our backyard. Oakland homeowner

As a landscape designer, I warn clients that with our clay soils and earth movement, concrete will crack and if it is suitable for the situation, I recommend laying the stone on sand or decomposed granite instead. This also has the advantage of being a pervious surface, allowing water to percolate through the soil, where it is cleaned and replenishes the water table rather than taking pollutants through the storm drains to the bay. I noticed on an estimate that one of the contractors I work with did recently for one of my design clients that he wrote a disclaimer next to his bid for concrete work saying ''due to the nature of expansive soils in our area, we cannot warrant against concrete heaving or cracking.'' Still, sometimes people really want the smoothness of stone mortared onto concrete and are willing to put up with the cracking. Claudia

I'm a landscape designer/contractor, so have some experience with this. It's difficult to give a full opinion without seeing your flagstone, but here are a few comments. I'm going to assume that you're right that the base itself is cracking, not just the mortar.

It sounds like your contractor did a better-than-average job in laying the concrete in that plenty don't bother to put in proper reinforcement for paths and patios, and I'm surprised to hear that cracking in the concrete base is happening already. However, how well the soil below the concrete is excavated and compacted also comes into play with settling and cracking, and poorly done compaction can defeat all the reinforcing in the world. Of course, the reinforcing itself has to be properly installed to be effective, but it would be very surprising if it wasn't.

Another factor is where you live- some areas have more natural ground movement than others, and there's not anything that anyone can do about that.

He's right- concrete does crack, and ''corners'' are vulnerable spots. It's possible that putting in special expansion joints at those places might have stopped it from cracking, but the downside is that they're not especially attractive in the middle of a run of garden paving (not ghastly, but they do break the visual flow a bit, at least as much as cracks do).

He's also right that trying to repair the cracks now will make them stand out even more, it's better to live with them. Right now your eye is going to the problem, you're focussing on it, but over time it's very likely that your eye will skim right over the cracks and focus on the overall (hopefully nice) effect.

As to filing a complaint, I would first try to determine how the compaction was done, which is the only place I can think of where he might have seriously slipped up. Was baserock laid down, leveled, and power tamped? That's the very best way. At the least, the soil below the concrete pour should have been leveled and well compacted. Cece

Lay flagstone for a backyard patio

July 2008

I'm looking for someone who can lay flagstone for a backyard patio. I don't think it's a complicated or big job--but what do I know or I'd do it myself. :-) Seriously, it's a fairly small space, but I'd like to find someone who really knows what they're doing (we already had a botched job due to inexperience). Thanks for any contacts the group can provide! Tish

Great landscaper: Steve Rudy w/ Rare Earth Landscaping see the website: Happy Customer

We called Jason Wady of International Masonry Specialists Inc. to install some flagstone in our back patio and he was great. He's an English fellow who is very straightforward and didn't hesitate to tell us why our original design was flawed. He has a good design ethic and we love the new patio. He also did some stamped/stained concrete work on our sidewalk strip. He has a Website (can't remember) Jason Wady International Masonry Specialists (510)632-4541

Mason needed for patio work

June 2008

My husband and I would like to make a nice patio area (possibly out of flagstone) in our backyard. We are looking for recommendations from people who have had similar work done. Thank you!! Amy

Let me recommend Jose from Maravilla Landscaping 510-381-0399. He recently put in a flagstone patio in my backyard and built me a pergola. He's very professional and I loved all his ideas. I really felt that he listened to what I wanted and gave me feedback as to what would look beautiful [some of my ideas were a little exaggerated =0] He's very knowledgablein other areas, I have used him for my irrigation and he even built my greenhouse. His prices are quite reasonable as well. Aurora

Where to buy stone and rock?

June 2008

Hi - where is a good source locally (Berkeley-Oakland) for landscaping stone products such as flagstones, builder's sand, river stones and other decorative landscaping rock products? Thanks! Wanting to Rock Out

I'm sure I won't be the only person who recommends American Soil & Stone in Richmond ( -- they have an amazing selection in stock and are very helpful. I even know a kindergarten teacher who took her class there as a field trip to climb in all the different piles of dirt -- it was a big hit. Also Dreaming of Hardscape

I recently landscaped my front yard and bought boulders, black flagstone, pea gravel, bark and soil enhancer from Acapulco Rock and Soil, 3251 Jacuzzi St, Richmond, 510- 526-3800. It was awesome to get all the stuff from one place and pay only one delivery fee. I did research many places before going there and I found their prices to be the most competitive as well as they had great boulders. There is another place right down the street called American Soil & Stone Products. Between the two you'll find about everything you need. Karlyn

Stone wall and walk way

July 2007

I am wondering if anybody knows a ''not-so-pricey'' contractor who can help replacing our broken wood fence in the front of the house with a retaining wall made out of stacked stones. We also plan on replacing our old cemented walk way (paint peels off) which leads from the sidewalk to the front of the house with an irregular flagstone path (probably over a concrete base with mortar applied between the joints). Also, we are thinking about breaking up a brick walk way in the back yard and replacing it with an irregular flagstone path (dry-laid and with grass around and between the stones). Can anybody give a recommendation on who to contact if I DO NOT want to spend a fortune on a landscape architect or designer but are willing to pay for quality labor? Having two kids and no experience in laying stones myself, I am not sure I can take on this kind of job myself. Of course this would be the cheapest solution though. Or did somebody do this by him/herself and can tell me how it went? In general, how much more is it to build a stone wall vs. putting up a nice new fence? Need some change

Hi there, I recommend Douglas Polentz. He might not be taking on any new projects, but its worth giving him a call. He's very artistic, inexpensive and does a quality job. His email is chromater [at] and his ph# is 510-219-9604. Good luck! Colette

If your looking for someone to build a retaining wall we had one built about a year ago. The guy we usesd was great his name is Jim Brady and his number is 510-455-0831. He did a great job and was very reliable. We also had are kitchen redone. If anyone looking for that the company was rock steady kitchen solutions. The guys name is Jack Rich (888) 780-4035. Hope this helps vh

Builder for stone retaining walls

Feb 2007

Anyone recommend a good company for rebuilding stone retaining walls? There are two old posts for Jose Galvez of Orinda. Anyone use his company lately and have his contact info? Anyone use Lazar Landscaping? We need some old cement removed and someone with vision to figure out the best way to reconfigure our walls to make our slighty sloped yard more useable.

We live in the Oakland Hills and we used Bob Harmola of Welte Construction. Bob was great! He had vision and worked with us on different options. We ended up getting rid of old, crumbling retaining walls, installing new walls, changing the layout of the walls, installing a French drain, sprinklers, etc. His crew was clean, courteous and timely. Our neighbor even came over to say ''thank you'' for choosing such a polite company. Two years later we are thinking about having more work done and we won't hesitate to call Bob again! Mel

Manuel Gutierrez did a super job on our stone retaining walls. Beautifully done, reasonably priced. Here are then numbers i have for him: mobile 510-501-8252 home 510-237-9461
dan h

Darcy Hahn in Berkeley does beautiful rock walls, both retaining and decorative. She has done work for several people I know. She can be contacted at 510-528-8208. anon

I know of someone who does beautiful natural stone work -- he's done extensive work for a friend of mine in Pacifica -- retaining walls, planters, walkways, and a fountain/stream all built by hand with stone. He took her crappy weed-filled back yard and made it look like an oasis. He does the design plan and building. The company is based in San Francisco where I live, but I think he works all over the bay. It's called Stonescape Exotics, and his name is Robert Pendergrast. I think he advertises on Craigslist, but I can get his contact info if you're interested, from my friend. maryish

Matt Hornby built a stone retaining wall in my backyard three years ago that is really a work of art. Most people who see it think it is original to the house, a 1912 Craftsman, because it fits in so well with its surroundings. The stones were carefully fitted together without mortar, and a stone bench is incorporated into the wall. He also put down a flagstone path, also very beautiful. Matt has a graduate degree in Landscape Architecture from UC Berkeley and many years of experience working in landscaping, so he is not going to be the cheapest option. But he will create something that you will enjoy for many years. He's a very careful and artful designer and builder who does high quality work. He's also a very nice guy. Matt's phone number is 510 717-1342

Reviews of Stone Masons & Brick Masons

Oct 2006

Once again, I would like to recommend a wonderful mason who has helped us with countless landscaping projects. He has built rock walls, brick patios/steps and flagstone patio/steps. He has also trenched and put in french drains, dug and terraced our yard, and helped us with our planting. He is very affordable and a very nice man. A real find and I am happy to refer him - Arnoldo can be reached at 510-827-8598. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. margaret

May 2006

Tom Doss does excellent stone work. He specializes in working in harmony with Mother Nature without the use of concrete to create patios, walls and other decorative stone features. 510 655-2839 Melanie

May 2005

Landscape architect/stone mason recommended
I am writing in response to several posts in the April 22 Digest about landscape architects and garden construction teams. We have recently landscaped the side area to our house in Alameda, and Matt Hornby, based in Berkeley, was an incredibly good landscape architect to work with. He is timely, reasonably priced, and a very good communicator. Matt also has extensive experience as a stone mason and has worked on projects big and small througout the East Bay. He is willing to take on small projects as well. He can be contacted at matthornby72 AT If you would like more references or to take a look at the brick path and cement driveway he did for us, give me a call. Thanks! Anna

Stepping Stones for Backyard

March 2004

I am looking for a recommendation on where to buy nice stepping stones for our backyard. We looked at the ones at Home Depot which were relatively inexpensive (I believe about $2 per piece)but we did not like the sort of 'artificial' look of them. Does anyone know another place that might have a bit more of a selection than Home Depot but is not much more expensive ? Andrea

Go to an arts & craft website and learn how to make your own. You can use disposable pie/cake ''pans'', or make your own mold (depending on what size you need). This way, you can personalize with kids/grandkids hand or foot print, animal foot print, write sayings, etc. I know it is with concrete or plaster or something. Saw it on Martha of course and they turned out really cute. DiAnn

Try American Soil Products in west Berkeley (3rd Street, I think). They have an amazing selection, and as for price, you get what you pay for. Lisa McL

Brick Layer for Patio

July 2002

In the course of my remodel, my yard got dug up and I need someone to re-brick about half of a small Berkeley yard. There are a couple spots with mildly tricky grading/stair issues, so we need someone that knows what s/he's doing. Can anyone recommend someone to do this work? We would like it done ASAP. Thanks so much! - Catherine

We have a beautiful flagstone patio layed by a wonderful gardener/landscaper, and he does alot of brick work. His name is Francisco Mayo and his number is 601-9350. He has done a beautiful job of overall landscaping for us with our costs in mind. We are very happy with his work. - I. Sazer