Helping Your Nanny Find a New Job

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  • We're transitioning our child to daycare and have had to part ways with our Nanny who has been wonderful. However, we've been having trouble finding her a new family and havent had much outreach despite her wonderful credentials and positive reviews (from myself and previous parents). Is the market for nannies difficult right now? Curious to understand if there's something happening at large in terms of more nanny's out of work than usual.

    The short answer is yes. Accordingly to my nanny, there are more nannies looking for work vs families looking for families. A number of her friends are looking for work and have been looking for 3 months (or more). 


    This was something I experienced recently as well when trying to help our longtime nanny find new families for a nanny share. She mentioned to me that August and September are particularly difficult times because that’s when the school year starts—many preschools follow the traditional school year, meaning lots of families are transitioning their kids out of nanny-care situations and into preschool/school, so there’s kind of a flood of qualified, experienced nannies all looking for work in the fall.  

    My only advice is to keep posting about your nanny—I wrote reference posts for her in various Facebook groups (Berkeley Moms, Oakland Moms, etc.), a neighborhood WhatsApp group, and ended up reposting our BPN ad for her like three times (republishing it each month after it expired) before something finally clicked.  

    I think it is a widespread supply/demand issue. We have been looking for a new family for our nanny share since July and are only now getting more responses, but only with folks who want to start in January. Our nanny has said the other nannies she has talked to at the park are also struggling to find new families (either a similar situation to yours, or new families for nanny shares). Hopefully your nanny can find new work soon! 

    I'm having the same issues... my wonderful nanny still hasn't found a new family to work with. Its crazy. 

    Don’t have an answer but I am experiencing the same thing with our nanny. Will be interested to see what sort of responses you get.

    I’ve been wondering about this too because I’m trying to help my nanny’s cousin find a new job. I think in general that the Fall is a bit of a slow time for nanny hiring because so many kids go to school and families transition away from their nannies. However, it does seem even more pronounced this year. My nanny herself has echoed this to me based on what nannies in her network are saying. I’d be interested to see other replies on this thread. 

    Hi!  It’s so great you are dedicated to finding your nanny find a new position

    We just went through the hiring process and there is definitely a huge supply of highly qualified nannies now.  I think I got 30 responses in 3 days to our post for full time work.

    I think there are 2 macro factors at play
    1- I read numerous articles talking about how the 0-5 population in Alameda county and other areas is decreasing at high rates.

    2-With universal TK on the horizon, many daycares are responding by now offering care for younger kids. 

    From our experience, nannies who came prepared with references and were asking for wages that were in line with market rates and their experiences definitely rose to the top.

    Good luck to your nanny!

    There have also been a lot of layoffs recently in the tech industry - that could be impacting what local parents can afford. 

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  • We have been helping our extremely experienced, loyal, reliable, bilingual nanny look for a new position in North Berkeley /Albany for months. She has been with us for 5 years and now that my kids are going to school we no longer need her (but wish we could afford to keep her!).  I have received no inquiries on BPN, Next Door,, Facebook, etc. and I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this same thing. I realize this is the time of year when many nannies are available due to school starting, but in her 30+ years of nannying this timing has never been an issue.  Does anyone have any advice?   After her raise last year she currently receives $40/hr for a full-time share ($20 per family).  Can she expect the same from a new share? What about for one child? Thank you so much! 

    When we were interviewing nannies (about 6 months ago to be fair), there was a lot of availability. Our current nanny is $35 for two in a share but that was on the lower end -- range was 34-45 for two kids in a share in El Cerrito. Five years with one family is quite the positive review! Has she gotten interviews or is it hard to even get those?

    It might be a tough market because of tech layoffs etc?

    I think that the market is saturated and fewer parents are looking for private nannies than in years prior. At least that was our experience trying to place our nanny who was phenomenal. Personally, I also think $40/hr is high. We have a private nanny at $25/hr and I think going down by $5/hr for shared care would not seem with it to me.