Full-Day Summer Camps

Parent Q&A

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  • For the first time, I am seeking full-day (8-6) summer camp coverage for two elementary age kids. Price is less of a consideration than the hours, which really aren't flexible on either end. I feel like I'm wasting my time clicking on camps that call themselves full coverage, by which they mean 9-3! Recommendations for full-day camps in the area from Berkeley north (accessible from 80), or Hercules-Pleasant Hill (accessible from 4)? Thanks!

    City of El Cerrito has full day http://www.el-cerrito.org/summercamp

    Hi there,

    We too have done plenty of research for full-day summer camps! Camp Galileo goes from 8am-6pm (core program 9-3 with extended morning and afternoon care). My son has been attending it for several years. He loves the activities and the organic add-on lunches. We love the early bird and multi-session discounts. This year, it’s at Jefferson Elementary again in North Berkeley (near N Berkeley BART). Good luck!


    Check out the City of El Cerrito summer camps at http://www.el-cerrito.org/DocumentCenter/View/9174

    They have camps that run from 7am-6pm if you sign up for the extended care.  The prices are good, compared to some of the other camps out there, and there are tons of things to choose from.  My daughter loved their camps during the summer.

    Good Luck!

    Crestmont School runs 4 weeks of full-day summer camp, and it is 8-6 with the extended care.  The kids and teachers are great -- my daughter loves it.  Crestmont is located two minutes from off of I-80 in the RIchmond Hills.  I also appreciate the fact that there is plenty of parking, so I don't have to struggle at drop off or pickup.  Feel free to message me if you have questions.
