
Parent Q&A

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  • Hello, wondering if there are any community celebrations for Diwali in the East Bay? South Bay etc is too far to go and would love to connect with other families who celebrate locally. 

    I haven’t seen a date announced yet this year, but you should join the Berkeley South Asian Parents group on Facebook, they normally have a Diwali party!

    Hi, I don’t have any leads but I’m also interested in celebrating locally. Following this post for ideas! 

    Iskcon Berkeley on Stuart Street aoff of Telegraph will be celebrating:

    Join us in celebrating Diwali at ISKCON Berkeley.

    Sunday Feast!

    Take the blessings of the deities, associate with devotees, attend arati, kirtan, special class, and prasadam feast.

    4:30 pm Tulsi Puja

    4:45 pm Guru Puja

    5:00 pm Arati and darshan, offering of deep (lamps)

    5:30 pm Special Lecture by H.G. Balimardan Dasa

    6:45 pm Prasadam Feast

    Yes! Rhythmix Dance Studio in Alameda is holding a 'Family Friendly Diwali Celebration' with Non Stop Bhangra Saturday Nov. 2nd at 5pm. Hopefully this gets posted in time! :) www.rhythmix.org for more info

    I found this one in Alameda which is family friendly and looks fun! You do have to buy tickets.


  • Diwali celebrations 2022

    Sep 18, 2022

    Hello. I am looking for recommendations for any kid-friendly Diwali celebrations happening in the Berkeley-Oakland area this year. We are aware of the larger festivals and markets in Fremont. Our toddler just turned 2 and we would be open to collaborating and celebrating at a park in Berkeley if any other families are interested. 

    Hello. I would certainly be open to collaborating in future years, or coordinating for other festivals. This year I'll be having my second child around that time, so I won't be able to celebrate or attend events,. This is something I've been hoping to see happen in the East Bay or wanting to organize myself once I have a critical mass of families with young kids that celebrate. I have an almost 2 YO and who now has a few Indian friends her age in Berk-Oak. I am under the impression that these families are in the same boat as us; not enough community with children in the immediate East Bay to throw Diwali celebration. So, in the future, YES, I can help organize this. Just not this year as baby is due shortly before Diwali.

    My family would also love to find a local community event to celebrate the holiday. We are able to plan or coordinate this year but very eager to learn of any existing event or meet up. 

    Hello! We will be traveling this year but have a 16 month old and would also be very interested in coordinating and celebrating in future years. Hoping there’s a critical mass of families interested in doing the same!

    Hi! I too would love to join or help organize a Diwali celebration. Following this post. 

    Hi there! We also have our second baby due around Diwali this year and currently have a 3 year old - we are hoping to involve them in more holidays but haven't met too many other Indian families in the Oakland area with young children.   We would be interested in joining in future years, or getting together for other celebrations!

    Hi! We have an 8-month-old who will be celebrating his first Diwali at home this year but would love to coordinate/help plan and set up in future years for not just Diwali but other South Asian festivals as well!

    I’m interested too. I have a 4 yr old and live in Oakland. 

    Hi! A bunch of us are getting together for a Diwali potluck on Sunday (10/23) afternoon at a local park. We are members of a Facebook group called "Berkeley South Asian Families" and get together every 1-2 months. Feel free to join our group on facebook - you will be able to get more information about the Diwali event there. If you're not a facebook user, send me a DM and I can share more details about the event with you. Hope to see you there!

    I made a typo in my earlier message. The facebook group is actually called - Berkeley South Asian Parents. Feel free to join the group and the Diwali event if you're interested!

    Happy Diwali! We'd love to join in family-friendly Diwali celebrations in the future! Our two kids are 3 and 1.5, and we'd love to find ways to help them feel connected to their Indian heritage. I saw this post too late for Diwali 2022, but I would love to be involved in future celebrations. I am new to Diwali, having married into an Indian family several years ago, and I would love to learn about how other families with young children celebrate. 

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Diwali Gift

Oct 2003

I have been invited to a Diwali celebration (Indian ''festival of lights''), and want to bring a gift for the host/hostess. Are there any of you familiar with this celebration that can recommend something appropriate? Thank you! Ellen

It is customary to give sweets. Leslie