Digital Safety for Kids

Parent Q&A

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  • My son's school is potentially interested in having a local expert give a presentation to parents about digital safety for elementary and middle schoolers. Not sure what the honorarium would be. 

    This is a really interesting article on the topic. Perhaps the author can recommend someone in your area.…

    Jason Brand does this kind of work. He has a private psychotherapy practice and also works specifically with issues of kids and digital safety. He speaks to schools and parents of all aged kids. His websites are and


    I recommend looking into engaging Anya Manes. Her focus is coaching parents on talking to their kids about sex and relationships, but a part of her education is around porn and other Internet safety issues. She would likely be able to craft something that addresses your needs.

    If your school has a library program, I’m sure they would love to help, for free even! Or at least have a connection for where to look!

    We asked Dr. Richard Freed, author of Wild Child, to come speak to our school and it was one of our best parent ed nights ever- this was several years ago. He is local and it wasn't prohibitively expensive, I suggest you reach out through his website,, where you can ask about speaking engagements - good luck!

    The local DA office and FBI did this at our school for free.  Very informative and they did a great job.