Difficulty Getting an IEP/504 during Covid

Parent Q&A

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  • I requested a special education assessment for my 2nd grader from Alameda Unified and they set up a student study team meeting. We explained all of his many complicated challenges including several specific learning disabilities, and how they impacted his learning in school last year and now are worse with zoom. They kept asking if we had tried X Y Z to help, which we had, and then at the end didn’t even offer to actually assess him. When I insisted, citing IDEA, they responded that during COVID they are doing “robust record review” and “academic tests” instead of actually assessing children. They would not even agree to let my child miss more than 5 minute breaks of the 3 hour long large group zoom sessions, even when we told them he was screaming and crying and biting his own wrists when we tried to get him to participate. I was prepared to advocate for him and for push back, but this is beyond awful. Has anyone had success in getting meaningful assessment done during COVID or any other wisdom to share? I am consulting DREDF’s website and have the DRC guide as well. Thank you. 

    You obviously know that what they are doing is illegal, as you cited IDEA. The LAW HAS NOT CHANGED. You are 100% within your rights to get a thorough assessment of ANY ans ALL suspected disabilities. If the district refuses, you can get one and they will be required to pay for it. I'm glad you have DREDF and DRC information. As an additional resource, go to wrightslaw.com. We all know Covid 19 and distancing is hard on everyone, but your child deserves appropriate accommodations to access their education. Like I said, the laws have not changed!

    I recommend calling education lawyer Deborah Jacobson (https://www.jacobsoneducationlaw.com/). I paid for a couple of hours of her time, and it was the best money I spent throughout the entire saga of trying to get appropriate treatment and education services for my daughter. Her staff may be able to give you some pointers during an initial phone call, and would likely give you an honest assessment of whether it would be worth your while to hire the firm. Can't recommend her enough.

    No advice but replying as I'd like to get other responses too. I have a second grader who we were trying to get assessed via OUSD last year, first his first grade teacher had a heart attack (now recovered, thankfully, but we had 3 months of subs) then the pandemic. We keep getting punted back to SSTs but insisted on at least a 504 this year. The school has done the 504 but says they can't do Special Ed assessment during COVID. I've heard rumors (including on an NPR story) that some EB districts *are* doing assessments but can't figure out how to make this happen nor how pushy to be. Luckily or unluckily we aren't in the same situation in OUSD with the level of requirements you seem to have in AUSD in that my son can dip in and out as he needs to to attendance hasn't been a problem. Happy to connect offline directly as well.


    I'm sorry that you're having such a tough time.  Having to do distance learning with a struggling 2nd grades does sound very challenging.

    I work at a different district is special ed. We are not assessing students right now for initials because we, like Alameda, are not able to assess students in person.  The assessments we use are normed for in person assessment, so doing anything at a distance would be invalid.  I'm hoping you are able to get some advice from DREDF to make things more manageable for you.

    I think you should get a special ed lawyer involved. I know a great one. She’s in Seattle but is licensed in CA and helps CA families all the time: Lara Hruska at Cedar Law, PLLC. Tell her Hilary referred you. 

    First, I'm sorry that you are having such a difficult time.  I work in special education in a local public school, and my colleagues were discussing assessments today.  In most cases, we do not feel we are capable of accurately assessing students over a computer connection, and at present we do not have permission to assess face-to-face.  

    That said, I would advise giving breaks regardless of whether the school gives permission.  If my child were biting their wrists, it is irrelevant what anyone else says, I would reduce the stress on my child.  I have worked with self-injurious children, and I advise offering breaks BEFORE the child gets to that point.  The goal is then to gradually increase the child's tolerance for longer periods of work.

    Because of the pandemic, schools are not able to follow IDEA and otherwise-established laws.  Unfortunately it is likely that there will be years of litigation, instead of a political compromise that clearly legislates special rules for times that schools cannot open.  I advise that you talk again to the school, about at least getting some accommodations in place (maybe by using a "504 plan".)  I wish you & your child the best.

    I was wondering about this too, but apparently at the beginning of shelter-in-place California passed a bill that allows schools to not do an assessment because of the coronavirus. Obviously this was meant to be temporary and now we're more than 6 months into virtual school. I'm not sure what to do but legally things have changed. It seems that this bill should get adjusted/updated because I don't think it was intended to last this long. 

    I found this article but my daughter's school (OUSD) has stated they won't be doing any assessments virtually, and they won't start in-person assessments until in-person school starts...


  • We have reached out to the Special Education Department at BUSD to request our 2nd grader get assessed for special ed services—and wanted to thank everyone at BPN who encouraged us to pursue this. It was a big step for our family. 

    Naturally, the District isn’t doing assessments (!) and hasn’t been since March 12, 2020.

    We are feeling the need to do something because our kid is not doing well with distance learning and the school is providing no additional supports to help our kid access instruction. We want to explore having our child assessed privately and are wondering if any BPNers can share any referrals in the Berkeley/Oakland area.

    Thank you in advance.

    Dr Marianna Eraklis, a developmental pediatrician, assessed our child several years ago and has managed the case since.  Very skilled and warm, and insurance even paid for part of it!

    Hi, this community organization is made up of families in Alameda County who have similar experiences I think. I have heard they are a great resource for families. Someone or families there might have a good sense where to look.


    I can't recommend Alan Siegel highly enough -- he gave us an enormous amount of detailed information about our child, and he did it in the gentlest and most encouraging way possible.  We saw him when my child was seven, and again at 14, and at both stages he helped us think through how to prioritize addressing the multiple issues, and gave me very specific advice about how best to support and advocate for my child.  My child is now twenty, and thriving at a very challenging college.  There is no way this would have happened without the guidance Alan gave us.  His website is www.alansiegelphd.com.  

    Hi there, 

    The BUSD just sent out communication regarding assessments, among other things. See his email from 9/8.  However, it seems like it will be a while before assessments are put in place and I know there a number of families with assessment plans overdue who will likely be served first.  

    We had an Independent Ed Evalution (IEE) in 2019 by Dr. Maya Guendleman and I recommend her strongly.  She is extremely thorough, a fierce advocate for the child, very caring and professional.  



    We are in OUSD and have been told the same thing about assessments (which is a little confusing to me since by law they are required to provide an assessment if you request one). We already have an IEP for our child so are in a slightly different situation. If you have insurance you might want to check if Stanford or UCSF are in-network for your plan. Both of these can provide a comprehensive assessment at a greatly reduced cost if you have coverage. Stanford does assessments and recommendations only, UCSF does assessments and can provide services. If money isn't a concern we have friends who have worked with Dr Eraklis in Orinda and really loved her. Keep in mind all of these will probably have some sort of waitlist and I'm not sure what assessments look like with covid precautions in place.

    You might also want to contact DREDF and see if they have any tips for how to handle the schools at present since really, every child has the right to an assessment by law.

    Good luck!

    I know you don’t want to hear this, but I would wait. Doing testing is about finding out what is going on with your kid. Getting the information needs to be as close to standardized conditions as possible in order to have confidence in the test results. Telehealth is the safest route.  Unfortunately, there is zero validation for doing testing via Zoom. You would be paying thousands of dollars for a form of testing that has never been validated. And done stuff simply does not translate to the virtual world.

    There might be someone willing to do in -person testing, but it would be a weird experience. It’s a face to face experience, By necessity less than 6 feet apart and sharing testing materials, so both kid and examiner would have to wear gloves, masks and face shields for 6-12 hours spread over a few sessions.

    iIt would be hot, awkward and physically uncomfortable, which would have an impact on BB test results.

     Better to delay and get good data than do it now and get skewed  results and have to forever wonder if the results are valid.  Best of luck!

    You can ask your school to contract out and pay for a private specialist who is willing to do in person assessment.  There are many neuropsychologists and psychologists doing in person but covid safe assessments.  If you put in a request for assessment, schools are still bound by the legal timeline to finish the assessment and have an IEP meeting within 60 days.  This NPR segment on the pandemic and special education is very informative:


    Hi everyone, I work in special education and wanted to give some input and direction here.  SB 117 is the law that said that school districts did not have to provide initial assessment plans during school closures for COVID-19.  That law has expired. SB 820 was passed in September, which says SB 117 was no longer in effect as of July 1, 2020, see  https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=2…; Also, the California Department of Education just released guidance on 9/30/20 stating that school districts must conduct in-person assessments unless parents agree to wait, see https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/he/hn/specialedcovid19guidance.aspassess students.  All Bay Area counties have cleared districts to conduct in-person assessments, including Contra Costa County, Alameda County, and San Francisco City and County.

    Bottom line, if your child has a suspected disability, and you have requested an assessment, your school district must assess your child.  Many school psychologists are in labor unions, and unions are pushing back on conducting assessments right now.  For that reason, some districts are trying to not assess, but they are legally required to do so.  If they can't get their staff to do assessments, they have to contract them out.  Many private assessors who contract with school districts have resumed in-person assessment.  Also, if your district refuses to assess, it is tantamount to not doing an appropriate assessment, and you are entitled to request an IEE. Keep pushing, file a CDE complaint, or get an attorney if needed.  Good luck to all of you!  

    We used Carina Grandison in Berkeley about 3 years ago and thought she was compassionate and knowledgeable.  Our child enjoyed working with her.  She gave us insights into our child's issues, strengths, etc.

  • We have had our kids in the Albany schools since Kindergarten, and have been reasonably happy with their experience until they entered Albany High School.  After a year and a half of incessant bullying at Albany High, our daughter made a serious suicide attempt and is now in a therapeutic boarding school which combines clinical treatment with special education.  We requested an IEP evaluation shortly after she started treatment, and we have experienced nothing but foot-dragging, stonewalling, and non-communication ever since.  They are now using the Covid-19 shut down as a blanket excuse to not complete the IEP evaluation, even though we signed and returned the evaluation plan on February 13, a full month before the shutdown.  We are in shock that a district we have been a part of for 11 years is washing their hands of our daughter's special education needs.  We are being told that IEP evaluations will not happen until the kids return to school physically, whenever that happens.  So they expect us to send our daughter back into the same environment with no support services in place, and then they will think about evaluating her.  I never thought I would be in a position where I would be contemplating suing my previously beloved AUSD.  My questions (finally) are:   Has anyone had success with working with Albany High to address targeted bullying?  Has anyone successfully negotiated an IEP placement in an outside therapeutic school for mental health issues (like Hogan) with AUSD?  Did it require getting a lawyer?  Does the county play a role in special education when districts fail to provide FAPE?    Would Berkeley High provide better special education services (if we could get a transfer?)  Thank you for any and all input.

    I am so sorry to hear about your difficulties.  Our situation was different but  involved dealing with AHS around getting a 504 plan in place.  My child had a medical diagnosis requiring special accommodations. I consulted with this local non-profit DREDF who have advocates with very useful information.  I realize you are not dealing with a disability, yet they may still provide some information.  Once I knew what language to use, AHS completely changed their tune and we had a meeting in place quickly as well as the 504.  It really pays to be informed and parents do have rights.  I hope you can get this worked out.  Best of luck with it!  Albany parent.

    I am so sorry this is happening. Perhaps consider joining local Facebook groups specifically for parents of children with IEP-related needs.  They are an incredible resource as they have so much combined experience. I've seen them pool ideas on issues just like the one you are facing. Thanks also for going public. It's very important that we all know.

    While I realize this doesn't answer your questions directly, I wanted to let you know that I am a special education teacher is a different district.  Our district is not conducting initial evaluations either during the school closure as there does not (yet?) seem to be a good way to assess students from a distance.

    First I want to say that I am so sorry for your struggles. I have a young teen who has been through several short term residential programs and is now about to enter RTC so I get it. 

    am in BUSD but I highly suggest you contact DREDF. They support families in this process. They can tell you all of your rights, how to best communicate and what the District is required to do. They give tons of resources. There are also Educational Lawyers, some that work on contingency that can help you. Call Deborah Jacobson and have a consult. 
    good luck

    I meant also to say that the Federal Law does not allow them to do nothing during COVID. They must address your issues and your child’s needs. DREDF will help! 

    Hi, We are also battling with our district (not Albany) for a very similar situation with our daughter. One suggestion:  Get a free 30 minute consultation with a special Education Attorney. There are several in the Bay Area. It is easy to make an appointment right now because they are not super busy. We did and it was hugely helpful in how to communicate with the district.  Good Luck!!

    Albany schools are great, but how they deal with bullying is another issue, & not unique to our district. A bullied child has few rights, & I found in my research that many victims opt to just change schools.  If the bully has a diagnosis, or is thought to be in need of one, there are laws protecting him/her & organizations to help fight disciplinary actions. Teachers can do little other than request up to a 5 day suspension. It’s on the principal and they’re afraid of lawsuits.

    My daughter’s empathy towards a very odd boy in class is probably what set her up to be one of his primary targets.  The boy was new & soon terrorized everyone. He grew increasingly violent, & any change in routine or over stimulation would cause violent racist rants & aggression (for ex trying to stab a classmate with scissors when upset by a sub).  It culminated with the boy violently attacking my daughter on the playground without provocation, she simply walked past him. When we took her to Kaiser for a resulting injury they called the police, &  the teacher pulled in the union to support her request for a 5 day suspension. We were preparing to home school until she could transfer to another school. We were fortunate that the boy’s family ended up keeping him home and he didn’t return.

    Up to attack the only “help” we were offered was for my daughter, the victim, to transfer to another classroom. We were asked to understand that they were trying to get the boy evaluated and some help. In the meantime my daughter’s anxiety was so severe she often wouldn’t get out of bed for days and we had started the process for her to start seeing a therapist.  Another parent was looking into a group of us hiring a lawyer. This is when we found out that California school districts are required to have a system, called “Uniform Complaint,”  to lodge a complaint if a child’s right to an education is being violated. Most teachers don’t even know about, &  the principal and district won’t bring it u;  just having it on their website and parent handbook meets their legal requirement: https://www.ausdk12.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=218780&type=d&pREC_ID=1337653.

    Once you file a Uniform Complaint the school district is required by law to conduct an investigation within a certain time frame. To prove that our daughter’s right to an education was violated by bullying, we submitted details on his physical aggressions & violent and racist comments, information on her injury from the assault & her therapist was interviewed. They also interviewed us, my daughter, the teacher, principal, boy & his parents.  The Uniform Complaint was found in our favor and one of the things we were awarded was a tutor paid for by the district to help her catch up from all the days she had missed. I don’t know what would’ve happened if the boy stayed in school.

    Don’t rely on the school to provide a diagnosis, instead start with a mental health professional or someone who can diagnosis her for special ed. Contact the police if your child is bullied and keep a record. Once she has a diagnosis contact www.disabilityrightsca.org to get help fighting for the IEP. My daughter now has a 504 for ADD & anxiety which helps when dealing with bully issues.

    Feel free to contact me.

     Hi -  I can speak to obtaining an IEP for my son from the Berkeley Unified School District after he was placed in a residential treatment program (that had a school component.) The law, and it's a FEDERAL law, requires that the school district send someone to evaluate your child if they're not local, which is what BUSD did for my son. Also, you probably know, but the law requires that the school respond within a certain amount of time to your request. In the end, the IEP was granted and from that date on, BUSD picked up the cost of the program. I can't speak to COVID issues, but under normal circumstances, it isn't necessary that your daughter be in Albany. I was warned about this tactic, and others in the stonewalling and footdragging department, but BUSD did us a solid. We didn't end up using a lawyer but I spoke with several and got a lot of good information. I'd be happy to talk to you about this if that would be helpful. 

    I don’t have experience with the Albany school district, but I do have a good friend who has dealt with IEP’s for her daughter from 1st grade through high school. She has had to sue the Berkeley school district 3 times to get her daughter an adequate IEP. We’ve had many discussions about it because my daughters went through the Orinda school systems where IEP’s are virtually non-existent. She told me that the schools districts are just set up that way; you have to sue in order to get one that actually works. Each time she’s sued she has won, which means the school district had to pay not only their attorneys but had to pay for hers as well. Each time she’s told them that if they just give her what she’s asking for instead of dragging their feet and making it difficult at every turn, they would save so much money, because all she’s ever asked for is what the school district is supposed to provide anyway. 

    Her attorney was willing to wait to get paid in fill until after the suit was settled, after the initial fee which is generally $5000.

    i hope this helps.