High Road Scholars

Community Subscriber
Operated By:
Hanan Masri
20 participants
hananmasri006 [at] gmail.com

 High Road Scholars is offering a fabulous 4 day camp February 21-24, 2023 called Off Screen Adventures. Outings include foraging for wild greens and mushrooms with a mycologist, cooking a complete meal with our gathered ingredients, making herbal elixirs with local flora and herbs, learning how to activate team work while sailing a boat together in Sausalito, engaging the art of Kado/Japanese flower arrangement with a master teacher and visiting a local artisan who specializes in glass blowing ( Each camper will create their own cup!)

The cost is $750 per camper.  Drop off/pick up is Live Oak Park in Berkeley. We provide transportation to the activities and daily snack.  Email highroadscholars [at] gmail.com 

Parent Reviews

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My kid is 6, and she thanked me about half a dozen times for signing her up for high road scholars over the winter break -- there was cooking, and plants, and crafts I would have killed to get to do as a kid (glassblowing??), and a general smorgasbord of activities that didn't overstay their welcome. I honestly don't think my child noticed that everything was taught by real people with relevant background in what they were teaching (as opposed to general pinterest-y activities), but I certainly appreciated that. Nothing was dumbed down, and the kids were respected enough to be given real crafts, real tasks, and real guidance. We'll certainly be back next year.

High Road Scholars turned out to be the naturalist / world cultures camp of my dreams, and we've pretty much completely rearranged our summer plans to be able to go to it for the only 2 weeks it's running.  Once our kid hit this camp this past winter, it was just, like over.

It's sort of like, when I first had kids, I had this vision of wanting to take my kids around and show them the magic in everything.  But then actually real life and work and everything turned out such that I can get around to showing them the magic in like 5 things.  

I feel like High Road Scholars is the camp that was created when a bunch of people who felt similarly to me went, "We have ridiculous energy and love kids, so we're just going to gather an endless set of marvelous projects and experiences and show them all the different ways that everything is awesome."  

(It's also an especially big deal for our family because, as an immigrant, the decision to settle down in the East Bay meant taking the huge life step of comitting to raising our kids in a mostly-American environment,  So being able to put them in an environment where they are exposed to different people from all of the world genuinely sharing their actual culture at well-paid rates instead of a mass-childified-version is incredibly special.)

Laslty, we've learned through trial and error that our kid tends to either succeed or fail with camps really depending on the teachers more than the subject matter, and they were able to bond incredibly well with both of the lead teachers.