Asthma in Babies

Archived Q&A and Reviews


10-month-old's asthma attacks

March 2006

My 10 month old daughter has asthma. I'm interested in exploring alternative treatments to compliment the western medicine we're already giving her. Here's why: She has had 2 exacerbations so far. The first landed her in the hospital for 2 nights. the second? well that's now and we're trying to avoid another admission. Both times the initial trigger was a cold virus. She is on pulmocort twice a day and has been since before Christmas. Even when she was totally asymtomatic we did the Pulmocort as prevention during the cold season, as advised to do by our pediatrician. She is also on Xopenex - a fancy kind of albuterol since the regular stuff doesn't touch her. It seems to work but doesn't last more than 4 or 5 hours. We stopped that for a bit but started it back up again as soon as she started sounding congested (the day after her nose started running). Despite these, she continued to get worse and is now on a 5 day course of oral prednisone, same as the last time when she was hospitalized. I really don't like giving her prednisone, but when she's in distress, I'm not taking any chances.

She did get RAST (allergen) tested during her asymptomatic phase - I haven't gotten the results yet, and am not sure what to do with them once I get them.

Obviously the Pulmocort didn't prevent anything since as soon as she got a cold, it turned into a serious asthma exacerbation. I don't think its realistic to prevent colds since we all get them and she has a 2 year old brother in preschool. I'm hoping, once this present episode is over with, we can explore some additional options.

There is so much conflicting information out there about asthma and alternative treatments. I'm looking for a helpful source of information. I'm also looking for someone who has been in a similar situation and found a treatment or a specific practitioner that was helpful. I am not willing to toss the western medicine out the window, but I do not think it is doing an adequate job prevention-wise. I feel like options are really limited too because of her young age - 10 months!

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

My 4 y.o. son has been treated for serious asthma episodes -- multiple hospitalizations, ER trips, courses of predisone -- since he was two. The most helpful thing for us has been for him to be referred to the Bay Area Pediatric Pulmonary practice (510) 428-3305; for us this has been much more beneficial than some assessments by an allergist. He has been much better managed, being followed there than by his pediatricians who I'm sure are very competent. I'd recommend BAPP if your insurance situation permits. Otherwise, I'd push for consulatation with any pediatric pulmonologist who might be available under your health care.

BAPP has had some staff turnover, but we have most recently seen RNP Sarah Boushey who seems very good. They have a few offices through the Bay Area, including Children's Hospital. Even though we're in Berkeley, we find it worthwhile to go to the Greenbrae office (Marin County), an easy drive actually, which is nice and quiet, never any germy kids in the waiting room, unlike Children's, apparently.

Good luck. anon

cats? carpet? stuffed animals? smokers? (if any of those, would strongly consider getting rid of...)

HEPA air filter for her room? allergen-free beeding? I would recommend adding these. See what the RAST says, ask your pediatrician but they will most likely recommend that you eliminate whatever your daughter is allergic to on RAST.

Consider seeing a pulmonologist for best care?

if you are both caucasian, perhaps screen your daughter for cystic fibrosis? (just to be anal, not that it is likely)

the Pulmocort does NOT prevent colds. It just tries to prevent a BAD asthma exacerbation.

the best thing is to avoid getting colds, as possible (no giant daycare, avoid sick contacts). the colds make the asthma worse... Perhaps get the 2 y/o brother into a home daycare (with minimal other children... or older children [10 year olds?]who generally have less colds)

if you go alternative, make sure you check their credentials and references, make sure that other parents with kids who have 10 month olds with 2 exacerbations have used this person with success. unfortunately, I think you will find few alternative medical remedies. Sophia, pediatrician works with teens mainly