
Oakland, San Rafael

Parent Reviews

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IMHO, what finally worked was weekly "school of rock" style classes. Our daughter was similarly shy and eventually did well with Bandworks. The trick is to keep on signing up and trying out different configurations of kids. It didn't work out immediately. The first two seasons, she didn't click with the kids either due to personality or level of musicianship. Now she's in a trio of kids who are having a great time and playing great music. Call them up and have a chat!


Hello, You can try Bandworks or 3 O'clock rock. They are both in Oakland and do exactly that. Also, my 12 yr old is a drummer and we have space to jam. Please reach out if you are interested. Also, at least with Bandworks, you can request to be with kids you know. The new session starts soon. We can have our kids meet and jam and if a good fit maybe do the program together.

You can email me,Lisa, at hearlittlelis [at] 


Bandworks, in the East Bay, is a great place for a teen to join a band. All levels. 


Archived Q&A and Reviews

May 2006

Re: Need suggestions for getting 14-y-o son off computer
If your son plays guitar he might be interested in BandWorks. It's a pretty cool thing. It's a good way to socialize without having the pressure of talking! They place kids with similar tastes in music, and similar skill levels together and help them to play some songs and sometimes they have a final performance at Ashkenaz. It's low-pressure and very empowering. They have several different programs during the summer, check out the website: Good Luck anon

Feb 2005

Re: Drum teacher for 13-year-old girl?
Hi Pam, Jeremy Steinkoler is a great drum teacher for all levels. And if he's not taking students right now, he can recommend somebody who is. You can reach him by email: jeremy at

Actually, you and your daughter may be interested in the program he & Steve Gibson run, called ''BandWorks.'' The classes are for both kids (8 on the young side) and adults. They match students by age, ability & schedule into bands that after about 8 weeks, perform @ Ashkenaz. It's way fun. I've done it & now my son is doing it (11y.o.)

They're also gonna be offering summer camp classes and I think their next round of classes is going to start in April. So, if you're interested in that kind of stuff, you can check out their website:


Feb 2005

You may want to consider the Bandworks summer camp. They are local and you can find them on the web at

Last summer our son and several of his friends attended the camp. They all had a great time and plan to go again this summer. Bandworks enrolls kids as young as 8 years old, as well as teens through 18 years old. Our kids were all about 10 years old and were grouped with kids around the same age and musical experience. Last summer they took the CD recording workshop. This summer they have discussed taking that CD workshop again as well as a song writing workshop.

Bandworks also has an after school program which has been great for our son. He has taken several sessions, sometimes joined by his friends and sometimes on his own where he made new friends. His self confidence has grown tremendously through these music classes. The high point for him, and probably us as well, is end of the session when his band performs at Ashkenaz. It is very moving to watching and hearing the kids rock out in front of their cheering fans. Alan

Check out It's a great way for kids to play in a rock band with professional instruction. The best part is the concert at the end where all the bands perform. They take kids and adults. Contact Steve Gibson at ''steve [at]''. He was my guitar teacher for years, and is a great guy. Katie