Why did you leave Yu Ming?

Would love to hear the experiences who decided to pull their kids out of Yu Ming after enrolling in kindergarten or early elementary. 

I went to a campus tour and saw very large classes. Half the students were engaged and half were distracted, and given the intensity of the subject matter (they were drilling Chinese stroke order), I imagined the distracted kids would just fall farther and farther behind if not caught. 

Yu Ming has significant attrition. Many hundreds of kinder students eventually transfer out and at the upper elementary and middle grades there are only dozens left. 

And Yu Ming's touted test scores are based on the CAASPP and SBAC, which only start testing in grade 3. Yu Ming students score very poorly on the one test that begins prior to grade 3 (ELPAC), with only 17-22% of K-G2 demonstrating English proficiency, as to be expected with a dual immersion school. 

So I feel skeptical and I want to hear from parents who opted out. Why did you do so? 

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