Bunk beds?

We're looking for twin bunk beds and matching dressers for our boys (ages 2 and 6); we anticipate them sharing a room until they leave home. Anyone have experience with the west elm mid-century modern bunk bed? It looks beautiful but I'm concerned about quality/durability over time. Alternatively, if anyone has recommendations for local furniture stores or even carpenters who custom-build bunk beds, that would be helpful. 

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Bunk beds? (Dec 10, 2024)

Pottery Barn Kids bunk beds are really sturdy. They can be used as bunk beds & 2 single twin beds as well. 

Bunk beds? (Dec 10, 2024)

I recommend bunk beds that can be taken apart and used as two separate beds. Your boys are young and you don't know how well they'll get along when they are 10 and 14 -- at some future date you might need to carve out separate spaces. I have 3 boys and we went through a number of different configurations through several moves. One of my sons was 6 feet tall by the time he was 10 and the twin bed became ridiculously insufficient (college dorms have Twin XLs for this reason!). You don't need top of the line - look on Wayfair and look on craigslist.  Buy what you need for now, with the expectation that you might need to change it up in a few years.