Humidifier Recommendation?

Hi all. I'm in need of a humidifier for my bedroom. I'm pregnant and plan to also use this in the baby's room once she's born.  I've heard a lot of humidifiers are hard to clean and get moldy. Does anyone have one they would recommend? Appreciate the help. Thanks. 

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You probably want an evaporative humidifier rather than an ultrasonic one. Ultrasonic ones require distilled water or they will be forcing mineral particulate that's disolved in the water into the air.

I use Vornado's line of these, I have an older version of the EVDC500 and I'm pretty happy with it.  Make sure you change the wicks monthly or more, those are the parts that can get a bit nasty.


hi! we have one by Canopy and i loooove it because you can put it in the dishwasher!


Out of all the humidifiers I’ve used over the past several years this one is best-

For an illness worse than a minor cough or cold like croup or just a bad cold…. I recommend a warm mist vaporizer. Congratulations!