Weeklong sleepaway college experience for rising HS senior?

Our third child is in his junior year, and wants to go away to a traditional four year college.  However, he experienced pretty significant anxiety during two middle school trips (outdoor education and a sports camp) and hasn’t slept away since.  His anxiety is otherwise resolved, and he may be just fine, but we’d all like to give him a trial run at one of those weeklong live-in-the-dorms college experiences that have cropped up everywhere.  Since we aren’t doing this as a leg up for college admissions, we’d prefer not to pay the $ 5000 that a lot seem to cost.  Because of the history, we’d prefer it be within about a 3 hour drive.  Honestly not that picky about what the week consists of - does anyone have any suggestions for this weird ask?

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Not a weird ask, I've done lots of research on these for my two kids. Based on what you say are your parameters, you might want to have him look at University of the Pacific in Stockton, which has a pre-college program of 10 days. https://www.pacific.edu/about-pacific/summer/precollege-summer-program/…