Resources for high-functioning 19 year old with autism


I am looking for resources for my friend's adult child who has high functioning autism spectrum disorder. It seems that most organizations in the area provide support for more severe forms of ASD, but are there resources for higher functioning adults? I am thinking job training and other resources for adulthood. Thank you for any leads you may have. 

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Yes! There's the Depart of Rehabilitation (terrible name!), which is available for kids 16 and older to help with job training, college costs, and many other things. We haven't used it (kid is still younger), but someone I know who's a fierce advocate for kids with disabilities tipped me off to it. 

"High functioning" can mean a lot of things, so it's impossible to say for sure what's available. Has your child been able to graduate high school? Because the school districts can provide services up to age 22, I believe. 

You should begin by making an appointment with the Regional Center of the East Bay. You should also consider applying for Social Security disability benefits. There is help available for you and your child and you aren't proving anything by trying to do everything alone. Regional Center can help. Be patient; it will take a few appointments and it can take time, but help is there for you both.