Landscape architect recs / fruit trees and edible landscaping

We are looking to re-do both our front yard and backyard in Berkeley. We are seeking out an excellent landscape designer or landscape architect who is really good with figuring out how to maximize small spaces so that we can have multiple uses (outdoor dining, bike shed, kids' space) while also maximizing our "edible landscaping" opportunities -- i.e. fruit trees, raised beds, raspberry bushes, herb gardens, etc. Would love to hear recommendations. Thanks! 

Parent Replies

New responses are no longer being accepted. did my edible landscape. It turned out great 

Hi there, 

In case you're planning to replace any lawn, the EBMUD has a lawn conversion program where you can get up to $2,000 back. We recently completed a backyward renovation at our house in Alameda where we replaced 850 sq ft of grass with a patio, various paths, and califora native plants. We went through the EBMUD program and were able to get the full amount of refund, which was immensly helpful to offset costs.

- Vadim

Just wanted to add that if you plan to take advantage of the lawn replacement rebate offered by EBMUD, that must be irrigated lawn, so don't stop watering yet!