Roxie Daycare: Daycare openings.

Preschools & Daycares with Immediate Openings

Roxie Daycare currently has a opening(s) for full time toddler between 2 and 3 years of age. The daycare has over 25 years of experience with infants and toddlers. Roxie has a degree in early childhood development, and continues with education classes to keep up to date. We teach reading, writing, math, colors, sharing, talking in both English and Chinese, potty training, personal hygiene, responsibility and basic social skills. We believe in and respect every child's individuality, encourage their personality and self confidence to come out and grow. Great care has been take to make daycare hypoallergenic, safe, and very clean. As a licensed family style daycare, we provide hot, fresh healthy meals and snacks everyday, and strive to make you child feel safe, at home, and happy.

Roxie Pan
roxiedaycare [at]