Toddler music classes north berkeley

Hi! Wondering if anyone has current toddler music class recommendations? Ideally on Fridays! Thank you! 

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My child has really enjoyed Jon's School of Music, which is in the building at Totland. Jon is engaging and fun and silly, and also a good music teacher! I really like that he has a bunch of different instruments for kids to try, but there is an emphasis on drums.


I fully second the above recommendation. We've been going to Jon with our now almost three-year old son for more than a year and he still absolutely LOVES it. Initially, I was worried that he might not be able to sit still during the 45 min class, but Jon is really great in keeping even the smallest kids engaged with lots of creativity and silliness. Just be prepared to sing and dance along! The class progresses from lots of drumming and singing in level 1 (while also trying all sorts of other instruments) to more complex activities in the next level. I recommend doing a test class to see if you like it. We also noticed that, unsurprisingly, the same class can be quite different depending on the group as there is a bit of a range in terms of the # of kids and level of engagement of the parents ;)


I've been going to East Bay music class for last year -- and my little is about 1.5 -- there are multiple classes, and there is offerings on any day of the week. you can sign up for a drop-in class to try it out. the class i go to has kids from infant to 5 years old. i love the diversity of kids! And a big fan of Ryk the teacher.