Neurodivergent friendly schools in oakland and alameda

Hello everyone, i know some veraion of this question has been asked before but please bear with this stressed out mama.
Our level 1 autistic 5 year old son just entered kindergarten in a gen ed classroom within oakland unified this year. It has been a difficult transition and after multiple IEP meetings we are realizing that the holistic environment and staff may just not be able to adapt fast enough for him to thrive. The focus has largely been on compliance and there seems to be a lack of understanding of how to accomodate neurodoversity without seeing his needs as a burden or something to be fixed so we may need to consider a transfer. Does anyone have any positive experiences of true gen ed inclusion classrooms that have dedicated special ed resources within oakland unified or alameda unified. Our little guy is very bright and very verbal but still has some things to learn about how to manage his sensory and self regulation needs. Thanks in advance!

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Children with IEPs are protected under IDEA law, and the school is to provide an appropriate placement and services. If the school isn't meeting those requirements, you have legal rights. Aside from hiring an attorney, Chabot Elementary has a great inclusion program IMO. Good luck. 

I know you asked for positive experiences and hopefully you’ll get some, but if you don’t and you feel like its an uphill battle with OUSD, I would suggest homeschooling. I’ve posted several responses to other similar questions about our experience, but long story short, my son has HF ASD and SPD, academically advanced, and verbal. He struggled mostly with sensory issues and social behaviors, had many accommodations, and an aide for nearly the entire day. He was at one of the top schools in the hills in a gen ed inclusion class and by 2nd grade we pulled him out because his experience was getting worse by the day. Feel free to message me for more info. If you can swing homeschooling, it will change your child’s life in the best way! Individualized, less stress and anxiety, the ability to tailor everything to your kid’s best interest, small in person academic and/or extracurricular classes for socializing if you choose- we do more of a hybrid homeschooling thing- … I could go on and on…I wish I started in Kindergarten had I known how awesome it is. 

Try researching some smaller charter school options in Oakland and Alameda. Both my kids also fit that profile. We had a good experience at Academy of Alameda which has a full inclusion model and a good special ed department, and I've also heard good things about Nea, another charter school in Alameda but don't have direct experience with them. We did not have a good experience with Alameda Unified elementary schools (tried 3), even at one that had the "Bridge" program, though we have a friend who has had a good experience at Maya Lin (especially if your kid likes art). Look for those public school charter gems. We stayed in that path through middle and high school and have been happy.