Afterschool homework buddy/tutor for high school junior

My son, a high school junior who goes to school in SF, is struggling to get his homework done. Typically it's more of an executive function/procrastination issue rather than a problem with the material, but not always. It's harming our relationship for me to be the one constantly supporting, pushing and asking about his work. I am in search of a homework buddy/tutor for him so that he has someone he can work with. It could be just doing work together or actually supporting him when he has questions or struggles to complete the work. I'm pretty open to suggestions, just looking for ways to help him out without damaging our relationship. He's a terrific kid who doesn't realize how great he is. Thanks for any and all ideas/recommendations.

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I would reach out to the school counselor for ideas and support, and/or tap resources at the school. For example, at my kids' high school there are different regular days of the week where the teachers stay late to tutor in foreign language and math. (trying to get one of my kids to attend, lol)  

If you are curious about the cost of a homework helper/tutor, we have had someone on zoom for a couple of years who charges $90/hour, which I think is on the low end. But we found it fairly ineffective so have discontinued it.

Meant to respond to this earlier -- Classroom Matters in Berkeley ( offers exactly this kind of support, which was invaluable for my child with similar challenges. 
