Parent Participation in Public Schools

Parent Q&A

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  • Hi, we are looking for some advice from the BPN community. Our kid just started public school and we've been surprised and saddened by some of the school's policies. We're wondering if that's how most if not all elementary schools are operating these days or if it's just luck of the draw which school you're zoned for.

    Our biggest concerns are:

    1) Parents are only allowed to volunteer at recess and lunch; there's no option for classroom participation.

    2) Pick up and drop off are at the gate; no parents may go beyond the gate, other than to volunteer at designated times

    3) Communication on what the kids are actually doing during the day is very limited. There's a summary email at the end of the week, but so far it's not very informative. Pretty much just saying that everything's going good and the kids are all good. 

    4) Limited amount of time outside. The time outside is 30 minutes total, spread across two recess periods.

    We're members of the PTA, but that seems like it's mostly a fundraising organization. Any thoughts from those whose schools are similarly structured? How have you navigated the policies but still stay engaged? Are there public schools in the area that prioritize parents being included or encourage parents to help with classroom tasks? Do we have unreasonable expectations? 

    Thank you for any experiences you're willing to share.

    I am not sure which district you are in. We were in OUSD and it was a difficult transition from preschool. 

    The outside time is truly limited. I was shocked to learn that recess was for about 15 min and lunch was barely 20 min of play time. 

    We were at two different OUSD schools and the recess amount was the same, communication was limited,. The first school allowed parents into the school yard at drop off. The second school did not want parents inside the school or the yard.  Drop off was at the curb/gate.

    Both schools allowed and wanted parent volunteers for lower grades in class although we never volunteered as we work full time. But I understand this is teacher specific. Some teachers do not want parents in class. 

    I am sorry you aren’t loving your school. 

    This is typical for WCCUSD district as well and suspect most public schools. I have found volunteering at recess/lunch to be a rewarding way to help the school and get to know the other kids in the school. The reality is that the teachers and staff of public schools in this area are stretched very very thin so expecting more communication is not realistic and volunteering inside the classroom is not particularly helpful (and can potentially be disruptive) for the teachers/class. If you want a lot more involvement a co-op type school such as Crestmont in Richmond might be a better choice.

    We were in a similar situation with an elementary school and it was extremely frustrating.  I would make sure the school itself is in compliance with the school districts rules. Every school needs to abide by the governing school district policies (although our school at the time did not).  You may have to get higher ups involved.

    My kiddo went to John Muir and left there in 2020. Prior to that and covid, I was able to volunteer in the class room one day a week (and did they ever need it) in several of the years prior to graduating to middle school. I loved being in the class room and learned a lot. I got to see great teachers and some poor ones. I got to help the teachers and the kids which was so much fun. 

    I also noticed that my daughter was not engaged and was having some struggles with math and reading. I was able to bring this to the attention of principal and teachers which ultimately proved beneficial for her. The math problems were due to some learning issues, but the reading was because, IMHO, the school was not teaching phonics. I recognized this was was able to help her with her reading. All this to say, that being in the class room as a parent was very valuable and I was able to render a great service.

    I do not know if the policy permitting parents on the play ground and in classrooms has changed district wide or if the policy is school-dependent. But being in the class room was such an eye opener and every parent that can should engage. It is a great community builder.


    I'm in WCSD public schools with two upper-elementary kids. My experience is a little different than you've had, but it does vary with district. 

    1. Parents can volunteer during the day, in the classroom during specific times. For example, not during math class, but when the kids were doing something project based (like helping in the school garden) the parents can sign up. We also have parents that do things like make copies, laminate, and help with setup for the classes. We have a lot of field trips and whole school activities that the parents run, including providing transportation. They do need more volunteers at recess, lunch, and help directing traffic before and after school, as the volunteer parents are the crossing guards. 
    2. This is the same, the campus is closed to all parents during the school day unless you are volunteering, then you'd pick up a badge from the office and can be in the classrooms. 
    3. Most of my kids' teachers have had a website that lists what units they are on and how we can help at home. For example, if they are writing personal narratives, we can practice that, or specific math units, like fractions. We do not communicate during the school day, and I wouldn't want the teacher to be on their device all day. If I want to set up a one-on-one with any teacher, we set it up by appointment and I'd meet with them before or after school or when the kids are elsewhere, like at PE. 
    4. In addition to being outside during recess and lunch, my kids also get two 45 minute PE sessions per week outside on the field, plus sometimes they have projects outside, such as the school garden, or doing messy art or science on the blacktop. 

    PTA's (and we also have a foundation WCEF) with the main function of fundraising. Due to the state's allocations (and prop 13 and 89), California schools are severely underfunded. Our PTA pays the salaries of many of the teachers including: band, general music, art, science, maker lab, librarian, PE, counseling, and others. Without the PTA the kids would have math, reading, and writing. The PTA has to raise money to make up the difference. 

    There are definitely public schools that welcome classroom volunteers; that varies by school, and may also change as you get further into the school year. Ask at PTA or back-to-school meetings to see. The other three sound pretty typical. Weekly communication is more than some schools offer, so you're ahead of the curve there (though I imagine it also varies widely by teacher, and some may communicate more often or more in depth.) Drop off at the gate is pretty standard these days because it allows schools to better manage access--from a safety perspective, many try to have a single open door during the school day (or require you to be buzzed in). California requires 30 minutes of recess each day for elementary, and that's what most schools offer--to meet the required minutes of instructional time with longer recesses, they'd need to have a longer school day, and that's often not possible. So I'd say your school is pretty typical of most local public schools. Unfortunately you may need to recalibrate your expectations a bit, especially if you're coming from a private preschool.

    You didn't mention which school district you are in and what age your child is. In our school in Alameda, the lower grade classrooms encourage lots of parent volunteers in the classroom, at recess, and at lunch. The teachers are chatty and happy to talk with parents to keep them updated. The upper grade classrooms are a little more closed off. They don't really need parents in the classroom anymore (the kids don't always want to see their parents either), and the teachers may send weekly reports but not much more. The PTA is very hands on, it's not just for fundraising. The PTA members run many activities at school, such as cooking contests, art contests, and community building parties and events. As for the drop off at the gate, that's what happened from Covid and also the (sorry to say) many reports of school shootings in the US. Parents used to be allowed to walk in and hang out, now there is a big gate and everyone is checked in at the front office. If your child is in Kindergarten and this is your first exposure to this school, I would definitely join the PTA and find out what they do. Reach out to the teacher directly and see if he or she needs help in the classroom. Sometimes they want parents to come in to help the kids read, or they have worksheets that need printing or cutting. And definitely definitely volunteer at recess and lunch. The teachers are on mandated break at lunch and there are never enough grown ups to supervise the kids, so schools really need help there. You'll see so much fun stuff just walking on campus and watching how kids interact with each other. Also reach out to the front office and the principal. Ask how you can get more involved. Drop off goodies for the teachers, the administration, and the office staff. The more you put in, the more you get out. 

    1. Classroom participation would depend on whether the teacher needs it, and finds it useful or disruptive. From what I have seen, some teachers ask for classroom participation and others don't. So this may change as your child goes to higher grades.
    2. Pick up and drop off at gate is likely a safety feature. If a lot of parents walk in, I assume it will be difficult for teachers to track which child is leaving with which parent. In general, I have seen BUSD schools being more particular about this (which I like). My cousin's kid's school in another district allows parents to come on campus and allows older kids to walk out the gate while they wait for pick up. That was a bit odd for me. In BUSD, normally a teacher would stand at the gate and only let kids out if they see the parent.
    3. If there is specific communication you are looking for, let the teacher know and see if they will communciate on specific topics.
    4. Time outside is limited. I am not sure what's the solution for that. You may have to supplement with extra time outside in parks/activities in the evening.

    I volunteer for field trips etc. and assist teachers with any specific activities they want help with. Your kid's teacher may ask for more help as the year progresses, so watch out for those notifications.

    Longtime OUSD parent, chiming in to's still very early in the school year, and the process to be cleared to volunteer in the classroom is an arduous one and pretty confusing. I know our school struggles to coordinate helping out parents who are interested in volunteering--it requires fingerprinting and Live Scan and a TB test in Oakland. During the hustle of the start of the school year, I know administrators have just a ton to do and it's easier not to jump in and try to get this worked out. If you ARE in Oakland you can start the process on your own. (It's the same process you'll need to follow if you want to volunteer to drive on field trips, too, for instance.) The Oakland Ed Fund coordinates it all. Here's the website:

    (The reason you can volunteer at recess and lunch is that you're in the presence of other adults who HAVE been background-checked.)

    On the communication piece: I know that's frustrating, but teachers have a ton to do--especially at the start of the school year--and you gotta make sure to give them grace. If your kid is happy, it means everything is going fine. At back to school night, you might consider asking the teacher directly if there's a way you can be supportive. Coordinating volunteers is a pretty heavy lift, so just making clear that you're up for stuff that comes up is a big help. The teachers are there for the kids, not the parents. And things will settle down soon. It's still August!

    Good luck! Head up!

    We are at Valley View Elementary in WCCUSD and they LOVE volunteers, they would've let me be there all day everyday in Kinder if I wanted (I did 1 full day a week). 1st grade the teacher wanted help at more specific times (art, gardening, etc. ). We'll see about this year.   It's so helpful to see how the class is run and what areas your kid struggles with. We can walk students in to line up in the meeting area (their school is modular so there's no main building). The daily schedule isn't communicated to parents and the outside time is very limited and sad  I do know that you can request an observation classroom day if you want to get a better sense. 

    Also in OUSD.

    They take patent volunteers fora variety of things- lunch and recess, classroom help, special event planning and workers and food distribution help. Because we are a Title 1 school, we also have a School Site Counsel where parents can be involved make some decisions about funds. 

    Drop off is at the gate but pick up is at the gate or the school yard depending on if you walk or  drive.

    That is more communication than we have usually. We do get homework info and eventually  conferences, but it's definitely an area our school could improve with. But I think it's fairly typical.

    30 minutes, it' my understanding, is what the state of California requires. I think the little kids might get a little more  time, but it's what my kids get too. Considering it's a 6 hour day and all they need to do, I'm not sure they could carve out more. I know they also have movement breaks in the classroom and we try and spend time outside in the evening.  

    Hi! Sharing experiences from Santa Rosa public elementary: 

    1. Our public elementary school has parents volunteer in the classroom for specific days/activities in designated roles, such as being an art docent on Fine Arts Day. There are also lots of opportunities to volunteer at school functions such as Lotteria night, Talent Show, school picnics, the Color Run, etc. On a case-by-case basis we can communicate w/ our child's teachers and ask if they need help in the classroom for a specific task, like compiling art at the end of the year, etc. But in general, no, we can't just be in the classroom "helping out". And I can see why teachers might not want that (too many cooks in the kitchen). 
    2. We can go onto campus for drop-off and pick-up, but then gates are locked during the school day. If we need to pick up midday, we go to the office and they call the room, and the child comes to us. This is for safety and I appreciate it. 
    3. We get a once-weekly email from the teacher w/ an update. I think asking for more than that from a busy teacher is unreasonable. It isn't preschool, we don't need daily updates unless there is some type of intervention going on for a behavioral issue, etc. Teachers are always available to message via Parent Square, though, and they've all been super responsive. 
    4. I'm not sure how much outside time they get, between recess, lunch, and then PE twice a week... They also eat outside and then go play, so I think it's more like 1 hour. 

    Some allow for more parent participation, it really depends on the school. I signed up for specific events to be a part of and at my son’s school in OUSD I was a room parent so I coordinated class activities and was in contact with his teacher more often. As far as what goes on, my kid has special needs so I was  regularly informed, but like you said the “everything all good” response was the norm. My son would tell me in detail what would happen, thankfully he could communicate that to me. He was getting bullied and despite all attempts to resolve, communicate, etc. nothing worked and I pulled him out in 2nd grade to homeschool. Homeschooling is amazing, the best choice for my son and to be honest if you’re able to do it, do it! We do more of a hybrid through a public charter school to get funding, but I’m his primary teacher. 

    None of the policies you mentioned seem  worrisome or unusual to me. The things I would want to know are: is your child happy?  Can they tell you something fun they did?  Are they learning and growing?  If these questions are a yes, then it sounds like the school is doing its job!  If it is important to you to be involved hands-on in your child’s education, perhaps a small group homeschooling arrangement would be a better fit for your family. As for time outdoors, I always just made my kids go outside and play when they got home from school. :)

    This sounds like the public schools I know and they have produced well rounded individuals. I think your expectations might not be in line with reality. However, I’m also of the belief that parents do not need to be hover - let kids be kids. Support them at home and trust their teachers. Report cards will be given; one on one teacher meetings can be arranged if you are worried about  academic and social progress. Those who want more go to private schools. 

    PTA is a fundraising organization?  Parents barred from the campus at drop-off time?  I've relocated from the East coast, and am a grandparent, so have had no primary school experience for 30 years.  But it sounds to me like the Bay Area public schools have you people well-trained.  I'd say it's time to assert your rights as a parent.  The schools are supposed to serve your family's needs, not vice versa.  As for recess time, I'm pretty sure 15 or 20 minutes is standard, once in the morning, once in the afternoon. Good luck.

    I would second that the transition from preschool to public school was a bit rough! It was an eye opener for sure. 
    A friend of mine with older kids warned me that it would be so. 
    We’re in west contra costa county school District and my child is a 1 grader. We’ve been at public school since kindergarten. At our school kindergarten and TK parents could come into the school grounds for drop off but these 2 years did have a separate meet up area to the rest of the school. For 1 grade and up no parents are allowed inside school yard for drop off except during the first week of school. 

    Our school welcomes volunteer parents in the classroom and during lunch and recess too. Our first recess break is 20min and the second recess with lunch is  40min. Our kinder teacher was super communicative emailing weekly the lesson summary of the week and even sending photos and some videos of how the kids were adjusting to class and doing their work. It was great! The 1st grade teacher we have has so far shared little and no weekly lesson summary. But I am going to ask about it at Back to school night, which is an opportunity to meet the teacher and hear how she works with the class. 

    Good luck with the transition! 

    I would be concerned too.

    When I was considering schools for my kids, I asked my uncle (veteran teacher) how to vet schools and he said to volunteer "if a school is too disorganized to take advantage of free labor, it is too disorganized to educate your child" Have you tried volunteering in general? Some teachers have negative experience with parent volunteers in the classroom but how about in the office, library or anther classroom - maybe not what you have in mind but still helpful and gives you insight into the school in other ways.

    The limit on free time outside seems pretty bad. I wonder what is behind that? I hope the teachers take them out for structured time out - they need to move their bodies! From the other responses, this may be common. 

    My kids are grown now so my experience is not recent but that is my 2 cents.

    As some others have said there is a big jump from preschool to elementary school in terms of parent involvement. In preschool the parent involvement is as much to help the parents with the transition from home/nanny to a more formal environment as it is to help the children. 

    I volunteered with the PTA, and once in a while in my child's classroom when asked in elementary school, when I could fit it into my work schedule. If you have a flexible schedule it would be good to volunteer in the ways that the school has offered. There will probably also be requests for field trip chaperones, room parents, and for holiday activities. It is likely that if you do so, you will have a better understanding of the structure of the place. Volunteering with the PTA on things like Art Night, and Books and Ice Cream, was a good experience, and helped me meet children and parents from other families.

    It is unlikely you will be able to influence the school on recess, as there are minutes required by the state for each subject. Creative teachers sometimes find ways of incorporating outside time into some of the subject area lessons (i.e. during science, or PE.)

    There's a certain letting go that you have to do as your child enters the larger world. If you really want more say, or a different structure, then some private schools are probably a better option for you.

    Reply now  »
  • Hi All, 

    I've seen a lot of posts about parent participation pre-schools, but I would love to hear about your experiences in Parent Participation schools for older (elementary school) children. I'm interested in hearing both the good and the bad. Parent participation seems to work well with toddlers and younger children, but what is it like as the kids grow older and their lives grow more complicated? Is it difficult to watch your child as they engage in the usual (or more difficult) social and academic struggles? Have you encountered parents who become overly involved, either with their children or with other children in the class? What is the dynamic like between the parents? Between the parents and the classroom teachers? Have you found that the motivations of other parents at school align with your own motivations for staying involved at that level?

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your experiences with me! 

    You didn't receive any responses so I thought I would reply. K-8 co-ops are unusual, so that may be why no one responded. To my knowledge, there is only one parent co-op elementary school in the East Bay: Crestmont School in Richmond. I don't have experience with Crestmont, but my three kids went to parent co-op preschools, and then went on to attend a variety of public and private elementary schools, including Walden School in Berkeley, which is a teacher co-op, where decisions are made collectively by the teachers rather than a director.  All of my kids' elementary schools invited or even required parent participation at some level. Typically there would be one or more parents helping out in the classroom, especially in lower grades, especially at the public schools. I never observed the "hovering parent" that you might see in a preschool co-op, or parents chit-chatting while in the classroom. The day is much more structured in elementary school, and the teacher is firmly in charge. Teachers also tend to have a more professional relationship with parents compared to preschool. Parents who help in the classroom are given specific tasks, such as taking the kids to the library, or sitting with a child who needs more practice reading.

    For me, it was fun to be in the classroom occasionally - I worked so I couldn't do it often. I liked getting to know the kids, the teachers and the other parents. Were some parents too involved? Sure. There were parents who seemed to be at the school every day. But they were doing things that I didn't have time to do, that the school needed someone to do, and I appreciated that.  Did other parents' motivations align with mine? Not always. Collectively my kids attended 6 or 7 different schools through high school, and there was not one school where I felt I was completely in tune with all the other parents. But that was never a problem for me as long as my kids were happy and learning and growing. 

    The one thing I would be concerned about, regarding co-ops, is something I observed at the two co-op preschools my kids went to. Parent volunteers took on some roles that, at non-co-op schools, would have been filled by a director or other paid staff. In some cases parents had decision-making roles in administrative matters such as hiring and firing, curriculum, hours, and how money is spent. This sounds democratic, but in practice it could be disruptive. It was dismaying to find that the qualities that had attracted our family to the preschool in the first place could be dramatically changed mid-year if this year's crop of well-meaning parents wanted something different. If I had it to do over again, I'd still choose a co-op preschool but I would ask more questions about administration and decision-making!

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Why don't More Parents Volunteer?

Sept 2014

Ever since 9/11, I've made it a priority to volunteer some of my time. This is even more important to me now that I'm a mother. My mom volunteered regularly and I want my son to also see this as a normal way of life. This year I am chair of the parent association at my son's Montessori school. I love the things our group accomplishes -- provides scholarships, offers parent education workshops with free childcare, puts on fun fellowship events for the whole school, helps take care of the school grounds, creates ways for kids to collect needed items for the community to develop altruism, etc. We create a vibrant community around the school.

I truly get it that other parents are busy, but why don't more people step up to volunteer? Every event we do, we're struggling to get enough volunteers to make it run, but then everybody turns up in droves to take advantage of whatever we've created. Often we limp through, but the regular volunteers quickly become burned out. Or we get mostly last-minute volunteers that we're very grateful for yet we had to sweat it out and beg right up until the event. I know people are busy. I know many people already volunteer for church, their kids sports/activities, etc. But how can I motivate people to help and also to commit to helping in advance? What words would motivate you as a busy parent to share some of your time? --Getting Burned Out

Here's why I don't volunteer regularly: I work full time in a job that includes occasional late evening meetings, I have three kids under 6, my husband works full time and has a longer commute, and volunteering requires not bringing children with me. If there was a way to have children with me in order to volunteer, I would more readily participate. But let's face it, I'm exhausted and already feel guilty from the hours I spend apart from my children due to my job. I would assume I'm not alone in this scenario. If you also come from a dual-full-time working household, more power to you. Typical Working Parent

We had the Same issue at my son's school and decided to create Committees and require parents ti join one or pick an activity and do 20 hours Of volunteers which we keep loosely track of. One volunteer became the Volunteer organizer and it's been a huge improvement. That said You have to be respectful of the fact life has changed since our moms And not everyone can... Anon

I'm so glad you raised this topic because it's one I've thought a lot about and am glad to have a discussion on it. We are a 2-career family with 2 early elem kids. I volunteer occasionally, give money regularly, and do attend the community events that are put on by volunteers. So I am one of the people you are frustrated by. I constantly feel both guilty that I am not doing more (and especially that a small subset of parents seems to carry the weight for everyone), and also frustrated at what feels like the endless, endless requests for time from the PTA.

But here's my perspective. Time is very limited in our family - I'm barely treading water at work and also always feel like I should be spending more time with the family outside of the crazy dinner-bath-homework-bed nightly rush. So if I ever have any ''spare'' time on weekends, it is always allocated to either work or to family time. Exercise, hobbies and, yes, volunteering will have to wait until the kids are much older. If I were in charge of the school parents' group (which I am not obviously) I would plan many fewer volunteer-dependent events.

I feel like I send my kids to school to be educated by the school, and while community activities are nice (and I will attend them if they are happening), they are a bonus and not critical. I do get frustrated when a group of parents who have more time than I do plan volunteer-dependent activities without the input of the parents who don't have time to volunteer. For me, it's a skewed cost-benefit ratio.

Of course I would love to have a school picnic or spaghetti dinner so that we can spend time together as a school. But what is the cost? If it means me investing 5-6 hours of volunteer time or running extra errands during my precious weekend time, it is simply *not worth it*. I would much rather have a quiet dinner at home with my family than add to our stress with volunteer time in order to have a community event. In sum, community events and field trips and such for the kids are great - if they are cost-free. But parent time is just as costly as parent donations for many families.

You asked what would motivate me to volunteer. I'm not sure, but I think I'd be more motivated if I felt like the PTA was doing a good job in taking parent volunteer requirements into account when planning activities. If they were to say, ''We scheduled 3 events this year which works out to about xxx parent-hours over the year which averages only a 45 min contribution per family'' I would be more trusting that they had taken the cost of time into account and would be more willing to step up and do my part.

Our PTA does do an excellent job of keeping the economic burden down and not asking families to spend too much for school supplies, field trips, etc. I only wish they would apply the same thoughtfulness to what they are asking of families in terms of time. I look forward to seeing other thoughts from the BPN community on this issue! already-overwhelmed parent

I greatly appreciate the parents who heavily volunteer at my son's school. I volunteer also, but in a much more limited way than the handful of really dedicated volunteers. I do one-off events like field trips, the occasional school event, etc., but not the regular shifts or other year-long commitments. When I have, I fall too far behind on my work. I'm self-employed, and my family counts on my income, especially while my husband is a grad student. I'm just not going to work at my desk until 10 pm so that I can help with the book exchange every week.

We also took in a boy in need a few years ago and having a special-needs child in our home has been overwhelming. I have put in hundreds of hours just on advocating for him. I also feel like there are SO MANY things that the school asks us to volunteer for. The garden, the auction, the food drives, the fundraisers, the field trips the special events, the yard duty, the bike scans, and on and on and on. And on! I can't do all this.

I constantly feel guilty that I can't help more. And I sometimes wonder if we really need quite so many events and extras in our school. They seem to be set up by people who have way more time for this kind of thing than I do. It's a game I can't compete at, and from the sidelines it's very guilt-inducing. That's what my life looks like. It doesn't look like yours.

I have different, also important priorities. If volunteering is your way of expressing yourself and your love of community, that's great. It can't be everyone's. At my school anyway, my advice to people looking for volunteers is start asking for less. Decide how many events or other extras you REALLY need to offer. Not based on what you personally are up for, but based on what people can realistically help on. Then volunteer for that, let people know how fun these events/projects are to volunteer, and let it go beyond that. If there's something you really want to work on, do it for the love of working on it, regardless of whether you can draw others in. struggling to keep it together even before volunteering

I work full time and want to volunteer for my son's school. But last year there were so many hovering parents that I just didn't feel needed so I didn't do much. This year I'm doing more because no one else seems to be doing anything. I think that you should reach out to people individually and ask for help. Make that person feel needed. It's easy to assume that lots of other people will respond to a group request for help. You probably come across as being very competent and not really in need of help. An individual request might be just what is needed. I like to feel needed

Hi, I can only speak from my own experience about why I don't volunteer at my kids' school:

1. The main reason is that I really don't want to. My life is so very busy, just like everyone else. I don't get everything done as it is. Also, I have a very serious medical condition that takes up quite a lot of time. I'm just tapped out.

2. I find volunteering unpleasant. I don't like working in groups, and I don't enjoy going to group events. (I do give plenty of money to the school, though.)

3. Our school makes it very easy for me to avoid volunteering, because of ridiculous requirements. I would have to have a TB test, fingerprinting at the police station (both of which cost money and take time) and fill out reams of paperwork. If I wanted to drive even my own child to an event during school hours, I would further have to provide my entire driving record from the DMV.

4. It took me about two months to develop compassion fatigue for our school. The fundraisers and requests for help are constant. In kindergarten my son once brought home a weekly school newsletter with no fewer than six requests for money for different things. There are at least four major fundraising events each school year, plus at least four separate charities that request significant sums regularly. And those are just the big ones. The requests for time are identical, since each of these events are run by volunteers.

When I was a kid, we went to school, went to class, and came home. There were not constant events and fundraisers and parent volunteers in the class. This was in a rural midwestern area decades ago, and I got a solid education. Now it seems that there is an expectation in California that when your kids start school, you somehow do too. I'm just not on board with this philosophy. I realize that the schools are financially struggling, and would be the first person to sign up to pay more taxes for that purpose. As I said, I donate plenty of money to our school. But there is a reason I'm not a teacher or a professional fundraiser. Finished Grade School Long Ago

For context, i am a hard-core volunteer; my husband has asked me to dial it back to three activities, so that I do not become overly busy and get stressed out! Our kids attended both Oakland public and private/Montessori schools. Here are reasons why I saw other parents being reluctant to step up:

1. In the Montessori school, it was a flat-out guilt trip. The school ORDERED parents to show up at specific times, bring specific materials, pony up specific amounts of money. Parents resented being ordered to show up on their days off. It felt coercive.

2. In the public school, there was a widely perceived atmosphere of clique-ishness around the PTA leaders. Those new to the school, the moms who were shy by nature, and others who did not know how to interject themselves into the whirlwind of PTA activities just stayed on the sidelines.

3. Sometimes certain PTA leaders would take on the martyr role, setting up labor-intensive activities and - to use your word - ''begging'' for others to pitch in. Desperation is not sexy.

In order to recruit more volunteers, it will require more work. You and the other parent leaders will need to be very conscious and transparent about creating an atmosphere that is inclusive. You will need to be proactive about having one-to-one conversations with parents new to the school, or those who are not involved in organized efforts. Ask them about themselves in a friendly way before you hit them up to take on duties. This may take more than one conversation.

Speaking of being organized - it is a skill, and a blessing to be that way! Once there is an agreement about what specific activities will be conducted, carefully break all the necessary work into bite-sized fragments. Have one ''chair'' and an understudy, or two ''co-chairs'' who work well together to know every detail of the tasks that must be done, who is in charge of each detail, and whether they tend to follow thru.

Go to individual parents, and say ''Jessica, can I count on you to (e.g.) buy the construction paper and have it in Ms. Sigafoos' room at 3 o'clock?'' Yes, it is much easier to send out email blasts to the whole PTA, but if you want to involve more volunteers, they have to feel personally needed, respected, and appreciated.

There has to be an emotional reward associated with the parent doing the additional task(s) that add to their daily work burden, even if it is just a hearty thanks from the ''chair'' after the task is accomplished. As the school year progresses, it will become clear who are the dynamo people and who are the less reliable ones. After you, the chair, have seen who can be counted on, you can suggest that they take on more responsible roles. For the flakes, give them small, easily accomplished tasks and thank them effusively. Don't be surprised if they don't come thru, and have a backup plan. Too-Much Volunteer Mama

Interesting question. I hope you get a lot of answers and I'm interested to read them. My opinion is that you will likely have a hard time increasing your volunteer base if you approach people with the view that volunteering is important and they should be doing it and feel thankful for the opportunity to volunteer. You are right, it is important, but it will not convince people to volunteer for your organization especially since you are competing with a lot of other organizations desperate for volunteers.

As a working mother, I juggle a full time job, two young children, and a husband with very long hours. I still volunteer, but I restrict it to volunteering at my son's preschool (and I'm sure later it will be his school) and for my temple or other religious organizations of my faith and in my community. There is just no time for more. Time is a precious commodity and I know of several moms who restrict their volunteer and charitable donations to their kids' schools/childcare and one other cause/organization (in my case it is religious, some choose a local homeless shelter, some shelter for abused women with children, etc.).

In order to get more volunteers, I think you should approach those benefiting from your services/events or those otherwise affected by them and convince them that your organization is important and should make the short list of where they want to donate their time. I doubt it is that people don't volunteer (maybe I'm naive but everyone I know does some volunteering), I think they just don't volunteer for your organization - if you approach it from this mindset it might help you get more people involved.

Another thing to consider if you are well funded organization is to offer babysitting services for volunteers on site. I'm involved in a mothers' group and we often get volunteers for our events and we offer childcare for our volunteers - we always have more than enough volunteers since one of them main impediments to volunteering for mothers of young children is having to pay for childcare while they are out not making money. anon

Good luck! I've got a kid in high school and one in middle school. Both public. I've had this discussion over and over and over with parents and administration since day one of kindergarten and have come to the conclusion that there is NO magic word or phrase and just accept that 10% of the people will always do 90% of the work. People are just hard-wired a certain way, and although my parents did not set an example for me, I'm a bit of a control-freak and saw that if I wanted to see things done I'd be better off helping and not bitching about it! So the need comes from different desires and you have zero control over other's decisions. And some people really, truly do not have the resources (practical, emotionally, mentally, financially, whatever) to volunteer, no matter how much they truly might want to. Best you can do is keep meeting as many parents as you can and being open and friendly and welcoming and not desperate and whining. Breaking jobs down into realistic skills and time expectations can help too. Be positive, upbeat, focus on the benefit, the feel good factor, being part of a team. Mom of Two

You raise an important question. There are probably as many different answers as there are families. Here's mine: Life is pretty demanding here, and I'm feeling very maxed out. I have a 7-year-old in 2nd grade. I work/commute 12 hour days, 60 hours per week, which seems pretty typical for this area. In exchange, I am able to afford housing, health insurance, retirement, a 10-year old car and simple vacations, for which I am extremely grateful. However, my child spends way too much time in daycare. Since my kid requires an early bedtime (7:45), we are together as a family for maybe 90 minutes per day, during which dinnertime, homework, bathtime and bedtime must occur. I feel bad missing weeknight PTA meetings -- but going to them means trading away our precious family time. I would not see my child awake until the following evening, and academics would suffer from homework not getting done. We are happy to participate in (rare) weekend events, but the planning meetings for these are usually, again, on school nights. I am a very altruistic person, and have a pre-parenting history of LOTs of volunteerism, but right now, any weeknight commitment pretty much involves throwing my family under the bus and undermines my fundamental priorities as a parent.

What would get me to participate more: 1) Meetings or work days on the weekend, particularly early a.m. so we can enjoy the rest of the weekend as family time. 2) On sign-up sheets, offer a variety of ways to help, such as clean-up crew, donate x gallons of Lemonade, contribute financially such as a donation ''in lieu of'' and as many tasks as possible that can be done on weekends. Potlucks are stressful. I end up bringing something lame like a cut-up watermelon or $40 order of take-out chicken wings as I am racing home from work trying to make it on time. If I could participate by contributing $20-40 toward tacos or whatever, I'd take that option in a heartbeat.

Please consider that some fundraisers are disproportionately labor-intensive. For example, a bake sale (I spend 2 hours labor +$15 on ingredients, or $20-25 at a bakery to produce 2 dozen cup cakes that are sold for $1 each) or a rummage sale that nets maybe $10 per work-hour. I sometimes wonder if our school has too many non-academic school functions, but I do see considerable value in parent-labor contributions toward upkeep of school facilities. I also do not think that my 5-7 year old gained from any of the 3 field trips per year which were provided by the fund raisers (it was simply exhausting for such young children).

Looking at the objectives of these events could also be very useful. Do most people want them or value them? Sometimes, less is better. If enough families contribute to meet the financial goals, then could some of the other fundraisers be cancelled?

I also wanted to add: Make signing up easy. if people have to jot down a phone number or email and then remember to reach out, they won't. Get THEIR contact info and reach out. Send out friendly requests for help and set up Sign Up Genius or a Google Doc or something (some are better than others and will turn people off). The fewer clicks the better. Be at every school function with a table and flyers and sign up sheets and ways of gathering data. Lure people to the table with bright decorations (seriously, bright colors lure people subconsciously) and candy or cookies. Engage, engage, engage. Don't nag, bitch, hector, whine, guilt trip. Make people feel good and useful and important and wanted. Mom of Two

You didn't say whether or not you work outside the home as well, but I'll just voice my perspective. I'm a mom who works 30 hours a week and am also taking 6 credits of graduate level coursework towards my master's degree. I have 3 children in 3 different schools and due to my husband's work schedule, I do all the drop offs and pick ups in the morning and afternoons. Having this much on my plate for a season has really taught me to only say YES to commitments that I feel passionate about. If people don't volunteer for events, then maybe they aren't invested in the event. Previously I was very involved at my kids' elementary school, but I never volunteered for the events that I wasn't interested in, because honestly, I didn't care whether the event happened or not-- if someone wanted to plan it, fine, but if it didn't happen b/c no one wanted to plan it, also fine by me. I also got burned out by HOW MANY events there were! Every month there was something! My advice would be to decrease the amount of events you plan or do at the school, and also take a poll of the parents to see which events they value and which they don't. Just because others don't volunteer doesn't mean that you and the committed few HAVE to plan the event- you can say no if you don't want to plan it. Just saying no for now

Dear "Burned Out", While I have no words of motivation, I am writing to let you know your feelings are well justified. It is tough to carry, chair, co-chair and coordinate volunteer efforts in this day and age. I am speaking from personal experience as I carry two volunteer hats myself. Big Hats! You are correct; people are just too busy or assume that others will pick-up the slack. I believe you may be like me, very emotionally attached to your organization/s. Concerned about making a difference and perhaps you are a perfectionist? Am I right? Coordinating volunteer efforts is a thankless job. THANKLESS! It is both emotionally and physically draining. A lot of blood, sweat and tears.

I believe that this parenting generation is oblivious to what it takes to make a school, club or community organization run smoothly. And I will include myself in this statement. There is a mindset of someone else will do it. Others would rather throw money at the situation which might not be the solution. Living in the Bay Area has a cost, and I believe it is at the expense of free time and community involvement. Just paying your tuition, club fees, extracurricular expenses, etc. does not give one a pass. It's an assumption that you are exempt from helping out. Which we know is just not the case. Here is what I can say to you. Thank you! Thank you for being a shining example to your school and organization. Even though no one may say it, the school could not function without people such as you. Take comfort in knowing that maybe not today, but one day your son will remember how his mother was always present at his school and school related functions. Maybe the spirit of volunteering will rub off on him. He might be one to start a community related project or step-up to help others in need. This will be a direct result of your spirit residing in him. I will be anxious to hear what others say. I am hoping you will get some useful advice that I may incorporate in my volunteering efforts. In the meantime, I RESPECT what you are doing and wish I could thank you personally. don't give up!

I'm not in your school, so none of these may apply, but here are some things that make me not volunteer for particular events: 1. I'm working at the time when I'm asked to volunteer. I can't just pop over in the middle of the day for an hour. 2. Meetings are disorganized and inefficient. When 20 minute meetings take an hour, I'm unlikely to return. 3. When 5 volunteers are scheduled to handle something that 2 people could do. 4. When people put in hundreds of hours to raise... hundreds of dollars.

As I type, I see that all if these relate to efficiency. I don't want to waste my time. Assure me that I won't, or come up with measurable, non-time based tasks (stuff 100 envelopes, not stuff envelopes for an hour) and people like me will be happier.

The people who volunteer at schools are the people who like being volunteers at their kids' schools. Not everybody likes it or has the spare cycles for it. I have 3 kids who have attended both public and private; my youngest is now in middle school. I am a working mom who also spends 10-15 hours every week volunteering. Not at my kids' schools, though, at another non-profit.

I stopped school volunteering after a series of frustrating experiences. I had served on the Board at my kids' co-op preschool and planned to continue being active when they got to elementary school. At the time I was a poor grad student in a hard program at Cal, with two little kids and a part-time clerical job. I had flexibility during the day but every hour I volunteered was one less hour I had to study or put in my 20 hours at work.

  • I went to unmoderated PTA meetings where five minutes of business took ONE HOUR of time, and disgruntled parents were allowed to drone on and on about their personal grievances.
  • I attended fundraiser ''planning'' meetings that were actually leisurely 2 hour coffee klatches for stay-at-home moms.
  • I stayed late after walkathons where my job as a ''finance'' committee member was to count nickels, dimes, and pennies one-by-one, for two and a half hours, with a couple of Chatty Cathies.

If I'd had my days free and an extrovert's personality then maybe I would have stuck it out. But I didn't and I don't. Instead, I write out a check to the PTA, I donate office supplies on the wish list, I drop off bagels for the staff meetings. I am not dissing the mostly moms who do all the volunteering. I appreciate your work. But please appreciate those of us out here who are working just as hard, just not at the school. If there are not enough parents who enjoy school volunteering like you do, then scale back on the events that require volunteers. It's just a simple case of supply and demand. Grumpy mom

I'll preface this by saying I'm a shy introvert, but I wanted to help. When I was laid off four years ago I quickly went to the first PTA meeting available at my daughter's public middle school. The PTA parents seemed to already know each other, know each other's kids, and were very cliquey. I naively thought they would really want a new volunteer. I signed all the volunteer lists and spelled out all my skills. I never got a call back, not one phone call. I suppose I could have been louder, and just said "hey I'm doing this!" but I didn't feel very welcome. So I opted for other volunteer options (writer's connection always wants people, donations, etc), and wider neighborhood organizations that weren't so cliquey. So it may not look like I'm volunteering because I'm not a chatty parent part of a group, but I am. Shy mom

Your situation is very frustrating and I understand how you are feeling. However, speaking as someone very experienced in volunteering (and managing volunteers), I think that the problem is how your school's volunteering program is structured - it is not because people don't want to volunteer. You are currently caught in a vicious cycle because it sounds like a few people are doing all the work... that makes people afraid to volunteer as they assume they will get stuck with too much to do, and people have gotten used to a pattern where they can either not volunteer at all or else sign up at the last minute.

A couple of suggestions. One, your school's principal/director needs to drive the importance of volunteering. At my child's Montessori school, families were required to do a certain number of volunteer hours or else pay a fine - most did the volunteering. If that is not possible, it is important that the message of the need for volunteers needs to come from the top, and there should be recognition of volunteer work from the school. It sounds like you have a few active parents struggling on your own to get people involved and it is seen as a task without appreciation.

Two, reach out to people individually to recruit them for tasks and talk to them out how they can help . Mass requests via email or signups on their own are never enough. When you call people or talk to them, they are tickled and often appreciate being reached out to (the new families like the chance to ask questions about the school and it makes them feel welcomed). Make sure one person in each classroom is the designated person to reach out to people - that divides up the effort.

Three, prioritize your top programs. At the schools we've been involved with, there are a one or two big events that everyone enjoys participating in. The other volunteering depends on the number of people available and their time - don't be afraid to cut out something if you are stretched thin. Fourth, have different ways people can volunteer, and functions that are both specific and short-term. For instance, at our preschool, there were MANY ways to get hours for the carnival - for instance, you could get credit for cooking a dish for our annual fair or there were specific time slots for carnival games, set-up, take-down, etc. That makes it very hard for people to just say ''no.'' Especially when contacted personally, per above.

In closing, I think you should talk to the head of the school about how volunteering could be better and work to have that person recruit new blood as well before you quit from burnout. Good luck! volunteer too

this is in response to those parents who say they work full time and just don't have TIME to volunteer: My kids are now 30 and 27. I am a single mom who worked full time in SF, riding bart every day, picking up my kids at day care at 6pm. I volunteered when I could - especially driving on a few field trips a year, being a ''room mother'' for parties, plus any weekend fundraising events they might have. Just let me tell you one thing:::: Your kids REMEMBER when you showed up.They notice! Sorry that driiving requires paperwork - fingerprints, etc - but your kids benefit from that also! When you volunteer in the classroom, your kids are there and that IS quality time. You learn about your own kid, their friends, their teachers, etc. Giving money to fundraising is great but your kids want to SEE you there. And when you spend time at their school they want to do better in school. It just shows you are interested. Maybe those working full time can take a couple of vacation days a year for classroom field trips or half days for a class party. I don't think you have to show up a lot for it to count. If you want to be an example to your kids, take some time and show up and volunteer. My experience is that a little goes a LONG way. FORMER PARENT OCCASIONAL VOLUNTEER

I'm a volunteer mgr. at a large nonprofit organization. Frankly, I get enough ''volunteering'' that way-I used to actively volunteer @ my kids' schools when I had time. But-to echo some of the others-I found it very frustrating and not a fulfilling experience in the least: *''Alpha mom'' organizers were unfriendly, ignoring the ''worker bees'' they'd signed up for tasks. Too busy talking to each other to direct the work. *No efficiency-too many volunteers, not enough to do. Waste of time to get somewhere and find out you're not needed-you won't come back. *Some of the events seemed totally unnecessary (and too frequent)-yes, to building the school community events are great-but honestly, some seem more like parent social hour-the kids would rather run around outside after being scheduled all day. I'd rather spend the time @ home with my family.

Ok, I sound crabby and antisocial, which I'm not. Volunteering is great-but let's make sure what we ask people to do with their limited time is truly needed, well-organized, and appreciated! Volunteer to do only what YOU want to do, for what you feel is important and a good use of your time. Let go of resentment towards anyone else. If something doesn't happen because no one wants to organize it, re-evaluate if it's really the end of the world for your kids' school. (; Not really a curmudgeon

I'm a little late to this but as a former PTA president I have a few thoughts. For the people who are frustrated that more parents don't volunteer:

1) Accept that many people will not do it. Maybe they're too busy or maybe they just don't want to. It's their business, and at the end of the day, unless it's a co-op school and they signed a paper saying they'd put in a certain number of hours, they are under no obligation to do so.

2) Don't waste your time with impersonal emails or newsletters. Speak to people in person or on the phone. One to one interactions are always better. Emails to one person at a time can work.

3) Get to know your crowd. People who work full time in an office are not good candidates for volunteering in the classroom... BUT they might be able to create a flier during lunch, and photocopy it at the office. The nurse who works the night shift might not have the time to do computer work, BUT... she might be able to sell a whole lot of chocolate bars to her co-workers for the fundraiser. There is always something people can do.

4) Ask people to fill precise needs. ''Can you sell tickets at the fair from 11-11:30'' is much less intimidating than ''can you be on the fair committee?''. For people who think their kid's school has too many events: You can't expect the PTO/A leadership to read your mind. Bring it up. Send an email if you cannot make it to an evening meeting. Even if you're not actively involved in the parent organization, you are still a parent at that school, and you need to voice your opinion if you'd like things to change. former PTAer