Acupuncture for joints and balance

Thanks for suggestions for accupunturists, especially who deal with aging bodies, joint and balance issues.  Thx much!!!

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If you're located in the Berkeley area, I've gone to a wonderful acupuncturist, Stephanie Doucette (Stephanie Doucette Acupuncture (  Her office is in Berkeley, right next to Strawberry Creek Park, where the sounds of the nearby stream and birds might grace one of your sessions! I've been a handful of acupuncturists over the last 20 years and have found Stephanie's treatment to be the most effective and long-lasting! 

I loved my experience with Sophia Scheffel - she's at Sage Wellness on Ashby in Berkeley one day a week, and has her own practice the rest of the week in Lafayette. I saw her for not only my joints, but my nervous system, sleep, and some hormone related problems as well. She's wonderful.

I love AIMC acupuncture school in Berkeley! The appointments are more affordable and the professors and students are so attentive.