Which Montessori Elementary School?
Parent Q&A
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Montessori or Hybrid Options for Elementary School?
–Feb 29, 2024I am moving to Berkeley from Saint Paul, MN, and was wondering if Berkeley Unified has any schools that might offer a more Montessori-influenced style of learning. Saint Paul has Montessori schools within its school system that are free, so I am hoping that Berkeley has something similar. If not within BUSD, are there private options for elementary school? I would love any suggestions/advice/recommendations. Thank you in advance.
Feb 29, 2024ISO a Montessori Elementary School in the East Bay
–Feb 13, 2024Hello!
We live in Alameda and our (now) six year old daughter had an exemplary experience in her Montessori preschool. We would love to find an elementary school that continues the Montessori style of longer, more independent work times. Unfortunately, there seem to be very few Montessori elementary schools in the East Bay. I've searched using the locator at the American Montessori Society website, and see only a handful. Perhaps there are more that aren't coming up in my search? So my questions are:
1. Does anyone know of a Montessori elementary school for children older than 6 in Oakland, Berkeley, or surrounding area?
2. We are considering East Bay Montessori in El Cerrito, although it is a bit of a drive for us. Does anyone have recent experience with that school who would be willing to speak with me?
Thank you all so much.
Feb 13, 2024
Archived Q&A and Reviews
Montessori elementary school?
October 2003
My son is thriving in a Montessori preschool program and I'm wondering if it makes sense to keep him in that environment through elementary school. I'd love to hear from parents who have chosen this route. Is there a particular Montessori school in either Oakland or Berkeley that you would recommend? (I'm planning on touring the Renaissance School in Oakland soon.) How do Montessori kids transition into more traditional schools, either public or private, later on? How academically prepared are they? Any pros and cons you can share would be greatly appreciated! Montessori mom
Recommendation received:
My daughter went to East Bay Montessori from K-8 and I highly recommend. They have a great music program, the upper elementary and middle school students participate in Model UN (including a trip to NYC!), the middle school students run "businesses" to help fund their adventures. The students learn a lot of executive functioning type skills. I felt like the program prepared my child to tackle high school with a calmly and now seeing those same skills help her apply to colleges and scholarship programs.
I don't think there is anything in particular through BUSD, but there is at least one great Montessori charter in Oakland. Also, if you are interested in private schools, I'd look into The Berkeley School, which used to be Montessori but now is more of a mix of Reggio based and Montessori, as well as East Bay Montessori in El Cerrito.