Which Club at BHS?

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  • Don't tell my daughter I'm asking this?

    We are incoming to BUSD next fall, when she'll be a freshman at BHS. She's worried about knowing no one and would like to meet some 8th graders beforehand. The best thing would be a Berkeley summer camp, but that won't work for us.

    I was wondering if there are any social activities/clubs with a bunch of girls headed to BHS next year. Any suggestions? I know she'll make friends eventually but it would be nice not to go in totally blank...

    A friend's daughter was new to BHS as a 9th grader last year.  She joined crew over the summer which helped her make some friends before school started.  If your daughter is interested in robotics, I think the BHS robotics team will be offering a week of summer camp where your daughter could meet BHS kids that way. 


    When my daughter finished middle school (2018), she knew a lot of rising 9th graders who did the BHS Crew summer camp. They were interested in rowing, but they also met a bunch of people they went on to be friends with at BHS. https://www.berkeleyhighcrew.org/ 
