Tiny tots swim lessons at Cal (Strawberry Canyon)

Just registered my to be 4 year old for Tiny tots swim lessons in August at Strawberry Canyon. I just realized that they are actually 4 days per week (M,T,W,Th) for two weeks. That seems like a lot for a 4 year old to handle on top of a long day at school. Has anyone done this/ have experience to share? Were the lessons good and did the intensity help some of the skills sink in? I'm just wondering whether it will be worth it. Last summer we did lessons at King pool and the experience was mixed so I'm looking to try a new place.

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We had really great success with this the last few summers. More time spent in the water helped our daughter feel more comfortable in it. I think seeing other kids find joy in it helped too. 
We did weekly lessons year round and the progress seemed to stall all the time. But having so many classes in a few short days helped to reinforce what she was learning too. 

I’d recommend it if you can swing it. It’s a big commitment over those two weeks.