Meditation meetups & locations

I'm looking for meditation meetups in East Bay - specific times when others are gathering to meditate in person together at the same time/place. Can be unguided (or guided), and can be totally informal - like 4 people sitting outside in a park. Would love any leads!

I'm also looking for locations that are good for meditating on my own. Gyuto monastery in Richmond is great. Do folks know of other places? Doesn't have to be Buddhist specifically - just a place that's open to visitors during the day where it would be welcome to sit silently with one's eyes closed. I was thinking churches could work too. Would love any suggestions esp for Berkeley/Albany/El Cerrito, but Oakland could work too. Thanks! 

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I've never been to this Zen center in El Cerrito, but I've heard good things from friends! :

There’s a meetup in Berkeley called Sunday Sangha that you could checkout. They meet at UC Berkeley and is facilitated by Will Kabat-Zinn.

If you are queer-identified I know of a queer “mini-sangha” that meets in Dimond Park in Oakland some Saturdays. I don’t know what time or how regularly, and I’ve never been, but you can search on the Lex app for “queer mini-sangha” and contact the organizer that way. Good luck!