ISO therapist to help me deal with alcoholic husband

I am looking for recent therapist recommendations to help me deal with my high-functioning alcoholic husband. I prefer a female therapist experienced with addiction issues. In-person (Berkeley/Oakland) is preferred, but I will consider Zoom. I have been enabling his behavior way too long. I've finally reached my breaking point. I need support while I navigate how to best express my dissatisfaction with our marriage and to confront him about getting help with detox/rehab (and his possible refusal and denial.) I am ready to kick him out if things don't change, but I want to keep things positive and be supportive as much as possible for the sake of our (mostly) grown children. He is not physically abusive, but he is prone to intense mood swings, so I really need to handle this properly. Thanks. 

Parent Replies

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Sherna Perez, LCSW has lots of experience in this sphere. She has been very helpful for me (she is compassionate, available, strong, and supportive), and she does see clients in person in Oakland. Good luck!…

Kathy Brady at kbrady [at]  I highly recommend her, and she's well qualified to address your particular set of challenges.  HUGS.  She's been on Zoom since the pandemic, but in the Before Times she had offices in both Berkeley and Oakland.

And run, don't walk, to a Zoom AlAnon meeting!

AlAnon- the cheapest, most effective therapy available anywhere, anytime needed in person or Zoom.

Check out Emily Chong at 

She sees clients in person in Elmwood, Berkeley and also online.
I've been working with her for years and she helped me immensely with a similar situation with my partner who has substance abuse disorder. 

Good luck!!