SOS4 for Executive Function

We are considering for our child's executive function challenges.  My child is a teen, but I've noticed my child has had struggles with EF for awhile.  I know every child is different, but how long do students typically need the coaching? For 1 year, for many years? I'm trying to budget out the cost for these services.

Also, I like to hear more reviews about SOS4 services? Has it been a game changer?  Lasting? Thank you.

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We looked at that program but it seemed crazily expensive - Classroom Matters does an EF program for teens and their parents that we attended and it was pretty helpful, but my teen did not have big EF challenges or need anything in-depth - but they may also do one on one work or be able to refer you to something a bit less costly. Good luck!


My now college graduate child saw Beth, the owner of SOS 4 Students, for 6-9 months in his senior year of HS.  It was a definite game-changer. No one else had really been able to help him with his EF challenges, and near school avoidance. I cannot vouch for anyone else that works there, but Beth is truly amazing. 


My son really had a solid relationship with his EF coach through SOS. It was good for him to have someone other than his parents supporting him and cheering him on. And I will say it was quite expensive, part of why we stopped, the cost didn't outweigh the benefits. He still wouldn't do the things to stay on task and organized. 


We have family friends who loved SOS4 - their son with mild ADHD was really helped by the program.  We started our daughter with ADHD on the 6-week introductory session, and continued weekly hourlong visits after that.  To be clear, it's strictly academic coaching as opposed to therapy or psychological counseling.  It is somewhat expensive, but I think it's been helpful.  Our daughter has learned good academic skills, and is making progress towards managing her workload and budgeting her time.