Eczema in Children

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  • Eczema in older kids

    Apr 11, 2022

    We are currently in the middle of a 3 week long flare-ups and this round has been the most intense in our child's 10 year life. They are allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. I'm wondering if they're also sensitive to additional food items. We did a blood test and they're not allergic to dust, pollen, etc. We cannot use steroid cream, oil, or ointment (prescription or OTC). Child says it burns their skin or hurts or makes it itchier. They cannot sleep at night, scratches all night and wakes up bloodied all over. I cannot sleep either. At week 3 of severe sleep deprivation, sheer torture, child is developing serious anxiety over bedtime. Severe itching begins at bedtime, every night.  Child is starting not to want to go to school because of all of the wounds they have and don't want people to ask them about it or draw attention. We have done all the standard recommendations -- daily antihistamine, moisturize, moisture and seal with aquaphor and neosporin for open wounds. We haven't done bath or shower as that, too, is too painful for the child. We do steam and mist treatment. We use free & clear detergent and double rinse. We have air purifiers running (I'm allergic to pollen.) We change bedsheets at least once a week but more frequently these days and give the child probiotics. The allergist says not to try elimination diet or try to control food triggers and told us to see a dermatologist to control the symptoms. We have to wait another 3 weeks to see a dermatologist. I feel so distressed and helpless. 

    I would appreciate hearing about how people have managed eczema and any local or product recommendations. Thank you. 

    I think your instinct is likely right, food allergies are often concurrent. I would recommend connecting with a naturopath. But eczema is an externalization of internal inflammation, and typical suggests gut permeability. I would try 3 weeks without gluten, dairy and eggs, or start with one and see if you notice a change within a few weeks. 

    Good luck! I know how awful this can feel. And it sounds like you are doing a lot to ease the external discomfort. 

    First off, I am so sorry and hope that your child gets relief very soon.  I only have it on my shins but it shows up when I eat wheat and diary, without fail.  So, while the Dr said no elimination I know that these two food items are very common triggers and did not show up on a food allergy panel for me.  

    I also find relief taking turmeric tablets.   Nettle tea, Olive leaf tea are great.  Aloe vera (clean plant and cut out the gel from the middle and put directly on the irritated skin but not the open wounds).  Hydration is really important water with electrolytes or coconut water (no preservatives) and taking hyaluronic acid (Pure encapsulations is a great brand).  Also Accupuncture is always really helpful for me (the may do acupressure or some Moxa treatments until the skin calms a bit). Sun exposure in the early morning, before 9. Salt water spray (again with no preservatives).  These are the things that clear mine.  I think the no steroid route is a blessing, that can go south quickly.  Good luck, sending blessings for some answers and relief

    Our daughter had severe eczema when she was a toddler. The flareups lasted for several months. We saw various pediatricians, dermatologists, and pediatric allergists and also did a full allergy panel. Our allergist prescribed steroids to control the flareups. According to the allergist, the daily antihistamines and topicals will only work once you achieve a moderate baseline, which we were far beyond. After the prescribed steroids, her flareups subsided and we used the standard antihistamines and steroid creams. Our pediatrician also prescribed Hydroxyzine, generic for Atarax Syrup, for nights when the topicals don't seem to work. The Atarax syrup is given at bedtime - drowsiness is a welcome side affect. We use this for really bad nights. It's definitely nice to have for emergency use.

    We also tried Eczema Honey Nut-Free Skin-Soothing Cream (which we kept in the fridge). It is pricey for such a small jar, but helped us manage the scratching. We used this for months and have finally transitioned to just vaseline. Our pediatrician recommended vaseline over aquaphor as she stated that a lot of her patients with eczema seem to do better with vaseline vs. aquaphor.

    Maybe you can ask your pediatrician about steroids to control the flareups? As a side note, our pediatric dermatologist didn't help us at all. The best thing we did was see an allergist who insisted that steroids were the only option left for us. We were initially hesitant to give our child oral medicine, especially since she was so young, but now I am grateful that her eczema is under control after nearly a year of battling sleepless nights. Hang in there. You're not alone.

    Hi. My eczema is not as strong,  but I usually put coconut oil ( extra virgin, food coconut oil) or lanolin on those spots.  I would perhaps not bath. Just a shower with warm but not hot water. Perhaps one day the body and an other day the head. I sometimes rub in the coconut oil first, let sit for 30min and than take a bath and after the bath put on oil again on the red spots. Perhaps silk linen might help? I've also heard of mud treatments can be beneficial. 

    Grown up eczema kid here, now with two eczema babies of her own. Just took one of them to the derm at UCSF and the recommendation was what you mentioned- daily bath, steroid cream, seal with aquaphor. To reduce scratching at night (this is for a little, little kid) they prescribed a sedating antihistamine. I really feel for you, because the only thing worse than being constantly itchy myself - teased by other kids, worried about infection, afraid to look in the mirror- is watching my little ones scratch themselves bloody overnight (and the itching is always worst overnight). A few questions that come to mind - so the blood test showed not allergic to dust or pollen? How reliable are those RAST tests for something like that? More or less than skin tests? I had symptoms similar to your child and it was dust - so hard to avoid with rugs, blinds, stuffed animals, blankets, down, etc. Breathable cotton clothing?  

    I encourage you, with love, to consider counseling for both your kids and yourself. I absolutely commend all the measures you and your family have taken to take care of your kid - it does shape your entire life! I only suggest counseling because treating and having eczema is so stressful and anxiety-producing. I think people don't see eczema for the seriously debilitating condition it can be because it seems so superficial (literally skin-deep) but the distress and helplessness that you mention - both for you and your kiddo - are worth addressing with a professional.  

    I'm so sorry for your child's itchiness. First, are you sure it is eczema? I first developed psoriasis when I was around age 10--still dealing with it. Both my brothers also got it. I understand what the allergist told you, but with either eczema or psoriasis, dietary interventions can most definitely help. For psoriasis, I'm not saying it will 'cure' it (as current lines of research point to pathogenic overgrowth in the gut for this disease); but for eczema, it really did wonders for my son. Most importantly, you will want to eliminate gluten (to help shore up tight junctions in the gut mucosa). Dairy is fairly well-known trigger for eczema, so talk to the child's pediatrician and consider reducing it or eliminating it. This is what cleared up my son's eczema. Foods rich in glycine are helpful. Histamine is not the only thing that makes one itchy. You might also consider a different probiotic--they are not all the same, and some can make things worse. I recommend reading some books by Sarah Ballantyne or Dr. Amy Myers to help guide you. Good luck.

    How difficult it is to see your child in so much discomfort and pain. You could be describing me as a child around that age and into my 20's, only I didn't have the peanut and tree nut allergies. I am severely allergic to pine nuts and insect venom and mildly allergic to cats, dust mites, a host of pollens and grasses. I am highly sensitive to a wide range of environmental toxins. The steroid creams did not work. Neosporin triggered in even worse rashes (try bacitracin).

    You've said that your child cannot tolerate baths or showers. However, I found tepid (literally room temperature or only slightly warmer) 10-15 minute baths with colloidal oatmeal ( and/or baking soda in the water (no soap or washing at first, just soaking), followed by patting (not rubbing) dry with a very soft towel, and a layer of very bland cream (CeraVe and Cetaphil make products specifically for eczema) soothing. When my skin was oozing, gentle cleaning (again soak, not rub), followed by a layer of Aquaphor and a light, loose wrapping of gauze kept the crusting under control.

    Eczema is an autoimmune issue. Addressing it as a dermatology issues for many years did very little for me. What did work for me was two things:

    1. Eliminating all milk products for a couple of years, then slowly reintroducing them. I can now consume milk products without triggering a rash. I'm not saying this will work for your child, but there could be underlaying food sensitivities. Once I calmed my system down, my reaction to milk products was quite obvious. While a true elimination diet is very challenging, I would consider a very simple, no processed foods diet (whole grains, legumes, fruits/vegetables, meats, cold pressed oils) while you're figuring this out.

    2. Eliminating to the greatest extent possible environmental toxins from my living space, this included all personal care products, cleaning products, laundry products, no fragrances or air fresheners, etc. After several years of diligence, my system seemed to desensitize. I knew this was working for me when sleeping in a hotel or at a relatives home would trigger a rash. I continue to keep my home as environmental toxin free as possible, and can now tolerate travel. There is good information on the internet on how to do this. Brands I particularly like for personal care and cleaning products are Meliora ( and etee (

    Severe eczema is debilitating and embarrassing, particularly during the adolescent years. It takes a lot of effort and time to get under control. The good news is that once my system was desensitized, long term management of my eczema has been fairly easy. For the past decade or more, I've only had it in my ears occasionally, and can manage it with a desonide cream. If you'd like to connect, feel free to reach out to me via my username.

    As a long time eczema sufferer, I did finally find some real relief with a treatment prescribed by Dr.Camilla McCalmont at Golden State Dermatology in El Cerrito. I have seen numerous dermatologists and had numerous steroid prescriptions over the years and she finally gave me a regimen that has been working and I’ve had some relief for the past 6 weeks. She didn’t just write prescription and let it go, she gave a real plan of care and told me how to use the items and why. I understand you might be hesitant to do the steroid treatment, but for me after ) years of pain her treatment plan was the only thing that has actually worked. It’s hard to explain how painful the eczema can be and she really treated me. 

    Hi there — this sounds beyond awful, and it does sound like you have tried everything. As a Family Medicine doctor and parent of 2 kids with eczema I’m surprised to hear that the itching starts at bedtime. With my kids, the itching would get worse sometimes during the night but they never had itching that only happened at bedtime. Other people may have already commented on this, but for me the history of bedtime itching makes me wonder what role stress, anxiety and possibly habit/compulsion are playing in the itch-scratch cycle. I would seriously consider Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Good luck!

    Hi. I myself have had eczema all my life to a greater or lesser extent. Since this seems worse with steroids and worse at night has anyone suggested looking for Scabies?…

    I've been dealing with skin issues my entire life. I understand how much your child is suffering. Here are my recommendations:

    1. Keep calling the dermatologist asking if there's been any cancelations. No one who's suffering should have to wait 3 weeks to see a doctor. Call other dermatologists also. Seeing a PA or NP is probably as good as seeing the doctor. 

    2. Get as much sun on the skin as possible. At times in my life only a light box (or tanning bed) have helped me at all. I now have my own light box at home, paid for by  my insurance. My skin looks better than it has since high school. 

    3. Try an antihistamine like benadryl to deal with the itching. Make sure to never scratch or disturb any of the sites. 

    4. Use CeraVae cream after every shower or bath. Immediately bathe and apply lotion after swimming. Only use Ceravae or eucerin. Other lotions have alcohol in them that make skin drier. There's an oatmeal product that is used in a lukewarm bath that might provide some relief (Cetaphil maybe).

    5. Consider a dietary change. I've been eating a keto diet and the flare ups stopped. Even though I don't have celiac disease, my body seems to react poorly to wheat and sugar. Excessive alcohol consumption causes flare ups too but I doubt that's an issue yet.

    6. Do what you can to alleviate stress. I often have flareups when I'm stressed out about life. Then the flare-ups themselves cause stress. Maybe try listening to a guided meditation at bedtime.

    7. Don't use any scented products. I'm really picky about soap, hair products, laundry detergent, etc. Never use dryer sheets or fabric softeners. 

    8. Remember that no one else really cares about other people's skin issues. While we think that people notice and judge, I found that few do. I did have a roommate once who was worried it was contagious but a tiny bit of research put her mind at ease. We feel like disfigured weirdos but nobody else thinks that. 

    9. Never, ever, ever go in a chlorinated hot tub. It can suck to be left out when everyone else is going in but, for me, it's almost a guaranteed flare-up if I go in and not worth it.

    I would look at this in two phases. 1. Get past the Immediate flare up and 2. Long-term skin care to preventfutureflareups. . Do whatever it takes to calm your child down and get relief. Remember that stress is the number one enemy. If the thought of being in public is too stressful, see what you can do the Keep him home until the symptoms are under control. Knock him out with benadryl and let his skin heal. Harass the doctor's offices until they squeeze you in. 

    There have been times in my life when I didn't want to move because I was afraid my skin would crack. Luckily I'm past that stage and haven't had a really bad flare-up in years  but I am the weirdo who won't go swimming if I can't shower and apply lotion immediately afterwards. 

    My previous post was submitted with tons if unfixed typos. I'm on a mobile and thought I'd have another chance to fix my response. Sorry it's such a mess.

    One more suggestion is to wear cotton gloves at night. You really want to stop further damage to the skin. If I scratch and damage the skin, the sire hurts until it's healed. Wearing gloves helps prevent further damage. I'd also keep his fingernails as short as possible. 

    Good luck. I think that you can send me a message if you'd like to talk. I've been there and it really sucks.

    My son is 12 and has been suffering with eczema since he was five. After trying EVERYTHING for years I finally found a naturopath dr who did extensive testing, stool, urine, saliva and we found that he had severe yeast and bacterial over growth in his gut. We are eight months into a pretty strict diet with lots of herbs and have seen great improvement. Here is an online resource or you can email me for my local naturopaths contact info. So sorry you’re going through this, it’s the worst!

    I recently met a woman who suffered from terrible excema and other health problems all through childhood. Eventually did an elimination diet and has seen been found to have celiac. She is vegan, gluten-free and also avoids nightshades at times. It's a hard diet but her health is restored. No skin issues, no more migraines etc.  I don't see the harm in trying an elimination diet if your child is suffering so much already.  Perhaps a second opinion on the opinion at the least.

    Some ideas for you: consider baths (even just plain water, no soap) to try to decrease bacteria on the skin, as often cuts/wounds from scratching can become a super-infection and the introduction of bacteria into the skin can create an additional source of inflammation - like an additional reaction to the bacteria/infection. Also, kids can develop sensitivities to aquaphor (it has lanolin in it) so our son's dermatologist has us use Vaniply ointment (now sometimes called Vanicream ointment):…

    What else... What are you doing for antihistamine? I'd use something like Claritin or Zyrtec during the day (non-drowsy) but full-on Benadryl at bedtime. If that doesn't work, your child might need a prescription antihistamine like Atarax (hydroxyzine) just to break the cycle of itching. If you can't get into Dermatology for a couple weeks, it still might be worthwhile to reach out to the pediatrician to ask about emergency meds. Also! Some kids react to Neosporin. Maybe ask for an Rx for Mupirocin, which kills staph really well and will help resolve the infected cuts/scratches. Good luck! 

    Ugh, poor baby. My teenaged nephew was dealing with really bad flare-ups and started using Exederm to great results. I have mild eczema and bought some for myself and couldn't believe how much it relieved the itching--I didn't realize I was scratching so much until I used that cream and stopped. I think it doesn't presume to "heal," but just stop the itching. Sorry if this is a product you already know...I hope you find relief soon.

    Just saw the dermatologist for similar situation and they suggested dupixent and it needs lab work. My son has been suffering from eczema consistently and weve done a lot with prevention slathering on aquaphor but its just getting worse. I will report back what happened.

    I'm curious to hear responses as my 10 yo also has eczema, mild though and even that can be very difficult for us to manage at times. 

    It sounds like you are doing so much already and I hope you get other helpful suggestions. Something that came to mind that has been helpful for us is use of silk pillowcases, there are silk sheets too. They are so much more gentle on my daughter's skin and she does not seem to get as irritated. Mommesilk and Blissy are two places we purchase them but there are others. I'm thinking also shifting the routine at bedtime and maybe in addition to silk sheets some calming music or a special kids meditation to change the narrative and help calm. Sometimes I put all the creams on and then slip a pair of very soft socks over her hands and arms if she can tolerate it, a cooling face mask, try my best to change how she goes to bed (I'm exhausted by the end of it but it helps)

    Wishing you all a more restful night soon :)

    Hi again, just thought of a few things to add to my post (I posted about the silk pillowcases/sheets)

    We also have cotton gloves, my daughter takes Zyrtec one the more difficult itchy nights, and our dermatologist recommended the La Roche products which have been surprisingly helpful. They are pretty affordable and I like that they are not as sticky as others we have tried. Lately we have been having good luck with these two products:……

    I also put a wool/cotton topper on my daughter's bed, the one from Nest Bedding is washable which is nice and not as thick or $$$ as some of the others I found. It seems to cushion the mattress as when she's really itchy every little bump and tuft in her mattress makes her uncomfortable.

    Hope your daughter has some relief soon. :)

    Our daughter had a similar worsening of her eczema starting around 10. We saw all the doctors, took all the creams, antihistamines, followed all the protocols, but nothing really helped - as in, you can’t keep putting steroids in and on your child daily and consider that a solution. I always suspected a food connection, but no doctor would even discuss the possibility. It was so infuriating. (My husband had a long and severe hospitalization during which he was unable to eat food and his skin cleared up completely. For the only time in his life. So we knew food was likely a trigger). Anyway, we eventually stumbled upon this: Karen Fischer, an Australian nutritionist who suffered from eczema herself and then watched her daughter suffer. You can find lots of very useful info on her website and in her books, but basically she has found that foods high in histamines, nitrates and salicylates are the main triggers for itching. We followed her itchy dozen list and this was enough to get eczema under control. (She has more intense protocols for those who need them). It was as simple as that - our daughter avoids these 12 triggering foods: cow’s milk and other dairy products, grapes (incl wine for adults), oranges, kiwi, soy sauce/tamari, tomato and anything containing tomato, avocado, broccoli/spinach and other dark green vegetables, dried fruits, deli meats, eggs and junk food. She does eat some of these foods but being mindful is enough. I’m sure the reason eliminating dairy completely, for example, never helped her was that she was always eating tons of the other things - esp tomatoes, broccoli, avocado, etc.  Anyway, I really recommend looking at a diet using her research. It absolutely changed our daughter’s life. She wears short sleeve shirts! She puts her hair in a pony tail! She feels normal. Good luck!!!!!


    I'm so sorry to hear about this incredibly painful skin situation. I see there's lots of helpful comments here, especially the ones that suggest exploring diet more closely. I've had eczema since I was two years old. There's been long periods where my skin is a bit better or a quite bit worse - it's a constant negotiation. I did the doctor recommended treatments of antihistamines and steroid creams for years. They treat the symptoms but don't address what's causing the reactions. I took antihistamines everyday for a few years while my eczema just got worse. I also eventually became allergic to all the commonly available 'sensitive skin' creams. What's helped me is Chinese Medicine - herbs and creams. As well as avoiding particular foods. There are Chinese Medicine practitioners that have expertise in eczema. Most do not but you can find some that do. I've been working with Bill Schoenbart. He's based in Santa Cruz but can see patients remotely.   Part of Bill Schoenbart's treatment includes creams and salves from "Dermatology M". There's a Chinese Medicine practitioner who specalises in eczema, named Mazin Al-Khafaji. He seems to run international trainings and is behind the brand "Dermatology M". Some of these products work for me. There's a cooling 'soothing gel' and some moisturizers that are excellent. Even though common brands like Cetaphil don't work for me, these one do. Also, vaseline and mineral oil either don't make any difference or make me worse. So, I'm grateful to have found these. 

    For many years I was treated by Dr. Jialing Yu who is truly a world expert. She has retired and there's two women in practice in San Francisco that were her students. I've had better luck with Bill Shoenbart. 

    The one drugstore product that has helped me is a bath power called Baby Aveeno. It's colloidal oatmeal and mineral oil (the adult version don't have mineral oil). Also, there's a few tips on foods that are good to eat for eczema (barley, winter melon, peppermint tea) in a book called, The Tao of Nutrition. 

    I hope things get better soon!

    Thank you, everyone. We finally saw the dermatologist who recommended a wet therapy with topicort, which is not readily available and will come in a few days, and vaseline as well as prednisone (oral steroid medication).  We attempted wet therapy yesterday and child found it extremely uncomfortable, so it didn't last more than 5 min. We'll keep at it. We were concerned about eliminating cheese as that is the child's primary source of protein but we'll try it. We have always used free & clear, natural products but our house remains dusty. I often fantasize about not having a full-time job, so I can keep the house clean but that's a fantasy. Child seems to have developed allergy to lanolin, so no aquaphor or neosporin. I do think diet is an important component but if I I'm not sure what to give our child. 

  • Hi,

    Any families out there that can recommend alternative medicine/healing for children's eczema?  We have been going to Kaiser for years and every dermatology doctor and pediatrician only seems to treat the symptom and not getting to the root of his skin condition.  My son at birth had food allergies which he has now outgrown a bit but his eczema flareups are so constant.  Constantly getting infected from scratching his eyes, nose, lips and genitals.  He scratches all over his legs and arms too but no infection.  The doctor only recommends the steriod creams get stronger and stronger and apply more and more often.  And when he's infected to treat with antibiotics which helps but then it comes back again.  I am frustrated and tried of going down this route.  Can anyone out there recommend pediatric or doesn't have to be pediatric but a good acupuncturist or naturopath that has success treating eczema?  

    Any suggestions or stories will be greatly appreciated.  

    Yes! We literally had the same experience with our son. My heart is with you. Our son is now almost 5. At 3 years old, we took him to Nancy Rakela OMD LAc, Berkeley Acupuncture. She performed NAET + Acupressure on him. It turned out that the root of his issue was cow dairy, which she helped identify through NAET and treat with Acupressure. He no longer has eczema. I would be so happy to talk to you. 

    I don't know a naturopath in the area, but have autoimmune skin conditions, and have been having success bathing in borax over the past 2 months. You can look it up online. I did take my son to Dr Marcey Shapiro, who is a local MD who uses natural medicine, so maybe she could help, or give you names. I agree that long term.use of steroid creams is not the answer!

    I'm sorry to hear you and your son are going through this. I lived with eczema throughout my childhood and young adulthood.  After a while, for me the symptoms moved beyond physical and became emotional as well - avoiding swimming, shaking people's hands, etc. The obvious rash was treated with steroid creams, and to no avail. Underlaying causes were never addressed.  You are a good mother to be taking this seriously and working toward a solution.

    I don't have current recommendations for you, but I can tell you what eventually worked for me.  In my late 20's my immune system became increasingly out of control with low-grade allergies, symptoms of which included increasingly painful eczema rashes (literally skin peeling off in sheets).  I did two things that seemed to help immensely. First, I eliminated as much as possible exposures to every day chemicals - reduced cleaning products to baking soda and vinegar, used very natural personal care products, laundry soap, significantly reduced plastic, added dust mite covers to mattresses and pillows, etc. Skin Deep is an excellent resource.  They now rate cleaning products as well. Second, I eliminated foods that seemed to be triggers.  For me, it ended up being dairy.  I was vigilant about both of these for 2-3 years, until all symptoms cleared and I was off all allergy and steroid medications, then slowly let my guard down.

    I now eat anything I want (although I do tend to avoid processed foods, limit myself to small amounts of dairy, and eat organic as much as possible). I continue to be cautious with everyday chemical exposures (but can now sleep on hotel sheets and not wake up with a rash).  I have not had an eczema outbreak in a decade or so (other than very limited due to identifiable exposure).  I'm convinced that the steps I took reset my immune system.  During this time, I worked with a very good allergist at PAMF in Menlo Park, Dr. Boccian, to control other symptoms and be tested to better understand my triggers so I could better focus my efforts at controlling them (not very helpful quite honestly due to high false positive/negative of the various tests).

    Both of my children had limited outbreaks of eczema early in their childhoods, but have been eczema free since middle school and into their teens (now 16 & 18).  We treated outbreaks with the creams, when necessary.

    I don't know what will work for your son, but be diligent in your search and approach. Relief is out there, I'm sure of it, it just may take a while and a lot of hard work. Good luck to you.

    I have very dry skin and am constantly battling psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea. I've given up on doctors and medication. Here's what I do to keep things under control:

    1. After every shower or bath, I immediately put on CeraVae lotion. If I don't have time to put the lotion on the skin, I don't bathe at that time (and I get the hose again). Your choice in lotion is really important. I only use CeraVae, Eucerin, or coconut oil. You don't want to use one of the thinner scented lotions that go on easier because they have alcohol in them that dries the skin. Buy the good stuff and use it every time.

    2. I never, ever, ever go in hot tubs anymore. Between the chemicals and the heat, I'm guaranteed to get a really bad flareup that can last for months. It sucks when everyone else goes in the hot tub after skiing and I can't but it just isn't worth it.  Really hot baths are also a problem.

    3. I use only unscented products, including laundry detergent, and no dryer sheets or fabric softeners. No bubble baths or anything like that. I put coconut oil in my bath and that seems to really be helping.

    4. I'm  very gentle with my skin, especially places where I have spots. I've found that if I scratch one of them I end up in a lot of pain for a long time. If the spots are undisturbed they don't really bother me other than their ugly appearance.

    5. I try to frequently expose my skin to the sun for short periods of time. For my psoriasis, sun works better than any other treatment. However, you have to be really careful not to get burned.

    6. I've accepted that I'm a spotted human and try not to let my spots slow me down. It can be hard. I have a cousin who loudly asks me every time I dare wear a pair of shorts or a skirt around her why I won't go to the doctor. The last time she did it I lost my cool and asked her if she really thought that I was so stupid that it wouldn't have occurred to me to go to the dermatologist for help. She got really offended and I don't have a whole lot to do with her anymore. These are the same cousins who would tease me for the fact that my skin didn't tan like theirs did. It was really hard growing up in California and not having a tan. It's even worse to not have a tan and have pink spots. It sounds like a minor issue but it's pretty big to a kid or a single person. I've dealt with this in therapy and try really hard to love myself exactly how I am. But people stare and sometimes worry that it's contagious. It's not. So I try to just joke about how my skin has polka dots. 

    I'd also try limiting wheat and dairy products and see if that helps. Bottom line is that I'd only use the medications to clear a serious flare up and then I do everything in my power to stay moisturized and hydrated to prevent future flare ups. Stress also causes bad flare ups for me.

    Good luck to you and your son. 

    Try an allergist. Try an elimination diet or rotation diet. Make sure the environment is free of toxins such as perfumes, laundry detergent with fragrance, fresh paint, new carpet, etc. 

    Root and Stem on Grand Avenue in Oakland has amazing acupuncturists...highly recommend both Erin and Jessica.  My son also has eczema which we treated with Lansinoh’s HPA Lanolin. We applied it 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks and it all went away. Good luck!

    Sorry that your little one is going through this. I haven't seen any data that suggests that acupuncture is likely to help with eczema (although maybe there is a study or studies I just have not seen)...also would probably be hard to do acupuncture well on a small child.  I'm sorry your son is going through this.  My baby had a little bit of eczema, but nothing like what you are describing...he seems to be growing out of it, and especially the eczema on his chin got better as he has been getting older (1.5 yrs old now) and drooling less since he's not teething any more.  I had a lot of recommendations about which cleansers to use (including special ones for eczema, special baby ones, etc.), but for me and my son, I actually found that unscented Dove beauty bar seems to do a good job of cleaning without drying the skin or irritating it, and then I got a small round tube of Aveeno ointment at Target (less than $3 I think)...not the eczema cream, this was a heavier less watery ointment that comes in a small round container.  it sounds like your son has a much bigger problem so I'm not saying that will help...just what helped us.  My brother, who has a ton of hay fever (not food allergies though) and is very fair complected/light, apparently had terrible eczema when he was a baby (per my mom), and diaper rash, etc., but he did grow out of it.  There are certain ethnicities that are more prone to eczema, and of course even among the same ethnicity there is a lot of variation - there are some studies showing that there are (not surprisingly) genetic predispositions to getting bad eczema. 

    My experience with Kaiser is that it's very hard to get to even see a dermatologist there because they often don't even have one on site, and even if you do see one, they are likely to turf a lot of the management back to the primary care doctor (which is basically how the Kaiser system works).  This is OK for less bothersome problems but it must be troublesome in your situation when the problem isn't improving.  Also, since Kaiser knows the eczema isn't going to kill anyone it is probably not high on their priority list (though very very bothersome for you and your family), and they are more focused on people who have melanoma and other more dangerous things.  I'm not saying it is right, I am just saying...

      The problem with eczema is there is no quick and easy cure or treatment that works super well for everyone.  There is actually a new prescription cream (that is not a steroid) called Eucrisa which was recently approved to treat eczema (I believe can be used for people aged 2 or older but you'd have to check on that).  I don't know if you are open to using a different medication but it might be worth a try, although my suspicion would be it will hard to get through Kaiser - I'm assuming it could be a bit expensive because it is new, and Kaiser tries to keep their costs down with generic meds, etc.

      Also, you might find some helpful information on the National Eczema Foundation web site. 

    I feel for you as my son had the very same issue - food allergies that he outgrew and horrible eczema that would get infected from the scratching and ointments the only offered temporary relief. We tried eliminating certain foods too that people said could be triggers, namely dairy and gluten. Nothing worked. Then our insurance changed and we went from a private practice to Kaiser and saw a pediatrician at Oakland Kaiser said that new research showed that very diluted bleach baths (the same level as chlorine in a swimming pool) can eliminate eczema as it kills the bacteria that causes the itching/infection. My son was around 7 or 8 years old  at the time so it had been many, many years of trying all sorts of things. Every other day we filled the bathtub with warm water and 1/4 c bleach and he would submerge all but his head for about 5 - 8 minutes. To keep him from moving about we'd read him stories.  Within about 2.5 months the eczema was gone. Completely gone. He'd occasional get a small flare up (not all over, just in an area and nothing like he used to experience) and we'd do the baths for a bit till it went away but then at some point it just stopped happening. He is now almost 16 and occasionally will start to get some itching but as long as he keeps it moisturized it usually does the trick, or if it progresses a week of an ointment clears it up.

    Looking back this treatment made sense. He had been off of dairy and gluten for about 6 months without any improvement when we took a trip to Mexico when he was about 2.5 yrs old. There he was eating diary and gluten as it was just too hard for us to manage avoiding it but yet his eczema started to clear up within days. The doctor said it was probably because of the salt water from the ocean and whatever it was in the pools was having the same effect as the bleach baths. As soon as we got home the eczema was back until we started the bleach baths. 

    Here are some links about this treatment, including a bleach bath instruction sheet from the National Eczema Association.……

    My daughter had terrible eczema when she was young and I did a few things that helped: 1) goat milk instead of cow milk 2) probiotics for kids from Whole Foods and 3) chinese medicine and 4) elimination of certain foods. I am not sure which helped the most but it did help. I did not want to use steroid creams unless terrible outbreak.

    Sherry Yang is who I took my child to while she was suffering from major depressive disorder. I’m uncertain if she’s ever treated eczema but Sherry is a mother and extraordinarily kind and caring. She has a website listed at The other place I took my daughter to was the Hahnemann Medical Clinic in the medical building next to the El Cerrito Plaza. 400 Evelyn, Albany. The woman who runs the clinic is very knowledgeable and caring and may be able to either help you or point you in another less invasive direction. 

    Best of luck to you and your child. 

    Hi, my daughter had horrible eczema until she was about 2, all over her face and body.  She ultimately just outgrew it.  I don't think it was food allergy related, although she does have a peanut allergy (possibly caused by the eczema, as that is one current theory of peanut allergies in children) and she did test positive to being allergic to eggs (but she never ate them), which she eventually outgrew.  We tried steroids, all kinds of different of natural remedies, and I half-heartedly did some elimination diets (she was nursing).  We did acupuncture and some Chinese salves that seemed to help a little.  The most useful thing that we did was to put dead sea salts in her bath - that was the the most dramatic improvement we saw in her skin.  We bought high quality bath salts in bulk, bathed every day, and slathered her with CeraVe after baths.  I don't know why it helped.  The salts might have had a similar disinfectant effect as a bleach bath, or maybe the minerals were somehow balancing and healing.  She's now eight and a kid with dry, sensitive skin - she is prone to getting rashes and eczema from pools, scented lip balms and sunscreens, etc. - but it's totally manageable.  We use cetaphil for soap and still use CeraVe and hydrocortisone for flareups.  Good luck to you and your poor kiddo.. it's so frustrating.  

Archived Q&A and Reviews


My 8YO has really bad eczema on his face

Jan 2014

My 8 yr old son has really bad eczema. He is itching all the time and it is all over his body and his face is the most affected area.It is to the point where he is constantly scratching his face and his skin has peeled so much and you can see his flesh. He has been on all types of medication prescribed by his doctors @ Kaiser.None of them seem to stop his scratching.We would like to get a second opinion and would like to see if you have any recomendations on Ped Dermotologists or something parents have done before that seem to work on their kids.. Willing to try almost anything at this point to relieve his scratching and pain. Mi

See an allergist. My baby had horrible eczema and we have significantly reduced flairs by identifying food allergies (in our case, dairy, soy, eggs and gluten) and eliminating those foods completely. Other good tips we got for managing eczema include daily warm baths followed immediately by heavy cream (Vanicream works well for us). Some docs say less frequent baths because the water dries out the skin, but if the water is not too hot and you moisturize immediately after, the bath actually puts moisture back into the skin and then you trap it there with a really good moisturizer. A humidifier in the room at night also helps. But those are ways to treat it from the outside....what really worked for us was looking from the inside out and once we identified and eliminated the food allergies we rarely have to use the other treatments. finally clear

I don't have the name of a pediatric dermatologist for you, but I suffered greatly from eczema until the age of 13 when a dermatologist literally changed my life. His advice:

The first thing is to make sure your son knows not to pick at the eczema. Especially the little pustules. When I was a kid, I thought they would go away more quickly if I popped them, not realizing that this leads to infection and scabbing.

The second thing is how critical moisturizers are. Moisturizer should be applied every day, especially after bathing. A good one is Lubriderm. Aveeno is another, although thicker. Nutraderm is good for faces. For hands - Neutrogena. Make sure he uses only mild soap - Dove unscented is the cheapest, mildest soap out there. At that age he probably doesn't even need to use soap on his face. Eliminate wool and wool blends - blankets, clothing - too itchy. My dermatologist also prescribed a corticosteroid ointment to get outbreaks under control. He also prescribed Atarax to be taken orally when the itching was really intense. I was older (13), so not sure what challenges a younger kid presents. I suspect your doctor has been reluctant to prescribe a strong enough corticosteroid, because they can cause the skin to thin, but you could transition to a lower strength once the outbreaks are under control. Good luck, and kudos to you for hanging in there on behalf of your son. He will thank you some day. Eczema- free!

Try cutting out dairy from your son's diet. Many people are allergic to cow's milk. No milk for a month, and see if that helps. mom

Hi, You might look into the autoimmune diet protocol. Eczema in kids often is related to sensitivities or allergies in their diets. Wheat is a big offender, but there are others. Basically you eliminate all suspicious foods for three weeks or a month, and see if the eczema abates. Then you slowly reintroduce the foods, one at a time, noting if symptoms flare up with any foods. It is difficult to do, but not impossible. Also, if your son is having uncontrollable eczema from a food sensitivity, you want to know it now. Continuing to eat that food could set him up for a lifetime of other autoimmune problems and/or low-grade persistent inflammation. Good luck!

When you get your second opinion, be sure to ask about scabies, mites, or other parasites. A dematologist should be able to see the difference, but ''somtimes'' it is misdiagnosed, or sometimes the two occur together. Anon

I'm so sorry your son is suffering. My son also has eczema, and it's so hard to watch. I don't have a specific Pediatric Dermatology recommendation for you, but I did want to tell you about a few resources that you might not know about.

The first is that you might find help at the Kids With Food Allergies forums: I realize you didn't say anything about your son having food allergies, but the folks on those forums have atopic kids in general, and many of them suffer from eczema in addition to their food allergies, so there is an entire forum on the topic.

The second is that I've read about multiple families on that forum having excellent experiences with the people at National Jewish Health hospital in Denver: Note that I have no personal experience with the center, but have simply heard good things about it.

Lastly, I suspect you are already following all the standard of care guidelines, but just in case not, please check out: . Under ''Eczema'' and then ''Treatment'' you will find bathing and moisturizing guidelines which may help decrease or control your son's symptoms. Best of luck in getting the itch to stop.

I feel for you! It is so painful to watch your child suffer like this. My kids have mild eczema and that is stressful enough. My son would react after eating certain foods, so we tested him and it turned out he had numerous food allergies. I haven't tested my daughter, but we have figured out that she is allergic to a few foods as well. While your child might not test positive for food allergies, his/her eczema might be exacerbated by things like gluten, dairy or other common allergy causing foods. I do share your concern about using prescription meds which are not healthy and which don't address the root of the problem. Traditional doctors are not usually open to investigating causes with eczema, so I've found searching for natural/dietary remedies online to be helpful. I also plan to visit a naturopathic doctor, as many people have great success going this route. I hope you able to find the cause and eliminate it. Jodi 

Blackheads & pimples on 5-year-old

Jan 2005

My son is 5 and a half and he is already getting blackheads and pimples! Breakouts are mostly around his nose and happen about once a month. He washes his face twice a day with soap. Should I be applying a benzoil peroxide treatment at this early age? Or a tea tree oil cleanser? Thanks for any advice. anon

You should consider taking your son to a dermatologist for a checkup. The dermatologist might have a better way to treat the acne and/or the underlying cause than you could yourself using over-the-counter remedies. Anon.

I'd stay away from tea tree oil. It is highly allergenic, especially once it has begun to oxidize. Former Tea Tree Oil Fan


Eczema in 4 year old - natural remedies not working

April 2004

My daughter, now 4, has had eczema since infancy. Eczema outbreaks as a reaction to a food allergy, and thus far we have not fingered the culprit.

I've unsuccessfully tried the elimination diet, both when I was breastfeeding as well as every year since in her own diet, (inflames more often in the summer/warmer months) It seems to be worse this year, and she is loosing sleep itching every night this week. I want to stay clear of conventional medicines such as cortisones and benedryl, as I don't want to injure her already lowered immune system.

I have read every natural medicine book on treatment at home, and although I have learned a lot and am able to lessen her discomfort slightly, nothing seems to be really helping. What I want to do is (a) figure out exactly what she is allergic to and (b) get her immune system stronger to fight off these allergies.

Has anyone else been through this successfully and have any suggestions of practitioners we can talk to? Acupuncturist, homoeopathist (I actually have an appointment scheduled at the Hahnaman Clinic next week), allergists, anyone who specifically works with kids and allergies? Any input would help. Thank You. Anna

Anna, Hi! Your daughter sounds EXACTLY like mine. I also am very against the whole steroid cream scenario. We actually have been to see Dr. Jim Nickelson (allergist) and we discovered that she was severely allergic to egg and dust mites. It would be the best to get that skin test done. It is quick and almost painless and you rule out a lot of the major factors. If it is itching at night, I suspect that it will turn out to be dust mites in the matteress. For which, go to and order the matteress covers etc.

My daugter is going through a particularly bad patch right now for some reason. And I was up again last night moisturizing her little body (4.6 yrs). We are also starting homeopathy today - again. We did not have very good results last time, homeopathy is very hit and miss. If you find the right remedy then you will be cured within a week, if not then you have to have the patience to keep testing out new remedies till the right one hits. The acupuncture did not work for us because she shrieked herself crazy at the sight of the needles. I am all for homeopathy because my chilhood ecxcema got eliminated through homeopathy. I am also trying something else these days, which seems to be working, however, I want to to be sure before I start suggesting that to anyone else. Empathetic mom.

For alternative treatments for eczema: I am someone who has suffered from it all her life, I wanted to help out with some ideas if I could: First, you might try burrows solution -- available at your pharmacy. You soak the eczema in it and that helps relieve suffereing. Also, be aware that eczema does not always appear in response to food allergies -- it could be other allergens (e.g., plants, pollens, etc.). You should also understand that allergies are better conceptualized as the response of a HEIGHTENED immune function than a lowered immune system -- although perhaps I misunderstood and there is osme other reason why her immune function is reduced. Finally, although I applaud your efforts to find alternative approaches to dealing with it, I'm wondering if you would consider a more mixed approach. I can understand your desire to limit the use of benadryl and topical steroids. HOwever, when your daughter is so uncomfortable that she can't sleep, it might really be better for her if you give her some. Eczema can be extremely painful and difficult to deal with (i.e., not to scratch) and the available medications do greatly help this rather extreme discomfort. sabrina

Hi, eczema runs in my family - lots of the little girls (including my own 21month old has severe patches of redness, itching, scaling and crusting, especially in the arm pits and back of the legs. I tried Dreft, cortisone cream which clearly thins the skin over time, A ointment, Aquaphor, etc. with only minimal improvement. Why don't you talk to your physician about Elidel which has recently be approved for use in kids over 2 years. It works via very targeted method - it reduces the activity of T lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell that is responsible for inflammatory reactions). It appears very safe, and the incidences of infections is no higher than for those patients receiving no active treatment (placebo). uding upper respiratory tract infections appears to be no different than patients receiving no treatment (placebo). You only start to see a slight increase in URIs in kids under 2, therefore the FDA has restricted its use to kids over 2 years (although pediatricians are prescribing off label for these younger kids). I think it's worth a trial, and right now while they are in their promotional phase, you can probably get a free initial prescription to see if it works. Good luck! Lorianne


Peeling skin on daughter's fingers & feet

Nov 2002

I need some advice because the doctors that I have asked have not helped! My daughter's skin around her nails started peeling on her fingers, then toes, then heel of her feet. About three layers of skin have peeled off, sometimes revealing very red/pink tender skin underneath. It seemed to have gotten better, then has started to peel again. The doctor said this happens after a bad infection, such as strep but my daughter never had that. He advised to moisturize it and doesn't think it is fungal. Has this happened to anyone? How did you solve it? Felicia

Sometimes this can be the sign of some vitamin/mineral deficiency. Maybe your daughter lacks vitamin A, E or Bs. Please talk to your pediatrician and decide, if this is the case, what supplements you need to give her. Simona

My mother-in-law has had this condition on her hands and feet for decades. In her case, it's eczema and it tends to flare up whenever she's stressed out. They do have her moisterize with doctor recommended creams. She puts on the cream, puts on plastic gloves, then cotten gloves on top of those, and then wears this overnight to sleep. Other than that, she has gotten cortizone injections when it has been really bad. I'm sure treatments are better now as she hasn't had an outbreak in a long time. Good luck!

Eczema & battles with 4-y-o's treatment

Feb 2003

Our 4.5-year-old daughter was recently diagnosed with eczema. I have read the website, but our particular issue was not addressed, which is her complete non-cooperation with the treatment prescribed. We were given a prescription for topical cortisone treatment, which we are loathe to use too much. The pharmacist recommended Eucerin as well as Aquaphor as the creams to use. We got both. Our daughter refuses to let us put any cream on her. She has let us put the cortisone on her a few times. Her hands and back of her legs are in bad shape, particularly the latter right now. I've been able to sneak into her room after she's asleep to surreptitiously put cream on her hands while she's sleeping and that has been good, but otherwise we're struggling with a girl who is very itchy and whose legs hurt when she sits, yet refuses treatment. Any advice would be appreciated.
Mom desperate to help her daughter

My 7 year old son also has eczema. He is getting better with each passing year but had it really bad when he was your daughter's age and he too hated it when we put cream. The fact is that maintaining moisturization of the skin by applying Eucerin/ Aquaphor is absolutely key for things to get better. Actually when the condition of the skin is really bad it hurts when you put cream .Shea butter ( it is kind of expensive though ) is really good because it is thinner and you do not have to rub it in as hard as Eucerin . Try changing the cream she might like that. The following things worked for us a) letting him put the cream and then you kind of sneak in and work from the sides b) look at a favorite book, listen to a favorite song when the time comes to apply cream c) let him put some Eucerin on us and make a game out of it . Trust me, you will find out something that works for you. And eventually as she gets older she will understand that this is necessary for her skin to get better. Good luck. You can email me and talk more about this if you want. Bipasha

Our daughter (and me as a child, too) has eczema, and it was most severe on the back of her legs. We too had battles about creams and finally had to make something else desirable contigent on putting the cream on, and we also let her put cream on us, we made it into sort of a game. But I was concerned about long-term use of cortisone cream, and the leg eczema kept coming back after we stopped it, and the Eucerin didn't keep it from itching.

So the reason I write is to suggest that you try to control the problem at the other end, and figure out what is causing the eczema. Is there an obvious allergen? In our daughter's case it turned out that the problem was taking baths - either the soaking or the soap or the occasional bubble baths, we never found out. So we started just washing her by the sink, using soap only in the areas that absolutely need daily washing, and using a mild soap or an oatmeal soap. We reduced baths to once every 1-2 weeks. The parts of her that get the eczema are the parts that rarely get dirty anyway. The eczema completely disappeared. I don't know if this is related to your situation, but it's worth a try. - mom of daughter who's no longer itchy!

I have a soon to be 5-year old girl who suffers from eczema on her neck, arm and leg (I also had it from age 8 until 14-so I am well aware of the discomfort). I've been told that eczema can be genetic. We've been struggling with this for about six months. It got very bad during the late fall but we seem to have it under control now. My goal was to minimize the use of topical cortisones. So take these comments as what worked for us. YMMV

1. Lotions: What works for some people feels awful to others. I use Keri lotion. It does nothing for my daughter. She likes the feel of Lubriderm. I hate the way Lubriderm feels on my skin. Aquaphor may be good to use to keep skin moisturized but when the skin is broken already it may exacerbate the eczema and bring on an infection. For a bad outbreak we use a vitamin e and aloe cream that you can get at Whole Foods.

Also watch out for certain lotions especially those with sunscreen and preservatives. Those can be very harsh on skin damaged by eczema.

2. Minimize bathing to minimize skin oil loss. We try to keep it down to about twice per week with additional washing of the private areas as needed.

3. Eczema for my daughter is a manifestation of a dairy allergy! Milk, ice cream, butter, and yogurt all cause eczema in my daughter. Eczema should be treated by an allergist and not a dermatologist. If a docter simply prescribes cortisones for chronic eczema then I would seek help from an allergist.

We rarely need any cortisone anymore. Every now and again we will use it to knock back a flare up after my daughter has induldged herself to some dairy product, i.e., hot chocolate or ice cream. Lucky for us she's pretty good at self-regulating her diet.

Good luck. Feel free to email me. I've spent a lot of time researching solutions and would be happy to share. Eva

I have a 4 year old daughter with eczema. She, too, is often reluctant to let us put on her medicine (either Elidel, cortizone, or ''tac'') and lotion (Eucerin). She'll sometimes let me put Eucerin on her after she puts it on me. I make it a point to compliment her on her application, and I make sure I tell/show her how soft my skin will be (not only when she's applying it but at other times, too). Right now she loves it when I place dots of Eucerin all over her body or draw pictures with the Eucerin and then rub it in. It's very sticky and you can draw lines, happy faces, flowers, etc. She has also become very fond of the ''massage'' she gets when I rub in the Eucerin using long and short strokes, dancing fingers, etc. holly

I have not dealt with eczema on the hands, but an idea came to me that perhaps is worth a try? What if you got ''glamorous'' elbow-length gloves and told your daughter when she allows you to apply the cream she gets to wear these beautiful gloves? Perhaps it would even help soften the skin more! If they don't sell these for children perhaps you could alter adult ones or even sew some up yourself. Just my 2 cents. Good luck! anon

The first thing I would do is buy allergy covers for the mattress and pillows. My friend did this for her son's bed at the recommendation of the allergist and the eczema cleared up, no medication. anon

My son had eczema like you are describing. The lotions helped, but it never went away until I started feeding him ground flax seed in his oatmeal every morning (about one heaping teaspoon). We skip a day or 2 a week, but when we go away on vacation and forget the flaxseed for several days, the rash comes right back. You can buy it already ground at Trader Joes in the cereal section. Good luck. Natasha H

My daughter had eczema when she was about 2. She was treated successfully using homeopathy by Christine Ciaveralla at the Hahnemann Clinic in Albany (524-3117). Christine is an amazing practitioner. It's fairly expensive but really worth it. shalva

Whenever I have to put any kind of lotion on my 3 yr. old, I find it helps if we just first sit and talk about it - 'I've got this lotion, it's to help your skin stop itching...', let him check it out (within reason), and have him apply it to me first, then himself, if possible. I keep talking -'see, it's kinda cold, isn't it? is it smelly? sticky? etc.' and finish up the application. Doesn't *always* work (hey, he's 3...), but does enough of the time. Ellen

I have a friend that uses tacrolimus ointment for ezcema. I understand that it's a relatively new drug and it seems to work miracles for my friend. There are several web sites that discuss its merits and its kid-friendliness. A google search will get you to most of them. clevergirl

I wanted to relate my experience of how flax seed oil healed my son. My 18 month old son has severe food allergies but even when I had eliminated all the allergens from his diet his skin was awful--red and chapped behind his knees and at his neck and even scabbed in places from his scratching. I was putting lotions on several times a day and giving him infrequent, short baths as well. I started adding about 4-5 drops of flax seed oil to his oatmeal about 10 days ago and his skin is transformed. It is soft all over, barely red and even the worst patches are almost healed. He's sleeping better too because he's not so itchy. I really hope this works for other children with excema as well. karen

I did not read the original post but saw that another parent mentioned that the eczema was caused by a dairy allergy. My 4 y.o. daughter suffers from the same cause. She is very good about staying away from milk and such but I do allow it once in awhile and if she gets a really bad flare up we just use the prescription steroid lotion. She had a horrible, painful problem and within a week of figuring out the problem, her eczema was completely gone. Good Luck. Bridget

Regarding your child's eczema, here is what we have experimented with and found helpful.

Soap (and then only unscented OILATUM--sold at Long's) only when your child is remarkably dirty/soiled

Cetaphil Lotion for the face--you put it on and then wipe it off, partially, with a soft washcloth. Leaving a residue behind protects the skin and minimizes the eczema.

Unscented! Neutrogena Sesame Seed Oil in the bath--very prophylactic and not provocative, allergically-speaking

NO DIAPER WIPES, EVER--better to use unscented toilet paper and water

DREFT detergent for washing clothes and then using two rinse cycles

Aquaphor for excema around the lips, ears, and for chapped lips

VASELINE is wonderful for chapping on or around the lips or any small area on the body--be careful not to macerate the eczematic area, which can make it worse. Just a thin smattering of Vaseline over the afflicted area.

Protopic is a newer topical alternative (not a steroid) for bad, unremitting eczema, but you would need to consult your dermatolog Sympathetic scratcher

Eczema can also be helped with acupuncture. I have a son who had extreme eczema on his face from 5 months old to 12months. Even covering his hands with socks failed because the fabric actually caused his face to bleed. I read how traditional Chinese Medicine views eczema in some cases: a poor or unbalanced digestive function (e.g., constipation, not pooping regularly enough, as in my son's case) leads to toxins accumulating in the body, and the body's solution for eliminating the toxins is through the skin, hence, eczema. I decided to seek treatment for my son with a Chinese herbalist and acupunturist, Portia Lee, and saw improvement within 2 days. She is very ethical, and is networked with many others who can also help. Her number is 510-932-4456, you can email me if you need other info. My son is virtually eczema-less. By the way, the use of hydrocortisone was considered very unwise in my son's case from the Chinese medical point of vew. I believe it suppresses the body from being able to rid itself of toxins. onesmartjap

Vaseline for 4-year-old's eczema?

March 1997

I have a son, 4 year's old . Suddenly he devloped dry skin. I went to doctor and the doctor gave him vaselin. I am surprised because I always heard that petroleum jelly is not good because it comes from petrol. If any parents have experience about Vaseline (good or bad!!!), please share. How about Eucerin? Thanks a lot. Suraiya.

Both my children have dry skin problem and find the following very good solutions.

-glycerin: for any type of skin and specially for very dry skin. you can buy pure glycerin from walgreens or other pharmacies. It is the best treatment (and the main ingeridient in any moisturizer lotion). Apply it at night for a couple of nights and you will see the difference.

-Eucerin: is the best moisturizer lotion that has no odor, is absorbed fast, and its only downside is its high price, but I find it worth $10 for the family size. Keri lotion is also as good. Soheila

In response to the dry skin inquiry.....I myself have just had a bout with dry skin and the doctor (family practioner/pediatrician) highly recommended Eucerin for our dry and sensitive skin. In my own experience calendula oil, Keri and Eucerin have worked well for my daughter's own bouts with dry skin. Unfortunately, pollution is the culprit for all of our ailing skin! Patricia

Regarding dry skin. Our son has had it since birth (now 14 months). Our pediatrician (Dr. John Good) has said that if the skin gets dry, it cracks, and itching further opens the skin up. Then sweat gets in and eczema develops and the itching is worse. Bad cycle that only gets worse.

He said, if you can keep the skin from getting dry, then this problem will go away. Makes sense to me. He said Vaseline works (I asked if it's bad to cover the skin with something that doesn't let it breathe; he was not concerned.)

We originally (with another doctor) used only steroidal cremes for the eczema. Now we can keep it contained using Eucerin creme liberally. We started the most recent program with three applications of a different steroidal creme (once a day for three days) then soley using Eucerin twice a day, morning and night. (I'm cautious and use steroids very sparingly). Now usually we apply Eucerin only once a day. Soon after starting this regimen, his bumps (new form of eczema for him) went away and have remained gone until saturday-- I think what causes it for our son (recently) is his skin being in contact with the carpet (I didn't tuck his shirt in!). Carpet was also a problem when he was an infant and would wiggle his way off the sheet on the floor. I recommend Eucerin creme. It's expensive, but it seems to work. Peg

Eucerin worked very well when I used to treat my 3 year old's dry skin. It isn't too oily. There's also Eucerin soap. If you're not already using it, you may also consider using Dove soap (White or Sensitive) to help. Dionne

My sons both suffer from dry as well as sensitive skin. My sister, who is a pediatrician, suggested we try vaseline. It seems to work the best for them in terms of keeping the skin moisturized without adverse reactions from other moisturizers, even some of the good ones. She has also recommended both Eucerin and Aquaphor. Personally, I find they both work well for me, but the best I've found for my sons is just plain vaseline. They have never had an allergic reaction to it. Marie

Re: Eucerin Costco/Price Club usually carries Eucerin for half the price as the regular stores. Of course, they only carry the largest size, but I've found lots of uses for it and it lasts very well -- I've had a big tub of it around for up to 2 years before running out and getting more. And, as with many items, they sometimes don't have it in stock. But it's really worth checking. And, they have lots of kids medicine -- they used to carry Children's Tylenol for less than half the price of others places but haven't had it for the past year. Check the drug aisle for lots of kids stuff -- they also have those current toothbrushes that are popular amongst the 5-10 year olds that have the big thick colored handle -- forget the name -- you'll recognize them when you see them -- and as usual, for the same price as you pay for 1 at Safeway or Longs, you get 4 at Costco -- toothbrushes for a whole year! Tamara

We were just at our son's 2-yr pediatric visit, where we asked about the same problem, and were told to use a NON-greasy, non-fragranced moisturizer. The two our doctor mentioned were Eucerin (which I actually do find greasy) and Moisturel, which we're going to try. Alexis

One more response re: dry skin treatments... My son also suffers from dry skin and we've tried everything. What seems to work best for him is a multi-level attack consisiting of Aveeno* baths, twice daily doses of Eucerin or similar cream (eg Moisturel or DML), and daily applications of a prescription cream containing mometasone furoate. *Aveeno is an oatmeal based powder that you add to a bath. You can find it at most major drug stores. Stephanie

Eczema and Diet

Feb 2002

I've read all of the advice given from past postings, and wonder if anyone has found a direct link between diet (food allergies) and eczema outbreaks. Our daughter has had eczema patches on the inside of her elbows that have never gone away, and she has outbreaks behind her knees and on her hands from time to time. We've found that possibly cow's milk might have some connection. We've used steriod creams, Eucerin, changed detergents, limited baths, changed to Cetaphil soap--all without much change in her skin. Does anyone know of a dermitologist or allergist that might be able to shed some light?

Our son had and has ongoing eczema due to a wheat allergy. It was confusing because he was not affected by wheat for the first six months he was eating it (bagels, Cheerios etc.) Our pediatrician told us that it is very hard to pinpoint what causes dry skin/eczema, and that some children have it even when on extremely limited diets. Food allergies in general are very hard to diagnose; I have had them as well and allergists were not able to help me diagnose them. The only way is to keep a diary of what is being eaten and watch for reactions. We found out what it was in our son's case by returning to a very limited diet and adding things again one at a time, as you did when your child was an infant. Suspect things that are common triggers can be wheat, milk, eggs, nuts, etc. You can try these first. As an adult, I also have reactions to raw tomatos. The eczema he has shows up as rough patches on his torso, inside elbows and occasionally legs. Bathing less helps somewhat, but the best moisturizer is this stuff made by Eucerin called Aquaflor, almost like Vaseline, but even heavier and better. It is expensive but works better than anything else in healing dry patches. If you can find what it is by routine elimination you can limit your child's exposure to it, which is the only real way to solve the problem. Creams and less bathing only treat the problem once it has occurred. Read all ingredient labels very carefully as you can have wheat and dairy in things you would never suspect, once you find the irritant. Good luck! cheryl

I noticed that for my daughter citrus fruits might trigger an outbreak of eczema. Not always. A lot of times is the combination of winter weather and the increased intake of oranges+grapefruits during this time. Also, a lack of vitamin A, Bs and E in the body has to do with poor skin health. I've never noticed a connection between milk and our eczema. Hope this helps. Simona

I have eczema all my life and enviromental factors like the soap used to wash the skin and clothes is very important. I do not use any fabric softener on my clothes or bedding. You might try washing the clothes in Cheer and running a extra rinse to be sure no soap remains on the clothes. Wear loose cotton clothing to avoid any skin irratation. Follow the above steps and use the medication from the Dr. on the affected areas. A Dermotologist should be able to get the eczema under control with topical creams. You will need to visit the Dr. frequetnly until the condition is under control so the Dr. can prescribe the correct creams. Anonymous

I've had eczema my whole life and have used shots, eliminated foods, used steroid and non-steroid creams and ointments, and the only thing that has made any difference has been judicious use of steroids and intense moisturizing. I also avoid getting my skin wet and cold b/c that makes the skin itchy. I also find that being wet and hot is bad (sweaty skin gets red and terribly itchy). My childhood trips to the midwest in the summer were pure hell b/c of the humidity and heat. I tried the complete elimination diet when I was 30, eating only rice, pears and chicken for two weeks and then adding one food product every 3-4 days. It did not make a difference in my eczema at all, though I did lose weight. I highly recommend my allergist, who has given me a great deal of support and was the only doctor to recognize the skin fungal infections that often accompany eczema. His name is Jim Nickelsen. He is in Berkeley and his number is 644-2316. His specialty is pediatric asthma and he has treated my asthma quite successfully. ps. Most people, unlike me, outgrow their eczema. denise

You might visit an accupuncturist for a consultation (they do diet as well as needles). I went on a diet recommended by my practioner for other reasons and some small skin patches on elbows and thighs disappeared in a matter of weeks. It included eliminating dairy, sugar(infrequent treats okay), 'nightshade' type veggies and citrus. But the recommendation has to come from tthe practioners sense of a person's energy. It's not necessarily one size fits all. anonymous

My daughter had terrible eczema in all the same places (and behind her ears). After trying all of the medical advice I was given, I finally decided to go to a Chinese herbalist/dermatologist/acupuncturist. She took one look at my daughter's skin and said it was due to food allergies. Since my daughter was was less than a year at the time she was mostly breast feeding and had a limited repertoire of foods that she had started to eat. Dr. Yu put ME on a strict diet which eliminated citrus, garlic, onions, beef, fish, cheese, tomatoes, chocolate and much, much more. I was to eat mung beans, chicken, cucumbers, and rice, among other things. Within THREE DAYS, my daughter's skin cleared up! In addition to the diet, she gave me an herbal topical cream. My daughter is 2.5 now and rarely gets bad outbreaks. She now eats some citrus and tomatoes, but not ferquently, and only on occasion gets rashes anymore.

I remember feeling terrible that my little girlhad sandpaper-like arms and hands instead of soft smooth baby skin and that the doctor was just treating the symptoms with hydrocortisone and Eucerine. Dr. Yu was terrific!! I can't recommend her highly enough! Please feel free to contact me if you want to know more about Dr. Yu or have any questions. Abby

When our baby developed eczema around 5-6 months, we tried all kinds of moisturizers (ie., Eucerin, Lubiderm, Aquaphor, Aveeno, Kiehl, Tricerum and so on), went to see the UCSF pediatric dermatologists, and used prescribed hydrocortisone creams. We looked up National Eczema Association as well as National Eczema Society (U.K.) for guidance. In one of the websites we visited ( hosted by an English mom with atopic children of her own, we came across some information on Elena's Nature Collection creams. Her herbal moisturizer, especially Eureka cream, is the only non-steriod based cream that seems to control our baby's flare-ups with success. Additionally, we have eliminated all cow's milk from our baby's diet and have given only 100% organic solids. Hope this helps. Cy's mom