Spanish Language Lessons for Adults

I'm looking for recommendations for Spanish language lessons for adults. I want to be comfortable traveling in Spanish-speaking countries, asking for directions and understanding the answers, and maybe even holding my own in a friendly conversation. Also learning a new language contributes to brain plasticity and a better old age, which I'm rapidly approaching. I live in West Berkeley. Thanks.

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I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but for about a year I have been taking weekly Skype lessons with a fantastic woman named Miriam, who lives in Guatemala.  She doesn't speak much English, so you'd need to be prepared to dive right into Spanish.  I was barely over beginner status when I started with her, and it was fine.  She only charges $10/hour, is incredibly friendly/funny/talkative, and she'll have you up and running in no time.  Her email is miriamdez [at] if you're interested!


Hi, I would recommend Ilona Sturm.  She is a West Berkeley resident who has lived in Spanish-speaking countries, and has taught the Spanish Conversation class at Berkeley Adult School for many years.  Her email address is her name (all run together) at yahoo-dot-com.

Hi, I recommend to check out the Mesoamerica Institute. They have Spanish lessons for adults at different levels of proficiency. They are located by the Straberry Creek park.