Growing Tree Preschool

Moraga, CA

Facility Type[?]:
DSS Facility License #
073400738 [view license]
McNeill/Richardi - Growing Tree Full Day Program
(925) 376-8280
Canyon Rd.
Maximum Capacity:
Language(s) Spoken:
Ages Served:
20 months - 72 months

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Archived Q&A and Reviews

Jan 2008

I am interested in sending my child to Diablo Valley Montessori School in Lafayette or Growing Tree Preschool in Moraga. Both schools appear great after visiting but I cannot decide. Can anyone provide me with feedback on your experiences with these schools, good or bad? Looking especially for feedback on the level of parent/teacher communication, cleanliness of the school, and how strict they are on sickness. For DVMS, has its location near Hwy 24 impacted your child's health (asthma, wheezing, etc.)? Can't Decide

My family has been at Growing Tree for five years and I couldn't say enough positive things about it. The number one asset of the school is the teachers and you can have as much parent/teacher communication as you want. Everyday that you drop your child the teacher will usually approach you with some unsolicited input on what your child is doing, what they are noticing about your child etc. If you have a specific issue - and in my time I have had a few - the teachers will jump on it and work with you as much as you can possibly hope for (my issues have ranged from potty training to having conflict with another student, etc.) The classes are relatively small and with two teachers in each classroom, they really get to know your child. As far as cleanliness, I have never had an issue. I think I would have noticed if it was really bad but it is not my big thing. On the sickness, to be honest, I think they are fairly low key and leave it to the parents to make the call for the most part. There are usually a fair number of running noses all winter - they ask that you keep a child home for 24 hours after a fever. My sense is they do trust the parents and my impression is the parents will send a pretty running nose and a cough, but when there is a fever the kids aren't at school. So, yes, my kids have definately picked up viruses as school, but realistically, I feel that will happen anywhere. I don't have the impression that the directors are calling parents on a regular basis and telling them their kid is too sick to be at school - so if you are looking for that, GT may not be for you. I hope that helps! Good luck with your decision. Anon

Re: Developmental Kindergarten -Lamorinda area (Jan 2005)
Check out Growing Tree in Moraga. They have a Transitional K as well as a Developmental K. These programs fill up fast and may well be full already. However, everyone I know who was wait listed got in once Fall rolled around. Talk with the director about your son's situation and I'm sure she'll be able to guide you. Good luck.