Dara Javid, AMFT

Community Subscriber
Dara Javid
(510) 319-2990
Daraa.javid [at] gmail.com

I offer Financial Therapy for those who want to improve their quality of life and ensure they are living a life that is aligned with their values. Our relationship with money is intensely personal and highly charged. That is why so many people avoid talking about it even in therapy. What I offer is a place where you build tolerance for pushing your upper limits for joy, love, and success; and for that we often have to visit some of your darkest places. I work specially well with people who either want to grow financially, or want to make sure that their money decision is in line with their values.

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Hi there--Dara Javid is a good option. She has an office in Berkeley and does financial therapy (the emotional side of finance). Best of luck. https://www.darajavidtherapy.com/
