Seeking Trumpet Teacher for 10-year-old

We are looking for someone to provide private trumpet lessons to our 10-year-old.  We are ideally looking for in-person lessons in Berkeley, but we are open to remote as well.  Any suggestions?

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Owen Miyoshi is the best, his rates anre reasonable, and he does in person (and virtual) lessons in the Berkeley hills (cragmont). He’s also a fun and inspiring teacher and plays in the orchestra in different cities around the bay and beyond. I highly recommend him! He does have two cats so hopefully your kiddo is not allergic.

oiyoshi [at]

510 684 9501

Joe Joffe, in El Cerrito.   jkjoffe [at]    

He has been teaching my trumpet-playing kid for awhile now.  He includes a lot of music theory and has a love of jazz.  He is also a parent, and good with kids.