Underground drainage pipe for Roof runoff & gutter install

We're planning to replace existing gutters on our house, and as part of that, we would also like to get an underground PVC drainage pipe system installed, which prevents water pooling near the foundation, and can move the roof run off away from the house.

Not sure if both of these are typically done by the same contractor, or whether we need to scout for two different companies - one to install the new gutters and downspouts, and the other to install the underground drainage, and connect the downspouts to it.

Any inputs and contractor recommendations are welcome. We're in the East Bay.

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For the drainage portion of your question I can recommend three companies which perform very well. If you are interested I suggest you talk to their representatives and ask for a bid as it is very likely they will differ in their solution and cost. I have used all three at one time or another to install french drains at our rental properties which faced the same issue as yours.

Carty Construction 510-528-1565  Bay Area Drainage 925-377-9209  All Seasons Construction 510-652-2221.

I can highly recommend Bay Area Drainage at  https://www.bayareadrainage.com

They installed a french drain in our home in the Berkeley hills and it has worked perfectly. We got 3 bids and they were in the middle. With the amount of work they did I feel it was a bargain.