Cultivating Kids Early Childhood Center

Oakland, CA

No longer in business
Facility Type[?]:
Childcare Center
DSS Facility License #
013421407 [view license]
Vicki Braxton
(510) 891.1438
CultivatingKids [at]
Thornhill Drive
Maximum Capacity:
Language(s) Spoken:
Ages Served:
36 months - 60 months
Editors' Notes:

Parent Q&A

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  • Cultivating Kids Daycare

    Mar 2, 2018

    Has anyone had experience with Cultivating Kids daycare?  If so, would you mind sharing your experience/reviews?

    Yes!  We had our daughter there in the infant room when she was 10 months old. Once she started walking we noticed they had her in the baby swing every time we went to pick her up. When I asked about it they said “it was easier to keep her in there with the other kids”. That was our last day there. Vicki always seemed to have different people roaring through and she was always on her phone when we were there picking up. 

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