Seeking infant daycare near Del Norte BART

Hi there! I'm looking for M-F fulltime daycare starting in May for my daughter, who will be 9 months old at that time. I've tried calling as many places as possible and am having no luck getting a spot for an infant! Any help would be much appreciated. Closer to Del Norte Bart is best, but I'm flexible. Thank you!

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Have you heard of Bananas? They’re a nonprofit childcare referral place. Great resource...

I have a 10 month old in daycare, and it seems harder to get an infant slot than to get into a good college! Unless you luck out and happen to find a family daycare opening, it might be easier to find a nanny share on BPN.

You can check if Shahin has an opening. She lives very close to El Cerrito Del Norte. 510-847-7561