Looking for teen improv workshop

Hi!  We’re looking for an in person teen improv workshop/class.  We live in north Marin but will travel if necessary.  I’m committed  to making this happen so could host or gather kids as well.  Thanks!  

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Check out Geri Engberg - https://www.perfectlywhelmed.com/Perfectly_Whelmed/Home.html

She ran an Improv class at my child's elementary school but I believe she also has classes for older children and adults. My child had a lot of fun. I'm located in the East Bay and I believe she is too. Perhaps she can suggest some improv classes in the North Bay if the distance is too far for hers.

Thank you for the suggestion Geri!  I will email her to see if she knows of anything in Marin.  

If anyone knows of a person that may want to teach a preteen/teen improv class- I can host and gather students as well.  We homeschool and have experience rallying up kids for classes.