Korean Language Classes

Parent Q&A

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  • Hello, there's some older advice on Korean language classes, but wondering if anyone has recent experience with Korean language classes or tutors they love? I have a 6 year old, we took him to see his grandparents in Korea recently and now he's motivated to learn so he can communicate better when we go back. Thanks for your recommendations!

    I'm originally from Korea. https://okschool.org/ is pretty good. We did a class there and it was pretty good. It is a Sat. morning language class. Unfortunately, my kid wanted to learn my partner's native language, which is more readily available and doesn't require sacrificing Sat. mornings, and we didn't want to do two language schools, so we stopped Korean. 

  • My kids (5 and 7) have recently expressed interest in learning a second language and picked Korean. Does anyone have any recommendations for a Korean language tutor or class who can make language learning fun for little ones? I'm thinking 45 min a week, kind of thing rather than a half day Saturday school.  If any other folks with similar age kids are also interested please reach out. If I find a good tutor a small group of 4-5 kids could also be fun depending on the teachers ability to manage a group and the kids' interests.

    I highly recommend Yoonmi Demerath. She is Korean but has lived in the Bay Area for quite a while. She is an extremely experienced teacher, who taught extensively in Korea and China and has been teaching and tutoring Korean language lessons for many years. Yoonmi works with students of all ages but has a real gift for working with young children. She is fun, creative, and engaging. She can be contacted at funkorean4u [at] gmail.com or 510-646-7595.

  • We have a four year-old who really wants to learn Korean, but only the grandparents speak it well. 

    Anyone know of a Korean-speaking babysitter or a good class for little kids around Berkeley?


    Oakland Korean School is excellent and starts at age 4, and there are also classes available at the Alameda Bay School that I’ve heard of. 


    My kids around that age used to do Saturday Korean lessons at a Korean church in El Cerrito/Richmond. I forget the name but it's a couple blocks off San Pablo and Potrero. Hope that's enough info to find it!

    Or else, maybe you can get Korean TV shows for children on youtube or on TV?  Children soak up language like a sponge so now is the best time to get started.

    Check out Oakland Korean School. https://theokschool.com/


    It’s not near Berkeley but if you’re interested in an immersion preschool, check out DoReMi Kids, in San Francisco.


    Also, San Francisco public school’s Clair Lillianthal, has an immersion program from kinder to 8 th grade.

  • Hello! I was wondering if there are any good Korean Language classes for children ages 4-6? My daughter who is 4 attended a Korean school in the city and we are looking for something in Berkeley, Albany or El Cerrito. Thank you! 


    My name is Jin. I am a Korean father of a 4 year old girl. Her mother isn't a Korean speaker and I want my daughter to learn Korean. So, I take my daughter to a Korean Saturday school so she can learn with other kids at around her age. The teacher's name is Nikki Choi. Her email is teaji at hotmail dot com. The classes are held on the south side of the main UC Berkeley campus.

    To add some context around the teacher; she is a native Korean speaker with three kids of her own. I believe she is currently going through an education program at UC Berkeley, and she has completed a Korean teaching program from Seoul University. But, most importantly, my daughter always looks forward to the Saturday class, and misses the classes while the school is on break due to Nikki's program at UC Berkeley. I am glad that she gained more interest in wanting to learn Korean and use it more frequently at home. It's very helpful as I've been trying to speak mainly in Korean with her while I was the only Korean speaker around her.

    Nevertheless, feel free to reply here for clarification or contact her via the email shown above.


    Hi! There's a great Korean Language Class in Berkeley, CA taught by Nikki Choi. My daughter who is now 5 has been in the school with Nikki and she looks forward to going there every Saturday. She makes it fun and exciting for her. Nikki is a great teacher with an extensive knowledge and the credentials for teaching Korean to children and adults. She is starting her Fall session soon, on Saturdays from 9:15 to 10:30 near UC Berkeley. Please feel free to contact her at teaji [at] hotmail.com for more information. My daughter loves her class and really enjoys all aspects of it. We are looking forward to the class in this September!