Which YMCA Sleepaway Camp?

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  • I plan to send my 11 year old child to either Camp Loma Mar or Camp Jones Gulch, both are overnight YMCA camps and I'm looking for some reviews! If you have a child who has gone to one or both, I would love to hear what you and they thought about it. Thank you!

    I went to Camp Jones Gulch as a child, and loved it! I went three summers in a row, and my brother went until he was a counselor in training. Younger kids get to try a large variety of activities, and the older ones can specialize. It’s a good mix of “indoor” and “outdoor” activities, and I never felt pressured to try something I didn’t like. I always felt well supported by the counselors, and had a blast with the other kids in my cabin.

    This was about 20 years ago, so it’s possible things have changed, but I can honestly say I wish I had gone back more as a teen.


    My son has done Camp Jones Gulch many times. He likes it a lot. One year he did the Coastal Camp, which he didn't enjoy quite as much. But he looks forward to going every summer.

Family camps in US (Jan 18, 2022)

Sorry this answer is a bit late. The East Coast really has the camp tradition and tons of camps on lakes all over New England but the West Coast not so much. However most YMCA camps have family camps. I've never done them but I can attest that YMCA camps are great - beautiful settings, cute tents, just the classic camp experience.

Here are a few close by -   

YMCA Camp Campbell down in the redwoods by Bounder Creek (between Cupertino and Santa Cruz) https://www.ymcasv.org/ymca-camp-campbell/camps/family-camp

YMCA Camp Loma Mar - similar location i think as Camp Campbell, but a bit north (by La Honda), bu I've never been but it too as several Family Camp dates https://ymcaeastbay.org/camps/camp-loma-mar/family-camp

YMCA also has wonderful camps on the East Coast all over New England and many of these would have family camps too if you are heading that way or prefer to do it there. YMCA camps are also affordable (comparatively speaking) but offer a ton of great stuff - really amazing and those back east even more so. Definitely something to think about for your kid on their own someday too.