Adult pickup soccer?
I'm wondering if there are any regular pick-up soccer games in the area. My priorities are fun and exercise. Light competition is great but, nearing forty, I'm no longer looking to prove I'm varsity material. A game where shinguards are acceptable but not necessarily necessary would probably be ideal. If anyone knows of anything, a response would be most appreciated.
Sep 13, 2021
Parent Replies
Hi Max, I'm in the same boat as you. I'd love to find a game like this, I just don't know where it exists. If you find it, keep me in the loop! -Brent
My 36 year old husband plays casual pick-up soccer (co-ed) at Willard Park on Sunday mornings - 10:30am-12:30/1pm. You can come and go as you like and just bring a light and dark t-shirt for teaming.
My husband goes to some at James Kenney Rec Center field on Wednesday evenings.
My husband is looking for the same thing!
Don't know if you're on fb but here's the fb link:…
They also have a whatsapp number - i think it's 510-326-9016
I forget what days they play but it's twice a week - great bunch of guys and sometimes womyn too.
I would also be potentially interested in this. I'm in the El Cerrito/Richmond annex neighborhood.
Hi! My wife is very interested in this- did you find any good leads? We live near Brookdale park (near the Laurel), which would be a great place to practice!