Support Groups for Autism Spectrum Families
Parent Q&A
Archived Q&A and Reviews
- Groups for adult with probable Asperger's
- Lookng for support grp for parents of aspergers youth
- Support for parents of Asperger teens & young adults?
- Asperger's support group?
Groups for adult with probable Asperger's
June 2009
I'm a parent in my fifties who has just come to the realization that I have Asperger's. Its a self-diagnosis based on a lot of on-line tests and the research I have done re: my son, who has Asperger's too. I have no friends in the Bay Area, and have a lot of trouble making/keeping friends. Does anyonehave any advice for me? Or know of support groups for adults in the East Bay? Aspie mom
I have a friend who is also an adult with Asperger's, and she has a great web site that includes resources and local group ideas: She thinks all the groups in the Bay Area are in SF, but she is also in the East Bay so if you find anything else she'd love to hear about it! I'm glad that you are reaching out and hope you find some good connections. Aspie Ally
There IS an adult support group in the east bay which specializes in socialization skills for Asperger's and related diagnoses. Communication Works in Oakland 510-639-2929, - is a reputable resource I highly recommend you connect with! Their helpful staff offer services designed to assist your son also. My family is benefitting greatly with the help of CW. I encourage you to contact them asap. Feel free to email me also, if you'd like. I welcome it. Liz
I am forgetting whether the person with Asperger's seeking friends mentioned whether they were male or female, but Helmut Relinger, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist in Berkeley who provides cognitive behavioral therapy for teenagers and young men, and his offerings include social skill groups for individuals with Asperger's. I have heard him talk about his groups, and I believe he emphasizes having clients organize and meet up for casual activities in the community together. Good luck! Anonymous
I've been hesitant to reply to this, but here goes...
I'm a 43 year old professionally diagnosed male Aspie. The ''professionally diagnosed'' part is important because self diagnosis is very fashionable these days (''Sometimes uncomfortable at parties? That's totally me.'') Professionally guided classes and groups that help you to function with NTs (NT = Neurotypical = not Aspergers) that are not willing or able to meet you and your Aspergers halfway are important and useful, but if you are looking to expand your social network, they may even be a bad thing.
Deeper friendships with NTs are perfectly possible. I'm married to an NT and we have an excellent relationship and a lovely 12 month old daughter. It is, however, very important that you be able to be yourself around them and make sure that they understand you sooner rather than later. No matter how much cognitive training you take, it will always be a layer on top. Give NTs some credit for ability to ''get'' Aspies if you are up front about it. They're better at it than you think.
There are Adult Asperger groups run by Aspies here and there (one meets in the SF main library). Rich
Lookng for support grp for parents of aspergers youth
June 2009
I am looking for other parents with children or adolescents with Aspergers ( or other nuerological challenges). I am interested both in something on line as well as meeting other parents. I am interested in developing some support and community. mom of nuero diverse youth
Hi, What a great idea. I live in Berkeley and have a 9 yr old son with Aspergers. It is very mild and almost imperceptible. The Doctor who diagnosed warned that that had its own problem because kids don't see it at first and then his love of facts and sometimes mildly ''off'' comments and answers to questions make him easy to tease. He is very bright and a sponge for knowledge and reading and facts. Also athletic and musical. But few friends his own age. I would be interested in finding other similar children and their families. Anyone else out there with a similar child? amydc
There is a parent support group for parents of kids with Aspergers and related disorders that meets monthly in Walnut Creek at the Barnes & Noble. There are many, many other support groups and agencies, and you will find references to them on that site too. That site has MANY resources assembled by local mom Karra Barber, who is a force of nature and wonderful resource for us all. good luck and good for you for reaching out for more support. - Nancy
My cousin has a support group in Oakland that sounds like something you might want to try. Her contact information is: Oakland Hills Parent Support Group: Laura Stritzel: Laura2562 [at] There is also a list of other support groups on our website at Hope this helps! Warm Regards, Elizabeth
Support for parents of Asperger teens & young adults?
Feb 2008
Does anyone know of a support group for parents of Asperger's teens and young adults? Thanks. Parent of newly diagnosed young adult
There's a public support group at the Barnes & Noble in Walnut Creek for parents of autism spectrum children every month, usually with very good speakers. It's a great place to connect with other parents who are without a doubt your best resource for learning more about how to help your child. Here's the url for their website: Although this group mostly draws families of younger children, often with more severe symptoms, it's nonetheless a great place to pick up leads. Hope that helps. Aspie mom
There is a fantastic support group for parents of Aspergers young adults and teens after high school that meets about once a month at The Springstone School in Lafayette, 1035 Carol Lane (on the site of Our Savior's Lutheran Church). The next meeting is Monday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. The group is free and includes a core of compassionate, intelligent and savvy parents who have helped me more, as the parent of an Aspergers son, than any physician, speech therapist or neuropsychologist around. I always make the trip through the tunnel from my home in Oakland for these meetings. You might also be interested in an upcoming all day workshop on ''Post-High School Transition Planning for Young Adults with Aspergers, NLD and other Neurocognitive Deficits,'' to be held at Orion Academy in Moraga on April 12. See the flyer at:
My heart goes out to you. Aspie Mom
Asperger's support group?
July 2003
Looking for Asperger's support group in local East Bay. Any leads? thanks much
Try contacting the Learning Disabilities Association, East Bay Branch. You can reach them on the web. Good luck. Linda
I have a 6.5 yr old, who fits the PDA profile of Autism, and I’d be happy to meet up (my kid too). We live in North Oakland.
I’m also an OT and I’m tapped into some resources, and always interested in sharing and learning from others…
Hi! I'm an autistic mom of 2 autistic kids ages 8 and 5 who sound very similar to yours :) Would love to chat; feel free to email me and we can find a time to meet up in person or chat on the phone. I'm in West Contra Costa/Pinole.