Severance Pay for Nannies

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Parting gift for nanny

Sept 2012

We are parting ways with our beloved nanny of 3 years and are at a loss for how to express our gratitude. I plan to write her a nice letter but would also like to get her some sort of gift. But, what kind of gift do you give someone who has helped raise your child?? Would love some tips from other folks who have gone through this process. Thanks! Kat

We gave our nanny cash and a small photo book with pictures of our child throughout the time she cared for him. anon

Lots of cash (not a check) and a very thoughtful card with a small framed photo of your child with her. Anon

Our nanny has been with us over 7 years and just left since our youngest just started daycare. As a goodbye gift we gave her some money and I created a Shutterfly book with our children and her over the past 7 years. She loved it! Jessica

Hi Kat - We gave our nanny of 3 years a book of photos (we used our iPhoto on our Mac, but there are a number of self-publishing photo book options like Snapfish or Blurb and many others) along with text. We inscribed it with what you'd likely want to put in the letter you mentioned, and then we filled it of pictures of her with our child. She loved it. It's a sentimental gift, plus a good ''portfolio'' for her to show to prospective families. We even asked her to take some photos towards the end of her term of service, not telling her what they were for, but just to have documentation of all the places she took our son. photo mom

My nanny greatly appreciated severance pay of one week's pay per year worked ! She's still my close friend.

We've had a couple changes in nannies over the years, as well as their birthdays, Christmases, etc... We have always had rather young nannies who were saving up money for all sorts of things and often did not have too big of a budget to spend on unnecessarities. While my husband has always argued for giving money, I have always found that too impersonal, and have preferred to find a gift that reminds them that they have a life outside of taking care of our kids while trying to give something that they might long for but would not buy for themselves (we usually end up doing a mix of both, money AND gift). Favorites are Marc Jacobs bags (clutches I should say), Leigh & Luca scarves, Creed perfume, or beautiful jewelry from Pimlico Place on Piedmont Ave in Oakland. So far, we've had no complaints Have Fun Shopping

Goodbye Gift for Nanny

Sept 2005

It is time for us to say a fond farewell to our nanny, who currently cares for our daughter with another child three days per week. Our daughter is starting preschool in the fall and it is an amiable parting. We want to give her a goodbye gift, and her husband suggested a gift certificate for the Gap. I am wondering if other people give parting gifts to nannies (we like her a lot), what they give (cash or gifts?) and for about how much. Thanks for the advice

When our nanny left our employ we gave her a cash bonus (I think equivalent to 1/2 mos. pay but I honestly can't remember - it's been a while) and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers in a vase. I felt money would be most useful to her, to spend as she chose, but I wanted her to also have a traditional gift that let her know how much we cherished her. Amy

Meaningful gift for departing nanny

Nov 2004

My family is moving out of state so we will be leaving our nanny- share situation. We have been using our nanny for the past 16 months and my daughter truly loves her. She is amazing with my daughter and the other little boy whom we share her with. Obviously I am feeling sad and somewhat guilty over taking my 18- month old daughter away from a situation in which she is completely thriving in, but our decision to move is based on many factors (mostly to be closer to grandparents).

I want to get our nanny a gift or do something special for her to show our appreciation. English is not her first language, so I don't know how much she understands when I verbalize to her how much she means to us. Any suggestions on a meaningful gift? I know she probably mostly needs money, so maybe that would be best, but to me it seems inpersonal. Also, should I do some kind of farewell dinner, or just pick her up on the final day and say good-bye? Finally, Is there someway to prepare my daughter for this major change in her life? She is losing her nanny (who she often asks for by name), her best friend (the little boy whom we share with), moving out of her home to a new and unfamiliar place, and getting a new sibling all within a few months. I appreciate any responses. felicia

When we moved away from our nanny of 4 years, I made a photo album for her and gave her a pair of earrings. I invited her over to say good-bye and we gave her the gifts, drawings, hugs and tears. It is very hard to say good-bye and to make a big change. Like all changes, you and your little will be sad and then it will get better with time. Good luck! becky

I think you can do something that is very personal that is not expensive, like give your nanny a framed picture of her and your daughter, or a framed piece of art that your daughter made, or a typed list of all the nice things your daughter has said about her over the years, or some sort of corny thing where you spell out your nanny's name and for each letter you make a word that describes how you value her/her character. And then when you give her the personal item you also give your nanny *cash*. I really do believe that most nannies would much prefer cash to expensive gifts of another type. I know friends who got their nanny a day pass and massage at the Claremont and the nanny was so bummed. She would have much rather had the $200 to spend on her family, or herself, in a way that she could choose. Another gift is to carefully write your nanny a strong formal recommendation letter that she can take with her on job interviews in the future (even if she has already set up her next job, she can still use it in the future), and make yourself super available as a reference. Give the gift that keeps on giving...