Ski & Snowboarding Trips for Teens

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Charter trips to Tahoe for snowboarding teen?

Jan 2003

My son has an interest in snowboarding, yet we aren't always able to get him up there as often as he would like. Are there any teen groups in the East Bay who plan ski/snowboard trips to the Tahoe area? Any groups that sponsor charter buses for day trips from the East Bay? roxanne

The Recreation Connection offers day trips to the Sierra for teens, adults, and families. Cost is pretty reasonable, about $80, and that includes a lift ticket. They're also known as the Bay Area Ski Bus. Their Web site gives all the details. Maureen

Orinda Community center organizes different Saturday trips to the snow. Drop off , pick up is at Walnut Creek Bart though very early(4:30 or so) in the morning. The cost is I believe $79.00 a person including lift ticket but not equipement rental. The phone number to register is 925 254-2445 , for questions call 253-4204. There is also a more expensive Blue Angels Snowboarding Program-5 Saturdays with instruction included for $599.00. The number to call for more info is 925 939-7669 or the same registration number above. Happy snowboarding! Xenija

For the parent looking for ski trips for teens, the Bay Area Ski Bus has regular day trips for adults and teens. jamie

One-day trip for teen to go snowboarding?

Nov 2002

Does anyone know of any outfits that take people up to the snow for snowboarding/skiing for one day only. My teenager wants to go snowboarding this Monday , a school holiday, (this request is for future reference) with his friends but I don't want him to drive himself for probably obvious reasons. Joan

Excellent source is the website ''Bay Area Ski Bus'' - lots of options. ccwhit

Supervised Ski Trips for Teens


There are some skiing clubs that offer trips for kids, and some of the ski shops do, also. There's a ski shop in Concord or Clayton called OogaBooga that has trips - my daughter went on one last year with a bunch of her friends that live out there. I think that the ski shop in Lafayette (can't remember the name, its in the shopping center with Safeway and Albertson's) does trips, also. Check the WWWeb? Nancy