Pottery & Ceramic Classes

Parent Q&A

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  • Hi~

    I'm looking for a class in Oakland or closer in SF, affordable, friendly & accessible for a 14 year old. Ceramics. Thank you!


    Check out The Crucible in Oakland.

    Kids-n-Clay in Berkeley also has some teen classes and they're definitely friendly and accessible.


    Try Studio One in Oakland.  It's a city facility, so less expensive than most other venues, though many of the teachers are the same.  There are several afternoon classes aimed at teenagers.  Downside: ceramics classes fill up very fast.  The next sign-up, I believe, is Feb. 12, and some of the classes will fill up that day.

    UC Berkeley art studio has classes, though I don't know the age requirements.

  • Does anyone know of any places that offers pottery / ceramic classes for teenagers. I am looking for a class that includes instruction? Ideally, its an ongoing class for at least 3 month or more. 

    Thank you

    Try RedOx Clay Studio in Concord. The classes aren't specifically for teens but there are evening classes as well as daytime.

Archived Q&A and Reviews

Pottery for mom and daughter

July 2007

My 7 year old daughter and I are interested in taking a ceramics class together. We want to learn how to use a potters wheel. Are there any classes in Berkeley/Oakland for adults and kids together? Lisa

There's a GREAT drop-in studio (also offer classes) in West Berkeley: ''Brushstrokes Studio'', located at 745 Page St, bet. 4th and 5th Sts in Berkeley (close to the 4th St. Shopping District). see: http://www.brushstrokestudio.com/ (I made my daughter a b'day present there anon

Clay sculpting or pottery for adults

June 2004

My friend and I are looking for a clay sculpting or pottery class in the Oakland Park Ave/Lincoln Heights or Berkeley area. Hoping to find one on Wed. nights. We are beginners, not rich, and just want a creative, fun experience. Any recommendations? Caron

I took a beginners pottery class at UC Berkeley Art Studio. not for students only. it teaches you the basics and you can use the studio when there are no classes to practice on your own. check out their web site: http://www.asucartstudio.org/pages/ceramics.html have fun! Roni

May 2001

Re: pottery class for teens

The Albany Arts Gallery (on Solano Ave. at Masonic) offers ceramics classes for both beginning and intermediate level students, who are taught slab, wheel and sculpting.

They are small classes (maximum 8 students). They are not teen-specific classes but very teen friendly. My daughter, 14, has taken them during the school year and during the summer.

The sessions (2 weeks each) for this summer are: June 19 - 29, July 17 - 27, Aug. 7 - 17
For more information, call: 526-9558


In response to the Oct. 5th request for afterschool parent-child pottery class, I recommend Dianne Stockler. She offers afterschool classes and holiday workshops at her Berkeley home studio. I've done parent-child pottery classes with 2 of my sons, one at a time, when they were 8-12 y.o. We all enjoyed it and appreciated learning and creating together. Dianne can be reached at 849-3654. Celia (Oct 2000)

Ceramic Classes for Adults

I took an evening class at Piedmont Adult School that was very good and not expen sive. The teacher actually was able to teach me how to center on a wheel, which had elu ded me up to that point. This was a while ago, so I don't know if the class is still available.
Susan (5/99)

Re adult beginning ceramics classes: try Studio One in Oakland. It's a city facility, and they have lots of classes. Summer schedule is just about to come out. Classes fill fast. Montclair Rec Center may offer adult ceramics sometimes. Piedmont Adult School also. All phone numbers are in phone book.
Linda (5/99)