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Here are a few tips to get you started:
* POST A MESSAGE: Your post will be published for 30 days and will be included in the next Childcare & Household Services newsletter, mailed on Sundays. For suggestions on what to write in your post, see "Hints for posting a message."
* PARENTS SEEKING HOUSEHOLD SERVICES: View messages from parents who are looking for a household service provider in the household services listing. To respond to a parent, scroll to the end of their post for the contact link.
* YOUR ACCOUNT: Click "my account" at the top of any page when you are logged in. On your account page you will see a list of all your posts and their status. You can unpublish your post by clicking the title. If you want to change your username, email address, password, or change the newsletters you receive, click the 'Edit my account' tab.
Thank you for being a part of our community!