BPN offers a reduced subscription rate to certain types of small local businesses that would like to announce their services for kids or parents.
- Artists, authors, musicians, and children's performers (see FAQ for Performers)
- Individuals who teach or tutor specific subjects in person, one-on-one (see FAQ for Tutors & Teachers)
- Individuals offering personal services in person, one-on-one such as doulas, organizers, photographers, and personal chefs
Exceptions: Businesses that provide one-on-one advising, coaching, or counseling or provide online services only, or meet BPN's definition of "private professional practices" must subscribe at the full business rate.
To Subscribe: Choose the "small business" subscription on the Subscribe form.
Fees: see Current Subscription Fees for Community Subscribers
What are the benefits of subscribing as a business?
- Ability to post every 30 days to the Announcements and Events listings on our website for one year. These posts are available to the public. New posts are included in a weekly Announcements newsletter emailed to our subscribers.
- A profile page on our website that you can edit, that contains information about your business, a link to your own website, and any of your current announcements. Parents who subscribe to BPN can post reviews of you directly to your profile page.
- You will be included in relevant listings on our website, such as "Doulas."
- Tutors and teachers: your business subscription also gives you access to post in the Tutor and Teacher Listing.
For more information about subscribing to BPN, see About Community Subscriptions. For more information about how to use your business subscription see How to Publicize Your Programs & Services on BPN