City of Berkeley Public Health: Fatherhood Initiative Spring Cohort
All Ages
What: Fatherhood Initiative Support Group
When: Saturdays, March 8th – April 5th, 2025 from 10:30am – 12:30pm
Where: Berkeley Public Library Central Branch, 2090 Kittredge St., 3 Fl Community Meeting Room, Berkeley, CA 94704
Why: This is a unique space and opportunity for fathers and father figures to connect, share experiences, receive support, and celebrate fatherhood!
-Gift cards
-Food We provide a tasty lunch and refreshments at each meeting
-Raffle prize Earn a raffle ticket for each meeting you attend (Prize raffled at the end of our last class)
-Child friendly environment Bring your kids with you!
-Conversations Discuss fatherhood topics with other fathers and father figures
-Share your experience and best practices
-Learn from other fathers and father figures
-Earn a Fatherhood Initiative T-shirt or beanie, and other Fatherhood Initiative merch for participating in groups
-FREE this program is totally free; we just ask for your time and participation
Who’s eligible: Fathers or father figures who spend time in Berkeley (ex. Live, work, play, or pray in Berkeley CA.) If this sounds like you, then go ahead and register using the information below.
Registration: You can register online through this link:
Or you can call (510) 981-5350 and ask to register.