Disclaimer & Usage


The Berkeley Parents Network (BPN) is a volunteer-run, grass-roots, shared resource for parents in the San Francisco Bay Area. All of the advice, recommendations and other messages that appear on our website were contributed by BPN subscribers. We do not screen our subscribers: anyone can join the BPN simply by filling out a form online, affirming they are a local parent, and providing an email address.

We have no way to guarantee the accuracy, truth or the helpfulness of any of the messages that appear on our website. Outdated or erroneous information and biased opinions inevitably occur. Please be aware that we cannot be responsible for inaccuracies or problems that may arise from its use. We do not have the resources to investigate problems that may arise from your use of this information. Please always use other sources in conjunction with the BPN before making important decisions about your family, and always check references for yourself before hiring someone recommended by a BPN member.

Using content from the Berkeley Parents Network

The Berkeley Parents Network website is made available for all to read. You may use it under the provisions of our Creative Commons license, details at the link below. In general, you may read BPN, link to it, copy it, distribute it, and transmit it for any non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the Berkeley Parents Network (berkeleyparentsnetwork.org). Please ask us first before you re-package it, change it, or build upon it, or if your use is commercial. Click "Contact Us" below to contact us.

Creative Commons License 
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.