Thank you for subscribing to Berkeley Parents Network!
Automatic renewal: Your subscription automatically renews every year at this time using the payment method you specified on Paypal. If you don't want automatic renewal, please login now to and cancel automatic payments to BPN.
How to publicize your business on BPN:
- Your profile page
- When you post, you'll be asked for your profile page. Type this: ______
- Update your profile page here: _______
- You can ask clients who are BPN subscribers to post a review of you at that link.
- When you post, you'll be asked for your profile page. Type this: ______
- Create a post for one of our listings, such as Services for Families or Kids' Classes, Groups, Teams & Tutors or Parent Workshops & Groups. To post: click 'Post a message' on our website and then 'Post an Announcement' or go directly to this form. Your post, once approved, will be published for 30 days in the listing you posted to. It will also be displayed on your profile page. You can post again after it expires.
- Post in Household Services: Your post will be published for 30 days and will be included in the next Childcare & Household Services newsletter, mailed on Sundays. For suggestions on what to write in your post, see "Hints for posting a message"
- Parents Seeking Household Services: View messages from parents who are looking for a household service provider in the household services listing. To respond to a parent, scroll to the end of their post for the contact link.
- Holding a kid-friendly event such as a performance or sporting event? Post to our event calendar under Kid-Friendly Events. Click 'Post a message' on our website and then 'Post an Event' or go directly to this form. Your post will be added to the events listing once it's been approved, and it will also be displayed on your profile page until the date has passed.
- Newsletters: The weekly Announcements newsletter, mailed on Friday, automatically includes new announcements submitted during the past week as well as upcoming events for the next week. If you target teens or preteens, check the box "Include in Teens" so your post will also be included in a Parents of Teens newsletter (mailed on Monday.) Post by Thursday afternoon to appear in the next newsletter. Note your announcement or event will appear in a newsletter only once, although it will continue to be published on our website until it expires, as explained above.
- Read our guides: